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Re: CF: Beware of triggers!

On Fri, May 26, 2000 at 12:18:59PM +0200, Jan Echternach wrote:
> The patch has been applied to the CVS tree.  That means that the following
> maps are now broken when using the current CVS version.

John Cater has fixed most maps.  The remaining maps are

/city/misc/mercenaries (dangerous!)

/city/towers/tower.mad2 (? now only works with two players)
(I think there should be at least a sign telling newbies that they
can't complete this map alone.  Or triggers replaced with handles.)

(I still don't know pupland very well.)

(There are creators that create an improvement potions twice - is this
intended behaviour?  BTW, there are also creators with other_arch
potion_improv and slaying firebrand, creating improvement potions with
the name "firebrand".)

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