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Re: CF: animate_weapon() fixes

Did you cast several spells in a row?  Did your Mana hit a negative

I ask this because I used to cast Comet several times in a row, and then
regenerate all my Mana, then my food status bar would "catch up" so fast
it would kill my character - from starvation.

- Rick Tanner

On Tue, 13 Jun 2000, Norbert Irmer wrote:

> Another thing:
> When using the plain X11 cfclient I once died without any reason as it
> seemed. This was very strange, so I went back to the location where
> this happened, and the grave stone said that I had starved.
> Perhaps it was my fault, I am not sure, but I rather think the client
> didn't display the right food status (or the server sent a wrong one)