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Re: CF: Cone spells for electricity

Mark Wedel wrote:

> John Cater wrote:
> > I would really, REALLY, like to implement a cone spell for electricity, for
> > electric dragons etc to cast.
> > What I am looking for really is something equivalent to burning hands/icestorm
>  Implementation should be fairly easy - I believe the cone spell logic is fairly
> abstract, so extending it with another type should be pretty easy.
>  I don't have a problem with this being an ability monsters can have, but I
> don't like the idea of players having it.
>  Right now, electricty is one of the more difficult attack types to get immunity
> against.  If given to players, the need/desire for immunities for this will
> likely increase, which will decrease the effectiveness of lightning spells in
> general.

isnt' that quite the opposite since crossfire is not players against players. if a
player has it why would it increase the desire for him to
get protected against himself? if an electric dragon has a cone of electricity then
you would have to get protection before attacking elec dragons. My opinion is that
if some spell is in the game it should be obtainable for both monsters and the
players. it could be a high level spell... lightning storm, lev(30) or something. if
we think magic as an ability then why should the monsters have some knowledge in it
that players can't obtain?

>  The other point is that I don't really want to see all the different attacktype
> with the same attack forms - I think it is more interesting if the attack types
> are different.  Having cone, bolt, and explosive ball spells of all the
> different attacktypes would reduce some of the uniqueness.  I think it would
> also reduce gameplay - if you have all the same variations of all the spell
> types, it becomes a simple matter when you encounter some creatures which
> element you use.  But, if for example, your choice was fireball, cone of cold,
> or lightning bolt, you may need to at least think a little bit which one will
> work best.

the choice is and should be which element works best against which monsters. not
which shape of spells I have. ofcourse the shape of the area the monsters are also
restricts the use of some spells. I really don't think that larger amount of choises
would reduce gameplay... if so then we would have best gameplay with say 10
different spells or?

we just have to make it a little bit harder to obtain all those spells so you would
not have too many at low levels but still have something to search for in the higher
levels. we also have to update the monsters currently in the game since the new
spells aren't that usefull. for example those mana spells seem quite ineffective.
all the monsters they work against can be dealt with fire or cold also as easily.
maybe some monsters should be made vulnerable for those or not so resistant (big
wizards, cyclops etc)

.w w w. h o i k k a .c o m.
.+ 3 5 8 4 0 7 3 8 0 7 4 7.
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