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Re: CF: Cone spells for electricity

I already consider electric dragons among the worst threats.
Being in a lightning bolt is NO fun at all.  My characters fall to electric
dragons more often than to the others, and it is the lightning bolts
from skulls which make me fall dead.

Anyway, I would prefer not to see complete congruence between all the
attacks.  Right now, electricity is pretty different in style between
itself and the other attacks.  Ball lightning is surprisingly deadly,
and it too is not a spell I like to see turned against me.

If the consensus is that we *need* a cone-like spell, I'd rather see
a forked-lightning spell than a true cone spell.


> I would really, REALLY, like to implement a cone spell for electricity, for 
> electric dragons etc to cast.
> What I am looking for really is something equivalent to burning hands/icestor
> I know what face I would use (ball lightning), but I have no idea how to star
> putting in a new spell, let alone giving it to a creature/group of creatures.
> Can anyone help?
> How does everyone feel about a "cone of electricity" spell? It would certainl
> make electric creatures more dangerous.
> What should it be called?
> "cone of static electricity"
> "electrical storm"
> "cone of shocking" Or similar?
> I would like to give electric dragons in particular something a bit more
> powerful e.g "Electric dragon breath"
> Johnc & Co.
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