Table of Contents

Download & Installation

  1. Download TortoiseSVN from:

  2. After consulting the suggestion(s) listed on the Download page, select a (32-bit or 64-bit) of TortoiseSVN to download

  3. Select a download location from one of the SourceForge mirrors

  4. Save the file locally

  5. Wait for the download to complete

  6. Whe the download has finished, click on Open

  7. Click on OK in the warning window

  8. Click on Next in the TortoiseSVN Setup window

  9. Read through the License Agreement - if you agree, select I accept the terms in the License Agreement and click on Next

  10. Click on Next in the Custom Setup window

  11. Click on Install in the Ready to Install window

  12. Wait for the install to complete

  13. Click on Finish when TortoiseSVN is done installing

  14. You will now need to reboot your computer; when ready to proceed, click on Yes

Initial SVN Checkout

  1. Launch TortoiseSVN by click on Start -> Programs -> TortoiseSVN -> TotoiseSVN

  2. Click on OK in the alert Window

  3. Windows Explorer should now be launched

  4. Create a directory (aka folder) to save and store all the maps (example name: maps)

  5. Right click on that newly created folder and select TortoiseSVN -> Create repository here...

  6. A new popup window will appear asking you to select the type of repository, choose Native filesystem (FSFS) and click on OK

  7. Another popup should appear showing that The Repository was successfully created, click on OK

  8. Right click on that same folder (ex: maps) and select TortoiseSVN -> Export... - this will allow you to download the mapset from SVN

  9. In the popup window, enter in the following information:

    1. URL of the repository: svn co

    2. Export directory: </path/to/the/directory/you/created>/maps

    3. Revision: HEAD revision

    4. Click on OK

  10. A new window will show the download progress and status, this may take a while

  11. When the download is finished, click on OK

  12. You have now used SVN to check out the latest branch version of the Crossfire mapset