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Re: Just noticed that you added a #def for triple damage

> Admittedly, without the damage tripling, the cones are a good deal 

Remember that I set the spellpoint cost of the cone spells with
the strange tripling accounted for.  You weaken the damage/sp of
cone spells without weaking the bolt or the ball spells' damage/sp.
This throws things out of whack.

If you cut the damage, you should also cut the sp cost.

Also, many people have said that mages are too weak, few
have said that they are too strong:  I am therefore unsure that
we need to "fix" this, though I'm not against a #ifdef weakening
cones so long as it's not default.

> I've been running with the weakened cones for quite some time now, and 
> this hasn't really gotten more than some minor grumbling from my 
> players (or from me about my own characters).  Holy word is the only 
> cone spell that seems underpowered at this point, the level 1 

I think holy word should be enhanced anyway, with or without your
damage tripling, and the Wis bonus reduced, so that a higher baseline
allows "weaker" clerics to advance.

> As for modifying the cone patch to exhibit that intensity variation: 
> okay, I guess I could manage that, but I might have to tear apart 
> ok_to_put_more() and use an extra variable in the cone objects.

If it requires too much hoop jumping, it's not worth bothering with.
Your code is enough of an improvement as it is.  If you can do this
without too much trouble, though, I encourage you to do it.
