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Re: A couple questions

Magnus Kronhamn wrote:

> > > Also I am wondering if people play Wizard classes effectively.  I have
> > > always used a barbarian/warrior when I've played but am experimenting with a
> > > Magic User type.  Can these types effectively kill something like a big
> > > demon or a big wizard?  I don't see how they can.
> >
> > big demon and big wizards are usually killed with bombs. I haven't found
> > anything else usefull except my dagger that kills one with one hit. especially
> > big wizards are immune for almost all spells and as a matter of fact there are
> > no powerfull high level spells that work for tougher monsters like dragons etc.
> > it's just bombs, bombs and more bombs...
> dragons mightv been a bad example as they are easily taken out with
> standard spells of the element they dont like, ie cold spells for
> red dragons and fire for the others.
> and to clarify the the dagger part there, ones you get a bit of spellpower
> with your wizard its quite easy to boost your fighting stats up too 30
> which makes you just as good at fighting as a fighter-type...

that is true but it is really a lack in gameplay since if you want to get to real
dead-machine the only way is to get a weapon to improve stats to 30 and then raise
physic levels to get wc less than -100. just go try emptying dragon hangar with only
spells . it is quite impossible even with 70 level magician. In the game there are
currently a lot of spells but most of them are low level and useless in tough
situations. what we need is moving some of those low level spells to higher levels (
20-80 ) and making them more powerfull. one thing i wonder is the summon pet monsters
spell. why does it stop improving after level 20 or something?... I hope we can make
some way possible pure high level deadly wizards that don't need to be 100 level
physical to survive. some protective spells and more limitations to weapon usage.
what I would like to see is like Raistlin, Dalamar and other archimages in Krynn...

Kimmo Hoikka | +358(0)4245050505
EPOC Software engineer | Digia Oy |