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Just an idea....(I gotta lot of those)

I dont know if this has been addressed before, but i think this would be a
neat idea:

The spell 'magic mapping' is VERY useful, upon being cast, a new window pops
up (this is w/ the Win32 client, havnt cast it in linux or others, so i dont
know how its displayed) with a map of the surrounding area. I was thinking
maybe (since there are so many open spaces on the screen (for players), there
could be a place where a 'mini map' could be displayed somewhere on the
clients (if the person doesnt have the spell or hasnt cast it, then an open
space), and with this, some sort of timed spell casting could be integrated
into crossfire, some command that allows commands to be activated with a time
argument, so when a player types(remember, this is just an idea):

every 10 invoke magic mapping

every 10 seconds, the spell magic mapping is readied then cast. With this
would also have to be some command that would display all timed commands and
another command that would delete timed commands. This could be very useful if
the player is in a big fight, and before the fight he typed:

every 10 invoke major healing


every 10 invoke restoration

just an idea, and if this has already been implemented, and i just missed the
command, please tell me.

ALSO: This has nothin do with this, but on the website, the obsolete commands
should be removed from the list, and I was thinking that someone shd put in a
javascript chat program on real-time, allowing developers, or just players
talking about problems theyve had or suggestions, or just talking.... just an