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Re: CF: Opinions please?

On Thu, 8 Jun 2000, Doug wilder wrote:

> What do you think is the best character class in the game?

This is like a difficult question, I can tell you classes to avoid if your
a beginning player:

quazicoltal(dragon), fireborn, monk, wraith. Note being able to wear armor
or weld weapons is a _BIG_ disadvantage for high level characters 30+ 
thus the monk looks good, mediation makes magic spell really deadly for
even mid level characters, rucksacks are great containers.. But without
someone to play fighter against some things, a monk is deadmeat. If
your playing as a group though monks are good, but most people don't play
as a group. I suspect the wraiths are pain to get started and are not too
bad once you get certain things, spells/skills. Haven't played them.

For starting charaters I think that dwarf, viking, and human make good

-- Chris Lusena
Department of Computer Science     Office: 141 ASTeCC
773 Anderson Hall                  Phone: 859-257-9348
University of Kentucky             Fax: 859-323-1971 
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