- 2009-02-06 07:16 akirschbaum
- [r11340] armour/mail/mithril_ar_ele.arc, armour/mail/mithril_ar_ele.face, monster/animal/panther.arc, monster/animal/panther.face, monster/demon/devil.arc, monster/demon/devil.face, monster/elemental/Para/para_light.arc, monster/elemental/Para/para_lightning.face, monster/elemental/elem_fire.arc, monster/elemental/elem_water.arc, monster/elemental/fire_elemental.face, monster/elemental/water_elemental.face, monster/humanoid/Elf/elf_1.arc, monster/humanoid/Elf/elf_1.face, monster/humanoid/Guard/knight.arc, monster/humanoid/Guard/knight.face, monster/insect/ant/war_ant.arc, monster/insect/ant/war_ant.face, monster/troll/small_troll.face, monster/troll/smalltroll.arc, monster/undead/grimreaper.arc, monster/undead/grimreaper.face, spell/Bullet/vitriol.arc, spell/Bullet/vitriol_splash.face Fix animation related problems.
- 2009-02-04 22:09 akirschbaum
- [r11339] armour/helmet/wiz_hat.arc, armour/helmet/wiz_hat.face Fix 'Object lacks animation.' error for sorcerer_hat archetype.
- 2009-02-02 22:16 akirschbaum
- [r11318] CHANGES Move anim...mina blocks and magicmap and visibility fields into .face files.
- 2009-02-01 20:17 akirschbaum
- [r11314] player/class/Religious/cleric.arc, player/class/Religious/cleric_class.face, player/class/Religious/monk.arc, player/class/Religious/monk_class.face, player/class/Religious/paladin.arc, player/class/Religious/paladin_class.face, player/class/Religious/priest.arc, player/class/Religious/priest_class.face, player/class/Thief/ninja.arc, player/class/Thief/ninja_class.face, player/class/Thief/thief.arc, player/class/Thief/thief_class.face, player/class/Warrior/Dwarf/dwarf_class.face, player/class/Warrior/Dwarf/mountain_dwarf.arc, player/class/Warrior/barbarian.arc, player/class/Warrior/barbarian_class.face, player/class/Warrior/mage.arc, player/class/Warrior/mage_class.face, player/class/Warrior/swashbuckl.arc, player/class/Warrior/swashbuckler_class.face, player/class/Warrior/warlock.arc, player/class/Warrior/warlock_class.face, player/class/Warrior/warrior.arc, player/class/Warrior/warrior_class.face, player/class/Wizardry/alchemist.arc, player/class/Wizardry/alchemist_class.face, player/class/Wizardry/evoker_class.face, player/class/Wizardry/sorcerer_class.face, player/class/Wizardry/wizard_class.arc, player/class/Wizardry/wizard_class.face, player/race/dwarf_p.arc, player/race/dwarf_player.face, player/race/elf.arc, player/race/elf_player.face, player/race/fenx.arc, player/race/fenx_player.face, player/race/fireborn.arc, player/race/fireborn_player.face, player/race/gnome_p.arc, player/race/gnome_player.face, player/race/halfling.arc, player/race/halfling_player.face, player/race/human.arc, player/race/human_player.face, player/race/northman.arc, player/race/northman_player.face, player/race/pl_half_orc.arc, player/race/pl_half_orc.face, player/race/quetzalcoatl.arc, player/race/quetzalcoatl_player.face, player/race/serpentman.arc, player/race/serpentman_player.face, player/race/troll_player.arc, player/race/troll_player.face, player/race/wraith_player.face, player/race/wraithp.arc Add explicit animations for player races and classes.
- 2009-01-19 10:03 lalo
- [r11191] CHANGES, exit/Up_down/cave_stair_up_2.arc, gods/demihumans/gnarg_avatar.arc, gods/demihumans/lythander_avatar.arc, gods/demihumans/mostrai_avatar.arc, gods/elemental/gaea_avatar.arc, gods/elemental/ixalovh_avatar.arc, gods/elemental/ruggilli_avatar.arc, gods/elemental/sorig_avatar.arc, gods/items/valkyrie_amulet_lifesave.arc, gods/supernatural/devourers_avatar.arc, gods/supernatural/gorokh_avatar.arc, gods/supernatural/valriel_avatar.arc, monster/acid/acid_pool.arc, monster/acid/acidsphere.arc, monster/acid/bpudding.arc, monster/acid/greenslime.arc, monster/acid/rustmonste.arc, monster/acid/slime.arc, monster/acid/slimecrawler/slimecrawler.arc, monster/angel/angel.arc, monster/angel/angelknight.arc, monster/angel/cherub.arc, monster/angel/holyghost.arc, monster/angel/liteangel.arc, monster/angel/mesangel.arc, monster/angel/whim.arc, monster/animal/Bear/bear.arc, monster/animal/Bear/polarbear.arc, monster/animal/Behemoth/behemoth.arc, monster/animal/Dog/dog.arc, monster/animal/Dog/mastif.arc, monster/animal/Dog/pup.arc, monster/animal/Neko/neko.arc, monster/animal/Wolf/dwolf.arc, monster/animal/Wolf/dwolf_sire.arc, monster/animal/Wolf/wolf.arc, monster/animal/ape.arc, monster/animal/bat.arc, monster/animal/bat_gen.arc, monster/animal/bird.arc, monster/animal/bird_gen.arc, monster/animal/cobra.arc, monster/animal/farmyard/chicken.arc, monster/animal/farmyard/goose.arc, monster/animal/farmyard/sheep.arc, monster/animal/fungus.arc, monster/animal/giant_bat.arc, monster/animal/gryphon/gryphon.arc, monster/animal/mouse.arc, monster/animal/mouse_gen.arc, monster/animal/panther.arc, monster/animal/panthergen.arc, monster/animal/scorpi_gen.arc, monster/animal/scorpion.arc, monster/animal/shadowtiger/shadowpup.arc, monster/animal/snake.arc, monster/beholder/behold_gen.arc, monster/beholder/beholder.arc, monster/beholder/beholder_leader_arc.arc, monster/beholder/dread.arc, monster/chaos/liv_chaos.arc, monster/demon/Big_Demon/big_demon.arc, monster/demon/Demon_Lord/demon_lord.arc, monster/demon/bone_head.arc, monster/demon/devil.arc, monster/demon/devil_gen.arc, monster/demon/fiend.arc, monster/demon/imp.arc, monster/demon/medium_demon/mdemon.arc, monster/demon/raas.arc, monster/dragon/Chinese_Dra/chinese_dr.arc, monster/dragon/Dragon/dragon.arc, monster/dragon/Dragonman/dragonman.arc, monster/dragon/Electric/elec_dr.arc, monster/dragon/Hatchlings/cold_drag.arc, monster/dragon/Hatchlings/elec_drag.arc, monster/dragon/Hatchlings/fire_drag.arc, monster/dragon/WDragon/worthless_dragon.arc, monster/dragon/baby_drag.arc, monster/dragon/bone_drake/bone_drake.arc, monster/dragon/dragoncave.arc, monster/dragon/drake/drake.arc, monster/dragon/wyvern.arc, monster/elemental/Para/para_air.arc, monster/elemental/Para/para_earth.arc, monster/elemental/Para/para_fire.arc, monster/elemental/Para/para_ice.arc, monster/elemental/Para/para_lava.arc, monster/elemental/Para/para_light.arc, monster/elemental/Para/para_mud.arc, monster/elemental/Para/para_water.arc, monster/elemental/elem_air.arc, monster/elemental/elem_earth.arc, monster/elemental/elem_fire.arc, monster/elemental/elem_water.arc, monster/elemental/witch_air.arc, monster/elemental/witch_earth.arc, monster/elemental/witch_fire.arc, monster/elemental/witch_water.arc, monster/giant/Big_Wiz/big_wiz.arc, monster/giant/Titan/titan.arc, monster/giant/djinn/m_djinn.arc, monster/giant/giant.arc, monster/giant/giant_gen.arc, monster/giant/mabu.arc, monster/giant/serpent/fireserp.arc, monster/giant/serpent/serpent.arc, monster/giant/slug/slug.arc, monster/goblin/gnoll.arc, monster/goblin/gnoll_chief_arc.arc, monster/goblin/gnoll_gen.arc, monster/goblin/gnoll_leader_arc.arc, monster/goblin/goblin.arc, monster/goblin/goblin_chief_arc.arc, monster/goblin/goblin_gen.arc, monster/goblin/goblin_leader_arc.arc, monster/goblin/kobold.arc, monster/goblin/kobold_gen.arc, monster/goblin/ogre.arc, monster/goblin/ogre_chief_arc.arc, monster/goblin/ogre_gen.arc, monster/goblin/ogre_leader_arc.arc, monster/goblin/orc.arc, monster/goblin/orc_chief_arc.arc, monster/goblin/orc_gen.arc, monster/goblin/orc_leader_arc.arc, monster/humanoid/Class/conjurer.arc, monster/humanoid/Class/conjurer2.arc, monster/humanoid/Class/northman.arc, monster/humanoid/Class/pirate.arc, monster/humanoid/Class/thief_1.arc, monster/humanoid/Dwarf/lesser_dwarven_guard.arc, monster/humanoid/Elf/dark_elf.arc, monster/humanoid/Elf/dark_elf2.arc, monster/humanoid/Gnome/gnome.arc, monster/humanoid/Gnome/gnome2.arc, monster/humanoid/Human/child_thief.arc, monster/humanoid/Human/pir_lass.arc, monster/humanoid/Human/postman/postman.arc, monster/humanoid/Human/postman/postman_gen.arc, monster/humanoid/madman.arc, monster/humanoid/madman_gen.arc, monster/humanoid/pyro_gen.arc, monster/humanoid/pyromaniac.arc, monster/humanoid/siegfried.arc, monster/insect/ant.arc, monster/insect/ant/ant_egg.arc, monster/insect/ant/ant_larvae.arc, monster/insect/ant/breeder_ant.arc, monster/insect/ant/fly_ant.arc, monster/insect/ant/spit_ant.arc, monster/insect/ant/war_ant.arc, monster/insect/ant/work_ant.arc, monster/insect/ant_gen.arc, monster/insect/bee_gen.arc, monster/insect/beehive.arc, monster/insect/centipede.arc, monster/insect/centipede_r.arc, monster/insect/killerbee.arc, monster/insect/spider.arc, monster/insect/spider_gen.arc, monster/insect/xan.arc, monster/insect/xan_gen.arc, monster/misc/Baslic/baslic.arc, monster/misc/Chess/ch_knight.arc, monster/misc/Chess/ch_queen.arc, monster/misc/Chess/chess_bish.arc, monster/misc/Chess/chess_king.arc, monster/misc/Chess/chess_pawn.arc, monster/misc/Chess/chess_rook.arc, monster/misc/blob.arc, monster/misc/broo.arc, monster/misc/c_knight.arc, monster/misc/c_priest.arc, monster/misc/crawl/crawling_chaos.arc, monster/misc/dancingsword.arc, monster/misc/deathtree.arc, monster/misc/gargoyle.arc, monster/misc/lokanth/lokanth.arc, monster/misc/mudman.arc, monster/misc/pixie.arc, monster/misc/pixie_gen.arc, monster/misc/sandy.arc, monster/misc/serpmen/serp_man.arc, monster/misc/serpmen/serp_priest.arc, monster/misc/serpmen/serpman_gen.arc, monster/misc/stalker.arc, monster/misc/stalkergen.arc, monster/misc/tentacle/tentacle.arc, monster/misc/tentacle/tentacle2.arc, monster/troll/Gaelotroll/gaelotroll.arc, monster/troll/Troll/troll.arc, monster/troll/armourtroll.arc, monster/troll/smalltroll.arc, monster/undead/Skeletal_mage/skeletalmage.arc, monster/undead/banshee.arc, monster/undead/ghast.arc, monster/undead/ghost.arc, monster/undead/ghost_gen.arc, monster/undead/grimreaper.arc, monster/undead/lich.arc, monster/undead/nazgul.arc, monster/undead/nightmare.arc, monster/undead/skelet_gen.arc, monster/undead/skeleton.arc, monster/undead/skeleton_chief_arc.arc, monster/undead/skeleton_leader_arc.arc, monster/undead/skull.arc, monster/undead/skull_gen.arc, monster/undead/spectre.arc, monster/undead/vampire.arc, monster/undead/vampiregen.arc, monster/undead/wight.arc, monster/undead/wraith.arc, monster/undead/zombie.arc, monster/undead/zombie_gen.arc, planes/fire/coldmagma.arc, planes/fire/magma.arc, player/race/dwarf_p.arc, player/race/elf.arc, player/race/fenx.arc, player/race/fireborn.arc, player/race/gnome_p.arc, player/race/halfling.arc, player/race/human.arc, player/race/northman.arc, player/race/pl_dragon.arc, player/race/pl_half_orc.arc, player/race/quetzalcoatl.arc, player/race/serpentman.arc, player/race/troll_player.arc, player/race/wraithp.arc, skills/flame_touch.arc, spell/AnimateWeapon/snake_golem.arc, spell/Golem/avatar.arc, spell/Golem/golem.arc, spell/Golem/holy_servant.arc, spell/Golem/mystic_fist.arc reverted r8195 -- mwedel's combat rebalance.Not a change that I'm happy about, but we agreed we shouldn't release this untilthe corresponding spell rebalance is done.
- 2009-01-17 20:04 lalo
- [r11155] . preparing for 1.12 release
- 2008-12-29 23:06 buzzsawddog
- [r11115] Image was not 32x32 so it would cause grey around it in the image
- 2008-12-29 22:13 buzzsawddog
- [r11114] It seems that if an image is not 32x32 it fills in the extra space with gray. the image attache.base.111.png was 32x27 so i fixed the image size
- 2008-12-29 09:38 buzzsawddog
- [r11113] It seems that if an image is not 32x32 it fills in the extra space with gray. the image attache.base.111.png was 32x27 so i fixed the image size
- 2008-12-24 06:17 rjtanner
- [r11104] Changelog update for earlier commits
- 2008-12-21 02:36 kbulgrien
- [r11041] Removed linebreaks from disease message so the breaks can be done by the client.
- 2008-12-19 08:49 buzzsawddog
- [r11020] changes discused in irc and in game, added different character to the scrolls and changed the shading a bit to add demention, also with the bed changed the shading a bit so it looked more real
- 2008-12-19 08:45 buzzsawddog
- [r11019] discused scroll chang with several in irc and in game
- 2008-12-19 07:54 rjtanner
- [r11015] Removed 'is_floor 1' to allow colors and other tiles to show through the transparent portions of the clouds
- 2008-12-19 07:32 rjtanner
- [r11014] New graphic and archetype for a thicker/heavier cloudfloor, using less transparency
- 2008-12-19 02:47 rjtanner
- [r11012] Update 'dark grass' (grassdark.arc) to use new smoothing template (grassdark_S.base.111.png)
- 2008-12-19 02:42 rjtanner
- [r11011] Update ground/new/grassmedium.arc to use existing smoothing template (grassmedium_S.base.111.png)
- 2008-12-19 02:23 rjtanner
- [r11010] Update 'big stones' archetype to use smoothing (missed in earlier commit)
- 2008-12-19 02:20 rjtanner
- [r11009] New smoothing template for pstone_4.base.111.png (big stones) tile
- 2008-12-19 02:18 rjtanner
- [r11008] Minor color changes to the dunes smoothing template
- 2008-12-16 22:28 rjtanner
- [r10988] Update misc/sky/sky.arc with restricted movement (move_block all) on/over it
- 2008-12-16 07:58 akirschbaum
- [r10986] Extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.
- 2008-12-16 07:55 akirschbaum
- [r10985] Extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.
- 2008-12-15 06:51 rjtanner
- [r10979] New graphic for Valkyrie's gift (amulet of lifesaving), referred as Valkyrie's Torc
- 2008-12-15 05:38 rjtanner
- [r10977] New sky archetype for use on airborn cities, castles, islands, etc. such as Pupland Terminal
- 2008-12-13 18:24 akirschbaum
- [r10959] Extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.
- 2008-12-13 15:17 akirschbaum
- [r10958] Extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.
- 2008-12-13 15:04 akirschbaum
- [r10957] Extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.
- 2008-12-13 14:34 akirschbaum
- [r10956] Extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.
- 2008-12-13 14:11 akirschbaum
- [r10955] Extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.
- 2008-12-13 13:03 akirschbaum
- [r10954] Remove obsolete field 'color_fg'.
- 2008-12-12 18:39 akirschbaum
- [r10937] Remove redundant fields.
- 2008-12-12 18:34 akirschbaum
- [r10936] Fix duplicate archetype definition for "troll".
- 2008-12-09 06:48 rjtanner
- [r10891] Changes to Valkyrie's Amulet of Lifesaving - added a title field and changed the name so it appears differently in a players inventory window
- 2008-12-09 02:52 rjtanner
- [r10890] Updated CHANGES (ChangeLog) file and fixed file error (missing .arc at the end of valkyrie_amulet_lifesave.arc file)
- 2008-12-09 02:34 rjtanner
- [r10889] Tentative bug fix for '[ 1990180 ] 2.0 godgiven Valkyrie lifesaving amulet bug?' - created a new amulet archetype that is godgiven and inventory locked by default, updated gods/demihumans/valkyrie.trs file to reference the new amulet archetype
- 2008-12-07 08:57 gros
- [r10865] 2.0 Elements: Windows.
- 2008-12-07 08:50 gros
- [r10864] 2.0 Elements: Roof and chemney pieces.Yann Chachkoff 2008-12-07
- 2008-12-06 20:25 rjtanner
- [r10853] Removed newline at the end of the file, it was causing this to appear in the server logs: 'Warning: failed to find arch dun33'
- 2008-12-06 09:46 rjtanner
- [r10852] Missing object delcaration in /wall/wall/wall.arc, now corrected
- 2008-12-05 06:54 rjtanner
- [r10844] Updated wall.arc file to use already existing Wooden Wall graphics
- 2008-12-05 06:39 rjtanner
- [r10843] Solid grey color wall to use in cave areas instead of the solid black Block - looks nicer in mapper (IMO)
- 2008-12-05 04:19 rjtanner
- [r10841] New graphics and archetypes for Dungeon wall set. Similar to the curved and circular sections from the Cave wall set, but colored black (vs. grey)
- 2008-12-02 00:19 rjtanner
- [r10798] Replacement graphics and archetypes for the old xpm oakdoor
- 2008-11-27 02:53 lalo
- [r10743] correcting my commit r10718 (new cave_stair_up_2 arc)In r10718, I mistakenly overwrote stair_up_2 with my new arc. Reverting that, but keeping the new arc too.
- 2008-11-26 06:42 rjtanner
- [r10734] New graphics for use in doorways or as a short wall
- 2008-11-26 05:35 rjtanner
- [r10732] New graphic for use in doorways or as a short wall
- 2008-11-25 22:24 lalo
- [r10721] new pic -- stairs going up in a cave 5:58 asimovdquote> (rejoice all ye nethackers)
- 2008-11-25 21:59 lalo
- [r10718] new pic -- stairs going up in a cave(rejoice all ye nethackers)
- 2008-11-25 21:57 lalo
- [r10717] allowing check_inv to check an item by title; also, changing the behaviour to AND rather than OR, so you can check for something of a given type with a given key, for example.
- 2008-11-24 06:06 lalo
- [r10692] adding some more explicit animations
- 2008-11-23 17:32 akirschbaum
- [r10689] Add explicit animations.
- 2008-11-16 18:59 ryo_saeba
- [r10491] Turning transport, basic version.
- 2008-11-11 19:05 rjtanner
- [r10395] Increase chance and amount of silver coins dropped by lower level monsters so that low level players have better access to spending cash
- 2008-11-10 11:38 ryo_saeba
- [r10379] Remove obsolete color_fg.
- 2008-11-10 11:14 ryo_saeba
- [r10378] Remove obsolete color_fg.
- 2008-11-10 11:06 ryo_saeba
- [r10377] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 11:06 ryo_saeba
- [r10376] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 11:05 ryo_saeba
- [r10375] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 11:04 ryo_saeba
- [r10374] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 11:00 ryo_saeba
- [r10373] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:59 ryo_saeba
- [r10372] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:55 ryo_saeba
- [r10371] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:53 ryo_saeba
- [r10370] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:49 ryo_saeba
- [r10369] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:46 ryo_saeba
- [r10368] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:44 ryo_saeba
- [r10367] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:35 ryo_saeba
- [r10366] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:33 ryo_saeba
- [r10365] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:18 ryo_saeba
- [r10364] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:18 ryo_saeba
- [r10363] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:15 ryo_saeba
- [r10362] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:11 ryo_saeba
- [r10361] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:09 ryo_saeba
- [r10360] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:06 ryo_saeba
- [r10359] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:03 ryo_saeba
- [r10358] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 10:02 ryo_saeba
- [r10357] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 09:52 ryo_saeba
- [r10356] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:49 ryo_saeba
- [r10355] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:48 ryo_saeba
- [r10354] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:45 ryo_saeba
- [r10353] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:42 ryo_saeba
- [r10352] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:40 ryo_saeba
- [r10351] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:39 ryo_saeba
- [r10350] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:33 ryo_saeba
- [r10349] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:30 ryo_saeba
- [r10348] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:27 ryo_saeba
- [r10347] Typo.
- 2008-11-10 08:26 ryo_saeba
- [r10346] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:23 ryo_saeba
- [r10345] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:19 ryo_saeba
- [r10344] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:10 ryo_saeba
- [r10343] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:07 ryo_saeba
- [r10342] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 08:00 ryo_saeba
- [r10341] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 07:57 ryo_saeba
- [r10340] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 07:53 ryo_saeba
- [r10339] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 07:53 ryo_saeba
- [r10338] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 07:52 ryo_saeba
- [r10337] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 07:41 ryo_saeba
- [r10336] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 07:36 ryo_saeba
- [r10335] Extract animation and face information.
- 2008-11-10 07:30 ryo_saeba
- [r10334] Extraction animation and face information.
- 2008-11-09 23:32 ryo_saeba
- [r10328] Extract animation.
- 2008-11-09 23:28 ryo_saeba
- [r10327] Extract animation.
- 2008-11-09 23:25 ryo_saeba
- [r10326] Extract animation.
- 2008-11-09 23:22 ryo_saeba
- [r10325] Remove obsolete color_fg, extract animations to .face.
- 2008-11-09 17:32 ryo_saeba
- [r10322] Fix for bug #2015284: V2 staff to snake blocked. Add missing move_type to spell effect archetype so the object can be put where needed.
- 2008-11-04 00:27 rjtanner
- [r10251] New lake graphics using the current graphic style. Still needs smoothing and animation.
- 2008-11-02 19:14 akirschbaum
- [r10243] Remove obsolete 'editable' attributes.
- 2008-11-01 06:49 akirschbaum
- [r10237] Remove duplicate name field.
- 2008-09-26 22:39 akirschbaum
- [r9931] Fix typo.
- 2008-09-26 21:57 akirschbaum
- [r9930] Fix typos.
- 2008-09-14 06:12 rjtanner
- [r9852] Image adjustment; moved the wall to the right by 1 pixel so it has better alignment with other hedge walls
- 2008-08-30 21:57 quinet
- [r9790] Fix typo in previous commit, use the correct face name for the building material.
- 2008-08-30 21:36 quinet
- [r9789] Applied slightly modified patch #2084099 "buildable altars", courtesy ofmeflin and added a new image for altar building material.
- 2008-08-20 19:37 rjtanner
- [r9762] Replaced purple (unrecognized color) with black in magicmap and color_fg fields
- 2008-08-17 02:19 bbotbuilder
- [r9749] food/, gods/: * take care of depreciated 'color_fg' keys by changing them to 'magicmap' or deleting them
- 2008-08-17 01:36 bbotbuilder
- [r9748] system/, talisman/, traps/, transport/: * change a bunch of 'color_fg' keys to 'magicmap'
- 2008-08-17 01:07 bbotbuilder
- [r9747] armour/shield/DShield.arc, flesh/* * Change a bunch of 'color_fg' keys to 'magicmap'flesh/dragon/dragon_sca.arc: * make the magicmap color correspond to the dragon scale's color
- 2008-08-15 20:46 akirschbaum
- [r9742] Remove redundant attributes.
- 2008-08-08 18:16 ryo_saeba
- [r9723] Merge.
- 2008-08-05 18:03 ryo_saeba
- [r9720] Merge.
- 2008-08-04 13:18 quinet
- [r9717] Added new archetype building_window, a building material using the newsubtype 4. This allows the player to build windows in existing walls.
- 2008-08-03 20:20 quinet
- [r9711] The name "fence" is more appropriate for the archetype "swall".
- 2008-08-03 19:52 quinet
- [r9707] Added new buildable fence. This is useful for those who want walls that donot block the view. Fixed a bug in the treasure list shop_building_puplandthat prevented it from including any walls (replaced the treasure listbuild_material_floor_pupland by building_material_stonewall_pupland).
- 2008-08-03 16:11 ryo_saeba
- [r9706] Fix invalid faces.
- 2008-08-01 21:44 quinet
- [r9697] Fixed a broken treasure list that prevented the nine ring sword from being created.
- 2008-07-26 11:09 ryo_saeba
- [r9686] No reason to have a decimal value for an integer.
- 2008-07-24 21:17 ryo_saeba
- [r9682] Merge.
- 2008-07-24 21:07 ryo_saeba
- [r9681] Merge.
- 2008-07-24 21:03 ryo_saeba
- [r9680] Merge.
- 2008-07-24 21:00 ryo_saeba
- [r9679] Merge.
- 2008-07-24 20:57 ryo_saeba
- [r9678] Merge pics.
- 2008-07-20 13:40 ryo_saeba
- [r9585] Fix some smoothing information.
- 2008-07-15 22:19 ryo_saeba
- [r9435] No need to have a special directory for that.
- 2008-07-13 09:28 ryo_saeba
- [r9434] Remove unused list.
- 2008-07-13 09:22 ryo_saeba
- [r9433] Remove unused lists.
- 2008-07-13 09:15 ryo_saeba
- [r9432] Add treasure.
- 2008-07-13 09:08 ryo_saeba
- [r9431] Rename list.
- 2008-07-13 09:03 ryo_saeba
- [r9430] Rename list.
- 2008-06-28 13:22 ryo_saeba
- [r9378] Move treasure file to arch directory. This is the logical place.
- 2008-06-25 17:26 ryo_saeba
- [r9367] Put list from the treasure file, remove duplication.
- 2008-06-12 20:41 anmaster
- [r9308] disease/incontinence.arc, disease/diarrhea.arc, disease/rabies.arc: Make puddlesfrom diseases go away after some time, for incontinence and rabies we shouldprobably have shrinking animations, like for icor (and thus also for diarrhea),but I can't draw.
- 2008-05-29 07:01 anmaster
- [r9163] Add move_block for boats in ground/Pstone/pstone_1.arc.
- 2008-05-19 21:10 ryo_saeba
- [r9110] Mailboxes shouldn't be pickable.
- 2008-05-17 12:41 ryo_saeba
- [r9100] Split animation to its own file.
- 2008-05-17 12:37 ryo_saeba
- [r9099] Split animation to its own file.
- 2008-05-17 10:49 ryo_saeba
- [r9098] Large doors correctly merging with the wall parts.
- 2008-05-17 10:48 ryo_saeba
- [r9097] Wall parts to correctly merge with doors.
- 2008-05-17 08:47 ryo_saeba
- [r9096] Merge animations, fix missing face issue.
- 2008-05-07 18:47 ryo_saeba
- [r8905] Fix consecrate not correctly working for Valkyrie.
- 2008-05-06 17:43 ryo_saeba
- [r8894] Apply patch #1940896: ten kilo pic, by Mike B (mikeeusa).
- 2008-05-06 17:40 ryo_saeba
- [r8893] Move pic to classical set before applying a patch.
- 2008-05-02 00:35 buzzsawddog
- [r8888] This is an update to the fireborn graphic, asked a few people in irc if they liked, responce from several was looks better
- 2008-04-24 22:02 akirschbaum
- [r8797] Add missing "damned 1" to shop tiles.
- 2008-04-24 17:57 akirschbaum
- [r8793] Line break reformatting of player race descriptions.
- 2008-04-16 16:18 gros
- [r8768] New arabian guards images, courtesy of Miguel Ghobangieno.
- 2008-04-12 20:48 ryo_saeba
- [r8747] Add fish to sea, so players can fish.
- 2008-04-12 20:47 ryo_saeba
- [r8746] Fish archetypes and treasure list.
- 2008-04-12 20:47 ryo_saeba
- [r8745] Source:, public domain.
- 2008-04-12 20:46 ryo_saeba
- [r8744] Source:, public domain.
- 2008-04-12 20:45 ryo_saeba
- [r8743] Source:, public domain.
- 2008-04-12 20:45 ryo_saeba
- [r8742] Source:, public domain.
- 2008-04-12 20:44 ryo_saeba
- [r8741] Pic from, CCBYSA.
- 2008-04-12 20:44 ryo_saeba
- [r8740] Pic from, CCBYSA.
- 2008-04-11 23:49 shatikar
- [r8720] CHANGES update
- 2008-04-11 23:01 shatikar
- [r8719] New imp graphics, yaaaay
- 2008-04-06 16:44 ryo_saeba
- [r8701] Merge pics.
- 2008-04-06 10:48 ryo_saeba
- [r8700] Not part of archetypes.
- 2008-04-05 10:19 ryo_saeba
- [r8693] Patch #1673796: White chests for errac's heaven treasure map, by Mike B.
- 2008-04-05 07:45 ryo_saeba
- [r8690] Part of patch #1677738: Purple worm (with pythonscript and map), by Mike B.
- 2008-04-05 06:56 ryo_saeba
- [r8688] New bracers courtesy Anthony Wyatt.
- 2008-03-04 07:04 mwedel
- [r8490] Reduce spawn rate of mice spawning mice.MSW 2008-03-03
- 2008-02-27 05:11 qal21
- [r8471] Commit some siegfried images that match the newer image styles. No new facings for siegfried. Hopefully these are not too horrible
- 2008-02-16 20:48 ryo_saeba
- [r8456] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 20:47 ryo_saeba
- [r8455] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 19:23 ryo_saeba
- [r8454] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 19:22 ryo_saeba
- [r8453] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 19:16 ryo_saeba
- [r8452] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 19:13 ryo_saeba
- [r8451] Remove unused pics.
- 2008-02-16 19:11 ryo_saeba
- [r8450] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 18:08 ryo_saeba
- [r8449] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 13:40 ryo_saeba
- [r8448] Unused pic.
- 2008-02-16 13:39 ryo_saeba
- [r8447] Remove pics.
- 2008-02-16 13:39 ryo_saeba
- [r8446] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 13:12 ryo_saeba
- [r8445] Make pics 50% transparents, the result is much nicer.
- 2008-02-16 12:09 ryo_saeba
- [r8444] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 11:49 ryo_saeba
- [r8443] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 11:43 ryo_saeba
- [r8442] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 11:26 ryo_saeba
- [r8441] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 11:21 ryo_saeba
- [r8440] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 11:09 ryo_saeba
- [r8439] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 11:09 ryo_saeba
- [r8438] Make pics/directions coherent, step 2.
- 2008-02-16 11:08 ryo_saeba
- [r8437] Make pics/directions coherent, step 1.
- 2008-02-16 11:02 ryo_saeba
- [r8436] Make pics/directions coherent, end.
- 2008-02-16 10:59 ryo_saeba
- [r8435] Make pics/directions coherent, step 1.
- 2008-02-16 10:57 ryo_saeba
- [r8434] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 10:51 ryo_saeba
- [r8433] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-16 10:50 ryo_saeba
- [r8432] Fix wrong pic orientation.
- 2008-02-16 10:37 ryo_saeba
- [r8431] Merge pics.
- 2008-02-09 22:53 ryo_saeba
- [r8404] Wrong color.
- 2008-02-09 22:45 ryo_saeba
- [r8403] Fix small issues, add missing pic.
- 2008-02-09 22:40 ryo_saeba
- [r8402] Some wall archetypes.
- 2008-02-09 11:36 ryo_saeba
- [r8397] Basic Fenx warrior, no animations yet.
- 2008-02-09 11:35 ryo_saeba
- [r8396] Add anim_suffix to classes.
- 2008-02-01 20:45 ryo_saeba
- [r8343] Fix invalid move_block field.
- 2008-01-19 00:52 kbulgrien
- [r8207] Remove incorrect Object dwall3_3 and associated comment.
- 2008-01-14 08:40 mwedel
- [r8195] monster/*: Rebalance monsters. In many cases, hp, ac, exp, and levelwere adjusted. This also incluedes the gods avatars and some spells thatcreate monster like objects.player/race/*.arc: Give all playable races a 30 sp/hp/grace boost, sostarting values are higher, making things more playable.MSW 2008-01-13M trunk/monster/angel/mesangel.arcM trunk/monster/angel/whim.arcM trunk/monster/angel/angel.arcM trunk/monster/angel/holyghost.arcM trunk/monster/angel/liteangel.arcM trunk/monster/angel/cherub.arcM trunk/monster/misc/dancingsword.arcM trunk/monster/misc/stalkergen.arcM trunk/monster/misc/Chess/chess_king.arcM trunk/monster/misc/Chess/ch_queen.arcM trunk/monster/misc/Chess/chess_pawn.arcM trunk/monster/misc/Chess/ch_knight.arcM trunk/monster/misc/Chess/chess_rook.arcM trunk/monster/misc/Chess/chess_bish.arcM trunk/monster/misc/deathtree.arcM trunk/monster/misc/sandy.arcM trunk/monster/misc/mudman.arcM trunk/monster/misc/lokanth/lokanth.arcM trunk/monster/misc/stalker.arcM trunk/monster/misc/serpmen/serpman_gen.arcM trunk/monster/misc/serpmen/serp_priest.arcM trunk/monster/misc/serpmen/serp_man.arcM trunk/monster/misc/pixie.arcM trunk/monster/misc/c_knight.arcM trunk/monster/misc/Baslic/baslic.arcM trunk/monster/misc/pixie_gen.arcM trunk/monster/misc/c_priest.arcM trunk/monster/misc/blob.arcM trunk/monster/misc/tentacle/tentacle2.arcM trunk/monster/misc/tentacle/tentacle.arcM trunk/monster/misc/broo.arcM trunk/monster/misc/crawl/crawling_chaos.arcM trunk/monster/misc/gargoyle.arcM trunk/monster/troll/armourtroll.arcM trunk/monster/troll/smalltroll.arcM trunk/monster/troll/Troll/troll.arcM trunk/monster/troll/Gaelotroll/gaelotroll.arcM trunk/monster/chaos/liv_chaos.arcM trunk/monster/undead/ghost_gen.arcM trunk/monster/undead/zombie_gen.arcM trunk/monster/undead/skull.arcM trunk/monster/undead/vampire.arcM trunk/monster/undead/spectre.arcM trunk/monster/undead/vampiregen.arcM trunk/monster/undead/skeleton_chief_arc.arcM trunk/monster/undead/wight.arcM trunk/monster/undead/ghost.arcM trunk/monster/undead/grimreaper.arcM trunk/monster/undead/nazgul.arcM trunk/monster/undead/skelet_gen.arcM trunk/monster/undead/wraith.arcM trunk/monster/undead/skull_gen.arcM trunk/monster/undead/skeleton.arcM trunk/monster/undead/Skeletal_mage/skeletalmage.arcM trunk/monster/undead/banshee.arcM trunk/monster/undead/ghast.arcM trunk/monster/undead/nightmare.arcM trunk/monster/undead/lich.arcM trunk/monster/undead/zombie.arcM trunk/monster/undead/skeleton_leader_arc.arcM trunk/monster/acid/rustmonste.arcM trunk/monster/acid/acid_pool.arcM trunk/monster/acid/bpudding.arcM trunk/monster/acid/acidsphere.arcM trunk/monster/acid/slime.arcM trunk/monster/acid/slimecrawler/slimecrawler.arcM trunk/monster/acid/greenslime.arcM trunk/monster/animal/bird.arcM trunk/monster/animal/cobra.arcM trunk/monster/animal/mouse.arcM trunk/monster/animal/bat_gen.arcM trunk/monster/animal/snake.arcM trunk/monster/animal/Bear/polarbear.arcM trunk/monster/animal/Bear/bear.arcM trunk/monster/animal/ape.arcM trunk/monster/animal/fungus.arcM trunk/monster/animal/bird_gen.arcM trunk/monster/animal/mouse_gen.arcM trunk/monster/animal/panthergen.arcM trunk/monster/animal/shadowtiger/shadowpup.arcM trunk/monster/animal/Behemoth/behemoth.arcM trunk/monster/animal/scorpi_gen.arcM trunk/monster/animal/panther.arcM trunk/monster/animal/gryphon/gryphon.arcM trunk/monster/animal/Neko/neko.arcM trunk/monster/animal/giant_bat.arcM trunk/monster/animal/scorpion.arcM trunk/monster/animal/farmyard/goose.arcM trunk/monster/animal/farmyard/chicken.arcM trunk/monster/animal/farmyard/sheep.arcM trunk/monster/animal/Wolf/dwolf.arcM trunk/monster/animal/Wolf/dwolf_sire.arcM trunk/monster/animal/Wolf/wolf.arcM trunk/monster/animal/Dog/mastif.arcM trunk/monster/animal/Dog/pup.arcM trunk/monster/animal/Dog/dog.arcM trunk/monster/animal/bat.arcM trunk/monster/giant/Titan/titan.arcM trunk/monster/giant/serpent/fireserp.arcM trunk/monster/giant/serpent/serpent.arcM trunk/monster/giant/mabu.arcM trunk/monster/giant/Big_Wiz/big_wiz.arcM trunk/monster/giant/giant_gen.arcM trunk/monster/giant/djinn/m_djinn.arcM trunk/monster/giant/giant.arcM trunk/monster/giant/slug/slug.arcM trunk/monster/demon/fiend.arcM trunk/monster/demon/medium_demon/mdemon.arcM trunk/monster/demon/devil.arcM trunk/monster/demon/Demon_Lord/demon_lord.arcM trunk/monster/demon/imp.arcM trunk/monster/demon/devil_gen.arcM trunk/monster/demon/bone_head.arcM trunk/monster/demon/Big_Demon/big_demon.arcM trunk/monster/demon/raas.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/pyro_gen.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/madman.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Dwarf/lesser_dwarven_guard.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Class/thief_1.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Class/conjurer2.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Class/pirate.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Class/northman.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Class/conjurer.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Gnome/gnome.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Gnome/gnome2.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/pyromaniac.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Elf/dark_elf2.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Elf/dark_elf.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/madman_gen.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/siegfried.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Human/child_thief.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Human/pir_lass.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Human/postman/postman.arcM trunk/monster/humanoid/Human/postman/postman_gen.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/Para/para_ice.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/Para/para_lava.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/Para/para_air.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/Para/para_earth.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/Para/para_fire.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/Para/para_water.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/Para/para_light.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/Para/para_mud.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/witch_air.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/elem_air.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/witch_water.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/witch_fire.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/elem_water.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/elem_fire.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/witch_earth.arcM trunk/monster/elemental/elem_earth.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/orc_gen.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/gnoll_leader_arc.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/ogre_chief_arc.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/ogre_gen.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/ogre_leader_arc.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/gnoll_chief_arc.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/kobold_gen.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/orc_leader_arc.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/orc_chief_arc.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/gnoll.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/goblin_leader_arc.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/gnoll_gen.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/goblin.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/orc.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/ogre.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/goblin_chief_arc.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/goblin_gen.arcM trunk/monster/goblin/kobold.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/Hatchlings/cold_drag.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/Hatchlings/fire_drag.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/Hatchlings/elec_drag.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/bone_drake/bone_drake.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/Electric/elec_dr.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/Dragonman/dragonman.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/Dragon/dragon.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/dragoncave.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/baby_drag.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/drake/drake.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/wyvern.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/WDragon/worthless_dragon.arcM trunk/monster/dragon/Chinese_Dra/chinese_dr.arc
- 2008-01-13 01:37 kbulgrien
- [r8183] wall/slevel/dlevel.arc corrected to provide reused face from slevel set.
- 2008-01-13 01:25 kbulgrien
- [r8182] traps/tspikes.base.111.png changed from greyscale to indexed to fix atransparency problem.
- 2008-01-12 18:22 kbulgrien
- [r8177] Re-add misc/machine.arc and machine.base.x11.png under the GFDL after obtainingpermission from the original author to relicense the image under the GFDL orthe GPL as appropriate. Though neither does address images, the GFDL has beenapplied to images by other organizations and is somewhat clearer in how it maybe applied to graphic art.
- 2008-01-12 07:14 akirschbaum
- [r8172] Add PNG compression script.
- 2008-01-12 04:59 kbulgrien
- [r8171] Remove misc/machine.arc and machine.base.x11.png and newly added LICENCE (as itwas added specifically to address Creative Commons licensing) due to concernsabout Creative Commons ShareAlike licensing requirements, and most especiallyconcerning a possible perception that this project or a distribution might beconstrued to be a "collection" as defined by Creative Commons.
- 2008-01-12 02:22 akirschbaum
- [r8170] Use better compression to reduce image sizes.
- 2008-01-11 03:57 kbulgrien
- [r8165] - Yet another license correction. The .arc file is not licensed under the CC.
- 2008-01-11 03:46 kbulgrien
- [r8164] - Correct the license text.
- 2008-01-11 03:16 kbulgrien
- [r8163] Add misc/machine.arc, misc/machine.base.x11.png under terms of a CreativeCommons Attribution-ShareAlike license described in misc/machine.arc andas an attributed derivative work of a copyrighted image. The inspirationfor this graphic was provided by Yann (gros) Chachkoff. Added a LICENSEfile to communicate the fact that this type of license now governs somematerial in the arch collection.
- 2008-01-10 05:52 kbulgrien
- [r8162] - Correct misspelling of `map_layer items` to `map_layer item`.
- 2008-01-10 05:23 kbulgrien
- [r8161] Rework dev/wip/spout to make water wider and more visible. Also adjust thecolor to better match the sea arch set. Add a reference layer of a sea tileto spout.xcf. Convert all the .png files to indexed mode to reduce size.Update README with methods used to produce the graphics and remove commentsabout issues with the original revision. The .arc files have been modifiedto add 'map_layer item' to prevent wall pieces from disappearing when thesearchs are placed on top of them.
- 2008-01-09 06:26 kbulgrien
- [r8155] Add a set of "overlay" archs that are designed to sit on top of walls to forma spout with water pouring out. The art is designed to separate the liquidand spout to allow spout and fluid variations. The archs are WIP because theycause the wall underneath them to disappear. This is probably a map layerissue. It may not take much to fix, but are not presently releasable.The files are in dev/wip/spout, and are: pour_h2o.arc, pour_h2o.base.111.png,pour_h2o.base.112.png, pour_h2o.base.113.png, pour_h2o.base.114.png,pour_h2o.face, pour_spout.arc, pour_spout.base.111.png, README, spout.xcf.Note that maps/trunk/unlinked/kbulgrien/rayvins_house.1 contains these arches.
- 2008-01-09 02:49 kbulgrien
- [r8154] Add wall/wall/wall_door_0.base.111.png and wall_door_1.base.111.png to makeit possible to have tight-fitting doors (no gaps due to perspective) in thewall arch set. wall/wall/wall.arc modified. Decided to use the numberingof the window archs. Also, per naming of the stwall window archs, renamewall/stwall/stwall_2_door.base.111.png and stwall_5_door.base.111.png tostwall_door_1.base.111.png and stwall_door_0.base.111.png and updatestwall.arc.
- 2008-01-08 05:33 kbulgrien
- [r8150] Add wall/stwall/stwall_2_door.base.111.png and stwall_5_door.base.111.png tomake it possible to have tight-fitting doors (no gaps due to perspective).wall/stwall/stwall.arc modified.
- 2008-01-08 02:16 kbulgrien
- [r8149] Add wall/slevel/dlevel*.png and wall/slevel/dlevel.arc. The slevel arches areraised "elevation" marks that are supposed to overlay other tiles to give theappearance of a raised platform. The dlevel arches are the same graphics butflipped in X and/or Y as appropriate to present a depression. Both arch setsrely on the Crossfire perspective to give the hint of a ridge or depression.In an elevation, the leading edges are long and the receding edges are short.For the depression the leading edges are short and receding edges long.
- 2008-01-08 02:07 kbulgrien
- [r8148] Add wall/bwall/bwall_hole_5.base.111.png,wall/bwall/bwall_hole_A.base.111.png,and wall/bwall/bwall_hole.arc. The vertical wall has a transparent hole inthe left face, and the horizontal wall has a transparent hole in the bottomface. The holes could be drains for flowing rivers, or might even be an exit.
- 2008-01-06 14:21 ryo_saeba
- [r8136] Commit valid archetype I forgot last time.
- 2008-01-06 05:50 kbulgrien
- [r8134] - Removed is_animated 1 (even though current SVN gives anerror without it, it is incorrect as it causes a continuousanimation of sorts (ground view, not map view).
- 2008-01-06 05:43 kbulgrien
- [r8133] - Update arch and world map patch to have more samples of the variouscases of the pit/manhole that do not work. All six have hole functionsthat work, though some are not aligned with the graphics, and onlyfour have animations that work. Two have garbled graphics.
- 2008-01-05 10:29 ryo_saeba
- [r8108] Fix sword visible through wing.
- 2008-01-04 13:20 ryo_saeba
- [r8100] Face name coherence.
- 2008-01-04 13:16 ryo_saeba
- [r8099] Name coherence.
- 2008-01-04 13:12 ryo_saeba
- [r8097] Name coherence for high angel pics and animation.
- 2008-01-04 12:58 ryo_saeba
- [r8096] Name coherence, second step.
- 2008-01-04 12:57 ryo_saeba
- [r8095] Name coherence, first step.
- 2008-01-04 12:12 ryo_saeba
- [r8093] Some coherence in pic names.
- 2008-01-04 11:41 ryo_saeba
- [r8092] Combine classical pics.
- 2008-01-04 11:23 ryo_saeba
- [r8091] Merge classical pics.
- 2008-01-04 11:06 ryo_saeba
- [r8090] Merge pics, remove unused ones.
- 2008-01-04 10:58 ryo_saeba
- [r8089] Merge pics.
- 2008-01-04 10:55 ryo_saeba
- [r8088] Merge ArchAngel pics, remove unused parts.
- 2007-12-29 16:14 kbulgrien
- [r8063] - Add some recent missing entries to CHANGES.- Add dev/wip directory for commiting work-in-progress archetypes. The directory is not visible in Gridarta CrossfireEditor, but can be made so with a soft link like arch/trunk/wip --> arch/trunk/dev/wip.- Add dev/wip/README describing the use of the directory.- Add dev/wip/manhole as a manhole archetype work-in-progress to facilitate some collaboration on getting a multi-tile HOLE animation to work. Included is a README and a world_105_115.patch test case.
- 2007-12-29 12:02 ryo_saeba
- [r8062] Some names.
- 2007-12-28 13:16 tchize
- [r8060] Nicer mountains_5
- 2007-12-28 13:07 tchize
- [r8059] Make the fireball and firebreath smooth
- 2007-12-28 13:06 tchize
- [r8058] Slighty reworked moutain pictures (old artefact from ages ago 16 colors mode :) )
- 2007-12-28 12:35 tchize
- [r8057] Update woods_4 archetyp so it's not anymore acting as a ground (transparency parts, it is *NOT* a ground, visually speaking)
- 2007-12-25 23:07 tchize
- [r8039] add Fireball smooth pictures
- 2007-12-24 15:17 tchize
- [r8036] Add smoothing to light sno archetype, add an empty layer gimp file to use when creating smoothing images
- 2007-12-23 00:55 gros
- [r8017] Add the archetype hook for user-defined plugin events.
- 2007-12-22 08:35 kbulgrien
- [r8002] - Add a "northwest" colorization of the lighthouse - reddish walls, green roof.
- 2007-12-22 08:00 kbulgrien
- [r8000] - Add a "west" colorization of the new lighthouse... yellowed walls, aqua roof.
- 2007-12-22 06:31 kbulgrien
- [r7996] - Add a snowy lighthouse arch for the construct/Snow set.- Capitalize name of Lighthouse per most common usage in maps.
- 2007-12-22 04:28 kbulgrien
- [r7993] - Base looks better as a darker color. Make the image file even smaller by re-optimizing the palette and by removing additional stored information.
- 2007-12-21 22:14 ryo_saeba
- [r7992] Singing anim_suffix.
- 2007-12-20 05:35 kbulgrien
- [r7982] - Compress the lighthouse .png even more by switching from RGB color to a 255 color indexed pallette with transparency. Now the size is similar to that of the other two-tile towers.
- 2007-12-20 05:32 kbulgrien
- [r7981] - Resave lighthouse .png with compression to reduce size. It was bigger than all the other .pngs in this directory.
- 2007-12-20 04:58 kbulgrien
- [r7979] - Add a new lighthouse tower that has glow_radius set. Designed to replace the huts in Santo Dominion that were called lighthouses.
- 2007-12-18 23:09 ryo_saeba
- [r7970] Singing animation for Fenx.
- 2007-12-16 15:31 ryo_saeba
- [r7931] Add missing faces for spider (for now, always the same sprite).
- 2007-12-10 07:15 kbulgrien
- [r7802] - Add ne, se, sw, and nw corners to the mine walls to fix the Scorn port gate house with consistent walls.
- 2007-12-09 17:50 ryo_saeba
- [r7790] Four facings for angel, and sword animation.
- 2007-12-09 10:40 ryo_saeba
- [r7773] Facings for whim.
- 2007-12-07 19:10 ryo_saeba
- [r7733] Basic animation for Sorig's altar.
- 2007-12-07 18:55 ryo_saeba
- [r7732] Basic animation for Ruggilli's altar.
- 2007-11-30 02:41 qal21
- [r7596] Commit spellcasting animations for chinese dragons
- 2007-11-29 20:25 qal21
- [r7594] Fix missing newline at end of file
- 2007-11-29 20:10 qal21
- [r7593] Add a little spellcasting animation for electric dragons.
- 2007-11-29 11:12 gros
- [r7586] Replaced debugging pictures of the spellcasting big dragon by the proper ones - silly me ! :)
- 2007-11-29 11:06 gros
- [r7585] Added a spellcasting animation for the Big Dragon. Courtesy of Rednaxela.
- 2007-11-29 08:51 qal21
- [r7583] Add anim_suffix spellcasting to all spells.
- 2007-11-26 21:58 tchize
- [r7577] fix for [ 1677890 ] [Copyright issue]: Giant Worm.Until someone draw a giant worm that looks like older one, this green giant worm picture will be used instead.
- 2007-11-23 21:51 akirschbaum
- [r7564] Add correct plural name to flowers_permanent.
- 2007-11-18 23:13 akirschbaum
- [r7538] Replace obsolete field slow_move with move_slow/move_slow_penalty.
- 2007-11-18 16:40 gros
- [r7530] Corrected a typo caused by previous commit conflict.
- 2007-11-18 16:33 gros
- [r7529] Add sample support for spellcasting compound animations.Try to cast minor healing with a Fenx :)
- 2007-11-18 14:40 gros
- [r7526] Added a carriage-return at end of file.
- 2007-11-18 14:25 gros
- [r7525] Proof-of-concept for combo animations. Try it by fighting with a Fenx character wearing a sword :).
- 2007-11-04 18:55 akirschbaum
- [r7473] Update spellcasting objects to use inventory objects.
- 2007-11-03 16:42 akirschbaum
- [r7458] Rename low_boots from "shoes" to "pair of shoes".
- 2007-10-28 11:09 ryo_saeba
- [r7419] Fix bug #1807959: Light prayer ineffective/broken. Set minimal range to 2.
- 2007-10-24 21:39 ryo_saeba
- [r7386] New cannon pics courtesy Erik Kendrick.
- 2007-10-20 20:06 ryo_saeba
- [r7375] Fix for bug #1797636: arch/exit/fogexit.arc and arch/exit/whirlwind.arc blank.111. Replace blank with empty.
- 2007-10-20 19:47 ryo_saeba
- [r7371] Wrong name.
- 2007-10-20 19:46 ryo_saeba
- [r7369] New pics courtesy Eric Kendrick.
- 2007-10-20 17:33 ryo_saeba
- [r7367] New pics for opened containers, courtesy Eric Kendrick.
- 2007-10-20 10:36 ryo_saeba
- [r7365] New archetypes to avoir using creator tricks.
- 2007-10-15 20:50 akirschbaum
- [r7325] Revert previous change of dragon's steaks weight.
- 2007-10-14 18:30 ryo_saeba
- [r7323] New pics courtesy Eric Kendrick.
- 2007-10-14 18:05 ryo_saeba
- [r7322] New pics courtesy Eric Kendrick.
- 2007-10-14 17:15 ryo_saeba
- [r7320] New pic courtesy Eric Kendrick.
- 2007-10-08 18:38 akirschbaum
- [r7309] Increase weight of dragon's steaks to 500g.
- 2007-10-08 18:29 akirschbaum
- [r7306] Remove trailing whitespace.
- 2007-10-06 04:23 kbulgrien
- [r7300] - Add body_head -1 attribute to Sorceror's Hat.
- 2007-09-28 19:12 akirschbaum
- [r7285] Rename treasure lists human_player->human_player_items and halfling_player->halfling_player_items to match the names of similar treasure lists.
- 2007-09-27 05:28 mwedel
- [r7264] Remove this file - it uses an undefined type, and searching through allthe map files (and archetypes), nothing uses it. A few unlikined mapsuse it (but they are using bunch of other archetypes), and themaps/quests/mak/chaos/monsters.pick also has it, but once again, it usinga bunch of other undefined ability archetypes.MSW 2007-09-26
- 2007-09-27 05:04 rjtanner
- [r7260] More required updates for the potion of invulnerability to potion of shielding name change
- 2007-09-27 04:14 rjtanner
- [r7258] ChangeLog updates
- 2007-09-27 01:35 rjtanner
- [r7254] Rename potion of invulnerability to potion of shielding. Hopefully this will remove confusion as to why one takes damage from all attack types (except physical) when drinking this potion.
- 2007-09-26 21:55 rjtanner
- [r7253] Per an old discussion on IRC, granting Valkyrie an attacktype of godpower was a mistake - it should have been weaponmagic.
- 2007-09-19 20:05 akirschbaum
- [r7225] Use consistent default 'slaying' values.
- 2007-08-24 08:28 akirschbaum
- [r6984] Remove excess 'move_on walk' from ice archetype.
- 2007-08-23 22:19 akirschbaum
- [r6983] Replace obsolete fields fly_on/fly_off/walk_on/walk_off with move_on/move_off.
- 2007-08-18 10:49 ryo_saeba
- [r6957] Fix treefort3, make it 1 tile instead of weird missing square.
- 2007-07-17 20:46 ryo_saeba
- [r6794] Remove obsolete color_bg field.
- 2007-07-17 19:09 ryo_saeba
- [r6793] Remove obselete fields, even if those archetypes aren't really used.
- 2007-07-10 07:39 mwedel
- [r6768] Add client_anim_... support for all objects that support it, removetheir speed attributes if the only reason they had speed set was foranimation.MSW 2007-07-09
- 2007-06-13 20:22 ryo_saeba
- [r6577] Update.
- 2007-06-13 20:12 ryo_saeba
- [r6576] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 20:10 ryo_saeba
- [r6575] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 20:08 ryo_saeba
- [r6574] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 20:04 ryo_saeba
- [r6573] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:59 ryo_saeba
- [r6571] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:58 ryo_saeba
- [r6570] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:57 ryo_saeba
- [r6569] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:55 ryo_saeba
- [r6568] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:54 ryo_saeba
- [r6567] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:49 ryo_saeba
- [r6566] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:25 ryo_saeba
- [r6565] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:24 ryo_saeba
- [r6564] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:24 ryo_saeba
- [r6563] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:23 ryo_saeba
- [r6562] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:23 ryo_saeba
- [r6561] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:22 ryo_saeba
- [r6560] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:21 ryo_saeba
- [r6559] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:19 ryo_saeba
- [r6558] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 19:01 ryo_saeba
- [r6557] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:49 ryo_saeba
- [r6556] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:46 ryo_saeba
- [r6555] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:46 ryo_saeba
- [r6554] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:45 ryo_saeba
- [r6553] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:44 ryo_saeba
- [r6552] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:42 ryo_saeba
- [r6551] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:41 ryo_saeba
- [r6550] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:38 ryo_saeba
- [r6549] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:36 ryo_saeba
- [r6548] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:35 ryo_saeba
- [r6547] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:34 ryo_saeba
- [r6546] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:33 ryo_saeba
- [r6545] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:32 ryo_saeba
- [r6544] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:30 ryo_saeba
- [r6543] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-06-13 18:28 ryo_saeba
- [r6542] Remove obsolete editable field.
- 2007-06-13 18:21 ryo_saeba
- [r6541] Remove obsolete editable field.
- 2007-06-13 18:16 ryo_saeba
- [r6540] Remove obsolete editable field.
- 2007-06-12 20:20 akirschbaum
- [r6527] Replace "object xxx" with "Object xxx".
- 2007-06-09 10:40 ryo_saeba
- [r6441] Name is useful, else weird things.
- 2007-06-09 10:29 ryo_saeba
- [r6440] Remove materialname.
- 2007-06-09 10:26 ryo_saeba
- [r6439] Remove materialname.
- 2007-06-09 10:26 ryo_saeba
- [r6438] Remove materialname.
- 2007-06-09 10:22 ryo_saeba
- [r6437] Remove materialname.
- 2007-06-09 09:00 ryo_saeba
- [r6434] Remove quest archetypes, as quest support will be removed/rewritten.
- 2007-06-03 20:36 ryo_saeba
- [r6410] Other facings for the bookshelf.
- 2007-06-03 17:01 ryo_saeba
- [r6407] Double door (non blocking).
- 2007-06-03 16:11 ryo_saeba
- [r6406] Horizontal window.
- 2007-06-03 15:55 ryo_saeba
- [r6404] Frypan, by Yann Chachkoff.
- 2007-06-03 15:55 ryo_saeba
- [r6403] Some food, by Yann Chachkoff.
- 2007-06-03 15:46 ryo_saeba
- [r6402] Armless cook by Yann Chachkoff.
- 2007-06-03 15:24 ryo_saeba
- [r6401] Move chicken egg to its own file.
- 2007-06-03 10:20 ryo_saeba
- [r6394] Another bookshelf, courtesy Anthony Wyatt (patch #1725861)
- 2007-06-02 22:06 ryo_saeba
- [r6392] No reason the egg isn't mergeable.
- 2007-06-02 12:15 ryo_saeba
- [r6385] No reason those aren't mergeable.
- 2007-05-27 15:20 ryo_saeba
- [r6358] Fix typo.
- 2007-05-26 19:55 ryo_saeba
- [r6347] House with green frontage.
- 2007-05-24 21:17 ryo_saeba
- [r6337] Add leg body information.
- 2007-05-20 20:07 ryo_saeba
- [r6326] Remove obsolete fields.
- 2007-05-20 20:04 ryo_saeba
- [r6325] Remove obsolete fields.
- 2007-05-20 20:04 ryo_saeba
- [r6324] Remove obsolete fields.
- 2007-05-20 20:02 ryo_saeba
- [r6323] Remove obsolete fields.
- 2007-05-20 20:01 ryo_saeba
- [r6322] Remove obsolete fields.
- 2007-05-20 19:58 ryo_saeba
- [r6321] Remove obsolete fields.
- 2007-05-20 19:44 ryo_saeba
- [r6320] Remove obsolete fields.
- 2007-05-20 19:42 ryo_saeba
- [r6319] Remove obsolete fields.
- 2007-05-17 10:33 ryo_saeba
- [r6303] No reason those items aren't mergeable.
- 2007-05-14 22:06 ryo_saeba
- [r6295] Make slicing knife a real weapon, will now cut apples with 'use' command.
- 2007-05-14 21:54 ryo_saeba
- [r6294] Use new 'use' command to create poisoned water, fix poisoned water name.
- 2007-05-14 17:22 ryo_saeba
- [r6290] Fix bug #1698808: Item stacking issue - pupland raffle, zombie level
- 2007-05-13 20:39 ryo_saeba
- [r6281] Fix bug #1709691: Create earthwall's walls display below items - missing map layer.
- 2007-05-13 14:48 ryo_saeba
- [r6275] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:47 ryo_saeba
- [r6274] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:46 ryo_saeba
- [r6273] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:44 ryo_saeba
- [r6272] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:43 ryo_saeba
- [r6271] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:42 ryo_saeba
- [r6270] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:42 ryo_saeba
- [r6269] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:41 ryo_saeba
- [r6268] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:35 ryo_saeba
- [r6267] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:32 ryo_saeba
- [r6266] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:32 ryo_saeba
- [r6265] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:31 ryo_saeba
- [r6264] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:29 ryo_saeba
- [r6263] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:27 ryo_saeba
- [r6262] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:24 ryo_saeba
- [r6261] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 14:16 ryo_saeba
- [r6260] Remove obsolete field.
- 2007-05-13 13:55 ryo_saeba
- [r6258] Remove obsolete armour field.
- 2007-05-13 11:26 ryo_saeba
- [r6247] Top is used in pup_land/ancient/world, so need to be separate.
- 2007-05-10 20:26 akirschbaum
- [r6231] Fix spelling errors.
- 2007-05-10 20:00 akirschbaum
- [r6230] Fix plural names of supreme and major potions of life.
- 2007-05-09 20:54 ryo_saeba
- [r6226] More tables.
- 2007-05-08 10:20 ryo_saeba
- [r6216] Set a weight so it's pickable, and put a random value.
- 2007-05-08 10:19 ryo_saeba
- [r6215] New exit: small park.
- 2007-05-08 10:19 ryo_saeba
- [r6214] Randrom trees - so far only 'green' trees.
- 2007-05-08 10:03 ryo_saeba
- [r6213] Give a nice name to archways.
- 2007-05-07 20:48 ryo_saeba
- [r6208] Forgot the changelog.
- 2007-05-07 20:45 ryo_saeba
- [r6205] Fix bug #1687761: Archetype using undefined type number.
- 2007-05-06 19:43 akirschbaum
- [r6197] Fix incorrectly converted jessyb.base.x13.png multi-part image.
- 2007-05-05 16:55 ryo_saeba
- [r6181] New item: smoking pipe.
- 2007-05-03 21:03 ryo_saeba
- [r6174] Wrong pic name.
- 2007-05-03 20:56 ryo_saeba
- [r6173] Set default scale to red, for coherence :)
- 2007-05-01 09:58 ryo_saeba
- [r6171] Add blue and green dragon mails, and matching converters.
- 2007-05-01 09:26 ryo_saeba
- [r6168] Add blue and green dragon scales, link them for relevant dragons.
- 2007-04-20 17:36 ryo_saeba
- [r6071] Add more potions of life, in different variations.
- 2007-04-08 10:34 ryo_saeba
- [r5975] Rune of frost should be frost path, not fire.
- 2007-04-07 11:02 ryo_saeba
- [r5957] Polymorph is sorcery. Reduce range, else too powerful (probably will need more tweaking).
- 2007-04-05 21:00 akirschbaum
- [r5939] Replace "no_pass 1" with "move_block all".
- 2007-04-05 18:20 akirschbaum
- [r5936] Remove trailing whitespace.
- 2007-04-04 05:38 qal21
- [r5930] Remove old LIGHTNING(12) type.
- 2007-04-03 22:30 ryo_saeba
- [r5927] Remove obsolete pass_thru/can_pass_thru fields.
- 2007-04-03 22:27 akirschbaum
- [r5926] Fix syntax error in building_fountain treasure list.
- 2007-04-03 22:26 ryo_saeba
- [r5925] Remove obsolete 'need_an' field.
- 2007-04-03 21:21 ryo_saeba
- [r5924] New skill: fishing. Pole courtesy Maligor.
- 2007-03-28 06:46 eracc
- [r5905] The "new" booze bottles had some "artifacts" left from my previous attempt atedit. This commit should clean that up.
- 2007-03-26 23:02 eracc
- [r5903] Modify the building archetype and treasurelist to make dark wood floorsappear more often in Brest and Pup Land build shops.
- 2007-03-25 19:24 eracc
- [r5892] Edit the "booze" images size and relative location to make them fit on tables.
- 2007-03-25 13:10 ryo_saeba
- [r5879] Fix bug #1687729: Spell create repulsion wall is broken.
- 2007-03-25 10:51 akirschbaum
- [r5874] Convert obsolete 'flying' attribute to 'move_type' attributes.
- 2007-03-25 07:45 akirschbaum
- [r5870] Add explicit 'move_type walk' to all playermovers.
- 2007-03-24 14:07 akirschbaum
- [r5863] Add explicit 'move_type walk' to all monsters.
- 2007-03-24 12:25 akirschbaum
- [r5861] Remove trailing whitespace.
- 2007-03-21 18:42 ryo_saeba
- [r5836] Those archetypes were in player/old, but are still used in some maps.
- 2007-03-17 23:00 ryo_saeba
- [r5807] Make event_xxx invisible, to avoid weird issues.
- 2007-03-17 13:08 ryo_saeba
- [r5785] Split files from server/lib/treasures
- 2007-03-17 12:09 ryo_saeba
- [r5783] Split stuff from lib/treasures.
- 2007-03-17 11:42 ryo_saeba
- [r5781] Add missing faces for old monsters.
- 2007-03-17 11:17 ryo_saeba
- [r5780] Remove obsolete player races.
- 2007-03-14 22:49 ryo_saeba
- [r5763] Implement feature request #1479048: Buildable savebeds
- 2007-03-12 22:01 eracc
- [r5751] Some folks complained that the very red townhouse in Brest was "ugly". This isan attempt to fix that.
- 2007-03-11 08:42 eracc
- [r5742] Magehound was taking a ridiculously LONG time to cast. It is now adjusted tobe equivalent to the other pet summoning spells. This is As It Should Be.
- 2007-03-06 00:58 aaron_baugher
- [r5690] Fixed broken big_wiz combined images
- 2007-02-16 20:49 aaron_baugher
- [r5558] Converting multi-tile image arches to single images
- 2007-02-13 06:15 kbulgrien
- [r5537] Created addition shoreline tiles for the ground/sea.arc tile set toadd sea_F.base.111.png and sea_F.clsc.111.png that form a round poolsurrounded by transparency. This tile might be used to fix indoorwater pools by providing a replacement for blake_0 which has grasssurrounding the water. Also modified sea.arc accordingly.
- 2007-02-12 04:40 kbulgrien
- [r5517] - Late commit of notes regarding revision 5421.
- 2007-02-11 03:51 aaron_baugher
- [r5475] New IPO package arch and face
- 2007-02-10 07:13 kbulgrien
- [r5421] - Create additional shoreline tiles for the sea.arc tile set in preparation for fixing some pup_land maps that use the blake.arc tile set to allow shorelines to have rounded edges instead of corners. The problem is that the blake.arc tile set is not the same color as the sea.arc tile set unless you are using the classic png's, so the pup_land seas sometimes are shown in two completely different colors of blue. The tiles added are "coves" that have transparency on three sides. The naming convention used is consistent with the big lake tile set. The naming.doc rules for walls is followed if you consider a shoreline to be a sort of wall.
- 2007-02-09 01:04 aaron_baugher
- [r5410] New arch and images for IPO carton
- 2007-02-08 10:16 kbulgrien
- [r5402] Remove is_floor 1 from sea_ne, sea_nw, sea_se, sea_sw so that thesecorner pieces allow transparency to work to show the beach in afloor piece placed beneath the tile. This makes the arch similarto the corresponding blake.arc arches.
- 2007-01-25 02:23 ketche
- [r5348] New gnome player images
- 2007-01-25 02:03 ketche
- [r5347] New gnome images, player files soon to come
- 2007-01-25 01:32 ketche
- [r5346] Snowy roads
- 2007-01-25 01:30 ketche
- [r5345] Wall clock decoration
- 2007-01-25 01:30 ketche
- [r5344] Wall clock decoration
- 2007-01-25 01:26 ketche
- [r5343] Dwarf Barbarian imageset
- 2007-01-20 23:03 eracc
- [r5333] My small attempt to make "color spray" powerful again. It is so hard to get I believe it should be more worth the effort needed. Perhaps these small adjustments will help.
- 2007-01-15 23:02 ryo_saeba
- [r5328] New spells: bless item / curse item.
- 2007-01-14 18:36 ryo_saeba
- [r5323] Random factor.
- 2007-01-14 14:59 ryo_saeba
- [r5316] Apply long standing patch #1382884: change to player wraith race courtesy Anton Oussik.
- 2007-01-07 18:21 eracc
- [r5303] The divine shock prayer granted by Sorig has been horribly nerfed at some point. The duration at low levels was way too low IMO. I have increased the duration from 10 to 30 and lowered the duration modifier from 4 to 2. Hopefully this will help regain some of the former glory of this attack prayer.
- 2007-01-01 12:41 ryo_saeba
- [r5272] Add dice archetype (new yet all faces).
- 2007-01-01 11:55 ryo_saeba
- [r5271] Add missing dragon treasure list.
- 2006-12-30 19:40 gros
- [r5262] Moved parts of the static treasures file into separate trs files.- gros 2006-12-30
- 2006-12-30 14:58 gros
- [r5260] Fix for bug #1518397 - Arch awall_w_0.111 graphic needs rework.Thanks to Aaron Baugher for those faces !- gros 2006-12-30
- 2006-12-30 14:16 gros
- [r5256] Kept the "flat" version of the booze bottle for the classical set,in which they perfectly fit.- gros 2006-12-30
- 2006-12-30 14:11 gros
- [r5253] Replaced the "flat" booze bottle by a "skewed" version of it, to match theperspective used in the standard set.- gros 2006-12-30
- 2006-12-30 12:56 gros
- [r5249] Updated weak wall images, solving bug #1518263 ("Arch wwall_weak_1 incorrect graphic style")Thanks a lot to Aaron Baugher for this great contribution !- gros 2006-12-30
- 2006-12-30 10:44 ryo_saeba
- [r5243] New tiles by kshinji.
- 2006-12-29 20:29 ryo_saeba
- [r5236] New tiles by kshinji.
- 2006-12-29 19:20 gros
- [r5235] Added the Fenx race to the archetypes.- gros 2006-12-29
- 2006-12-24 13:42 akirschbaum
- [r5194] Ignore .svn rather than CVS.
- 2006-12-20 19:42 akirschbaum
- [r5184] Rename directory name to avoid problems for windows users due to names 'ground' and 'Ground' in the same directory.
- 2006-12-17 00:59 qal21
- [r5178] Set svn:eol-style to LF for all arch files.
- 2006-12-13 04:24 qal21
- [r5175] propdel svn:eol-style on all arch files. Fixes broken win32 checkouts of arches.
- 2006-11-26 19:06 ryo_saeba
- [r5139] Fix missing treasure list and duplicated archetype.
- 2006-09-25 05:17 mwedel
- [r4975] Ok - now try committing proper (binary) images.MSW 2006-09-24
- 2006-09-25 05:10 mwedel
- [r4974] Try this again - update svn:mime-type and remove svn:eol-style.MSW 2006-09-24
- 2006-09-25 04:44 mwedel
- [r4973] change mime types of images.MSW 2006-09-24
- 2006-09-25 04:14 mwedel
- [r4972] Change svn:mime-types for images to binary, commit proper images.MSW 2006-09-24
- 2006-09-19 07:18 mwedel
- [r4941] move some files about.
- 2006-09-16 19:57 qal21
- [r4931] Turn nuggets to gems, adjust value to account for no longer having the 4x multiplier. Add dam_modifier 1 to spell_alchemy to prepare for alchemy spell changes.
- 2006-09-11 02:25 lalo
- [r4923] Valkyrie followers typically will start with low Wis, so they'll only reach "low" grace limit after going trough stat potions. Give them enchanted weapons earlier than that.
- 2006-09-06 23:33 lalo
- [r4895] poking at some potentially-segfaulting attributes of Valkyrie
- 2006-09-06 22:00 lalo
- [r4892] removing outdated comment from the new coins
- 2006-09-06 20:56 lalo
- [r4890] new god: Valkyrie, of warriors, scourge of magic
- 2006-09-01 11:36 lalo
- [r4859] new names for spellbooks
- 2006-08-31 05:45 qal21
- [r4856] Fix serpentmen left and right images being reversed.
- 2006-08-24 05:40 qal21
- [r4833] Fix immunities showing up on the ground.
- 2006-08-21 21:40 ryo_saeba
- [r4825] Talking campfire.
- 2006-08-20 09:15 ryo_saeba
- [r4813] Wrong name.
- 2006-08-18 17:49 quinet
- [r4798] Some monsters were always dropping two identical rings because of theincorrect usage of "nrof 2" for rings in the treasure list. Thecorrect way to generate two rings is to have two separate entries inthe treasure list. This is a fix for bug #1530006.
- 2006-08-16 22:33 qal21
- [r4797] Add new goblin facings.
- 2006-08-16 19:48 qal21
- [r4796] add more facings for sage.
- 2006-08-14 18:03 eracc
- [r4791] Attempting to fix some of the nerfed deity spells. Sorig's divine shock hasbeen severely nerfed for a long time now. It should be at least as good asball lightning, yet prior to now it was not.
- 2006-08-13 16:30 ryo_saeba
- [r4787] Space messing stuff, courtesy Elmex
- 2006-08-07 07:25 ryo_saeba
- [r4753] Server patch applied
- 2006-08-05 10:19 lalo
- [r4748] putting the extended halls of selection in a more sensible place, following the example from cfplus
- 2006-08-05 08:56 ryo_saeba
- [r4745] Part of patch #1389432 (Per-race HallOfSelection) courtesy Lalo Martins
- 2006-08-05 08:32 ryo_saeba
- [r4744] New serpentman pics, courtesy anonymous (patch #1526745)
- 2006-07-28 06:47 qal21
- [r4712] Add support for EVENT_DESTROY
- 2006-07-23 17:47 qal21
- [r4696] Give 'no_pick 1' to all walls that don't already have it. Fixes layering issues and makes more consistant.
- 2006-06-11 20:58 ryo_saeba
- [r4644] Duplicated images to have 8 faces and 8 pics
- 2006-06-11 14:25 ryo_saeba
- [r4643] Useless file
- 2006-06-11 14:18 ryo_saeba
- [r4642] New ice para elemental :)
- 2006-06-01 19:05 akirschbaum
- [r4616] Rescale image to 32x32. This fixes a display error in the gtk client.
- 2006-06-01 18:59 akirschbaum
- [r4615] Rescale image to 32x32 to make generic builders show up in cfclient.
- 2006-06-01 17:26 akirschbaum
- [r4610] Fix typo in comment.
- 2006-06-01 17:24 akirschbaum
- [r4609] Make earthwalls block all movement types. This makes the spell earth to dust work again.
- 2006-05-30 06:58 mwedel
- [r4606] Update visibility info for many archetypes. Split out destructionvs manabolt images, as visibility is face attribute and not object.Likewise, split out cause vs heal faces.MSW 2006-05-29
- 2006-05-30 06:56 mwedel
- [r4605] Add specific layer info for this object.MSW 2006-05-29
- 2006-05-30 06:56 mwedel
- [r4604] Add client side animation support for these objects.MSW 2006-05-29
- 2006-05-26 08:52 ryo_saeba
- [r4601] Better this way, actually.
- 2006-05-26 08:40 ryo_saeba
- [r4600] Another test, feel free to revert :)
- 2006-05-25 11:03 ryo_saeba
- [r4597] New spider, first Blender try.
- 2006-03-14 16:08 ryo_saeba
- [r4529] Copy file to avoid missing face warning - should be a real animation
- 2006-03-14 16:04 ryo_saeba
- [r4528] Apply patch #1428534 (new damaging ice tile) by Pippijn van Steenhoven
- 2006-03-14 16:01 ryo_saeba
- [r4527] Apply patch 1428525: new spells asteroid / frost nova
- 2006-02-20 21:17 akirschbaum
- [r4476] Remove 'editor_folder' field since it is generated by the collect script.
- 2006-02-19 16:27 akirschbaum
- [r4467] Fix hellhound/greater hellhound archetypes: the two objects were incorrectlylinked together.
- 2006-02-18 19:52 cavesomething
- [r4463] fix typo
- 2006-02-15 08:06 lalo
- [r4456] ships should allow "walk" movement, and block "boat", when placed on water
- 2006-02-15 07:47 lalo
- [r4454] pier should allow "walk" movement, and block "boat", when placed on water
- 2006-02-08 06:31 lalo
- [r4431] converters for jade/amber coins. They (or the coins) are not yet used anywhere,and in fact they can't be yet, pending a server change - but since the coins arealready in cvs, I figured the converters should be, tooadditionally, putting comments on the coin archetypes about not usingthem in maps yet
- 2006-02-07 07:59 mwedel
- [r4428] Update archetypes with appropriate move_block attributes. For theland ones, don't allow swim or boat movement types. For the water ones,allow boat movement types.MSW 2006-02-06
- 2006-02-03 14:22 mikeeusa
- [r4416] Adding lalo's roads
- 2006-01-14 04:09 mikeeusa
- [r4396] fixing arc
- 2006-01-14 01:44 mikeeusa
- [r4395] fixing name field
- 2006-01-14 01:42 mikeeusa
- [r4394] an ancient weapon, cudgel , should only appear in ancient places, such as ancient pupland
- 2006-01-14 01:41 mikeeusa
- [r4393] an ancient weapon, sickle sword, should only appear in ancient places, such as ancient pupland
- 2006-01-13 18:44 mikeeusa
- [r4388] trying to make the hole work correctly
- 2006-01-13 18:33 mikeeusa
- [r4387] trying to make the hole work correctly
- 2006-01-13 17:26 mikeeusa
- [r4386] pits
- 2006-01-13 16:38 mikeeusa
- [r4385] magic portal is not supposed to be walk on or fly on, it can block areas this way, bug removed
- 2006-01-13 06:40 mikeeusa
- [r4383] adding some new inlayed marbles
- 2006-01-13 06:16 mikeeusa
- [r4382] redmarble
- 2006-01-09 23:09 bbotbuilder
- [r4366] Changed more instances of "color_fg" to "magicmap"
- 2006-01-09 22:25 bbotbuilder
- [r4365] Changing more "color_fg"s to "magicmap"s.
- 2006-01-09 22:07 bbotbuilder
- [r4364] even more color_fg to magicmap
- 2006-01-09 22:06 bbotbuilder
- [r4363] Change more "color_fg" to "magicmap"
- 2006-01-09 22:02 bbotbuilder
- [r4362] Update more "color_fg"s
- 2006-01-09 21:57 bbotbuilder
- [r4361] Change more "color_fg" to "magicmap"
- 2006-01-09 21:53 bbotbuilder
- [r4360] Taking care of more obsolete "color_fg"s
- 2006-01-09 21:48 bbotbuilder
- [r4359] Changing more "color_fg" to "magicmap"
- 2006-01-09 06:29 mikeeusa
- [r4353] Not ultra ultra ultra rich to afford a chandilier (IE: you are not 1 out of 1 billion) ... how about a hanging firepot?
- 2006-01-09 06:08 mikeeusa
- [r4352] animating chandeliers
- 2006-01-09 06:00 mikeeusa
- [r4351] animating chandeliers
- 2006-01-08 20:41 mikeeusa
- [r4339] adding butterfly sword to trs file
- 2006-01-08 20:38 mikeeusa
- [r4338] adding butterfly sword
- 2006-01-08 20:04 mikeeusa
- [r4337] adding the nineringsword to this trs file
- 2006-01-08 20:01 mikeeusa
- [r4336] adding nine ring sword
- 2006-01-08 19:42 bbotbuilder
- [r4335] Changing more "color_fg"s
- 2006-01-08 19:30 bbotbuilder
- [r4334] Change more "color_fg" to "magicmap"
- 2006-01-08 19:24 bbotbuilder
- [r4333] Changed obsolete parameters
- 2006-01-08 19:22 mikeeusa
- [r4332] Adding an eastern weapon shop floor
- 2006-01-08 19:17 bbotbuilder
- [r4331] Changing obsolete "color_fg" to "magicmap"
- 2006-01-08 19:15 bbotbuilder
- [r4330] Change obsolete "color_fg" to "magicmap"
- 2006-01-08 19:13 bbotbuilder
- [r4329] chage obsolete "color_fg" to "magicmap"
- 2006-01-08 19:04 bbotbuilder
- [r4328] Change obsolete "color_fg" to "magicmap"
- 2006-01-08 18:23 mikeeusa
- [r4327] hooksword
- 2006-01-08 18:23 mikeeusa
- [r4326] hooksword
- 2006-01-08 17:39 mikeeusa
- [r4325] A barn for navar area
- 2006-01-08 06:30 mikeeusa
- [r4312] adding darcap style barn
- 2006-01-05 20:55 mikeeusa
- [r4287] Note: uraniumoxide should be very very rare in the crossfire world
- 2006-01-05 19:42 mikeeusa
- [r4286] uraniumoxide, the mundande found in the wild stuff, can be used in other maps, not part of the quest
- 2006-01-05 19:41 mikeeusa
- [r4285] Uranium hexaflouride piles, uranium piles, these are used for a quest, do not put them in your maps please (sans the quest it's in), instead put the uraniumoxide if you must have something with uranium in it
- 2006-01-03 19:24 mikeeusa
- [r4272] adding graphite
- 2006-01-03 19:08 mikeeusa
- [r4271] another alloy
- 2006-01-03 18:58 mikeeusa
- [r4270] added graphite pile
- 2006-01-03 08:49 mikeeusa
- [r4268] Infernal device, pic for quest item
- 2006-01-03 05:18 mikeeusa
- [r4267] fixing special quest item (uf6.arc)
- 2006-01-03 05:09 mikeeusa
- [r4266] Special quest item, please do not use (sans the quest this is going in)
- 2006-01-03 03:36 mikeeusa
- [r4265] another element
- 2006-01-03 03:01 mikeeusa
- [r4264] More elements
- 2006-01-03 01:30 mikeeusa
- [r4263] zinc
- 2006-01-02 19:36 mikeeusa
- [r4261] Pink rose
- 2006-01-02 19:03 mikeeusa
- [r4260] Another gnome
- 2006-01-02 06:44 mwedel
- [r4256] Apply patch 1394861 - fixes magic walls so they properly propogate.MSW 2006-01-01
- 2006-01-02 06:11 mwedel
- [r4255] Apply patch 1321682 - fix typos of many arches, as well as makingthe formatting of the msg/endmsg to be consistent. This is allcosmetic changes, no actual change of objects other than msg/endmsgor other typos.MSW 2006-01-02
- 2006-01-01 13:25 akirschbaum
- [r4248] Make forked lightning fork both to left and right again.
- 2006-01-01 12:04 akirschbaum
- [r4246] Rename abilities to make the DM command learn_spell work for spells with the same name.
- 2006-01-01 12:00 akirschbaum
- [r4245] Add comment to explain the use of this archetype.
- 2005-12-31 20:52 mikeeusa
- [r4239] fixing doors
- 2005-12-31 19:47 mikeeusa
- [r4237] fixed magi nw store name
- 2005-12-31 19:44 mikeeusa
- [r4236] added pink rose picture, and added a black rose, black roses are rare
- 2005-12-31 19:33 mikeeusa
- [r4235] Marble column arch
- 2005-12-31 19:15 mikeeusa
- [r4234] tower northwest edit
- 2005-12-31 18:10 mikeeusa
- [r4230] They say darcap is a sultanate :)
- 2005-12-31 18:06 mikeeusa
- [r4229] Checkbook
- 2005-12-31 18:01 mikeeusa
- [r4228] Quicksilver sea
- 2005-12-31 17:59 mikeeusa
- [r4227] Marble column faces
- 2005-12-31 17:57 mikeeusa
- [r4226] Doors, brest is colorful, here's the interor stuffssszzzz
- 2005-12-31 17:52 mikeeusa
- [r4225] Lead
- 2005-12-27 02:00 mikeeusa
- [r4214] Adding a blue crystal face (lightish blue) for the blue crystal in the snakepit in lake country
- 2005-12-27 00:09 mikeeusa
- [r4213] Adding jade and amberinium coins, looked up amberinium and saw that it was a clear stone with amber or yellow streaks in it, I replicated this as best I could... it looks less like a copper coin now, note: mappers please don't use these in your maps as a general rule, plat is still the main 'big' coin, these are just like the 1000USD and 10k usd notes you know exist but never see, shop code and appraisement code should still say 'that will cost you bla plat and bla gold' etc, it should not ever mention amber or jade, it would be good if only azamuindo or areas close to it ever gave these out as change, as jade is of the east, aza is a high lvl area, and these are exotic coins. They should be accepted everywhere though
- 2005-12-26 21:10 mikeeusa
- [r4212] Jade Dragon, will be rod-type artifact at end of azumuando quest
- 2005-12-26 21:09 mikeeusa
- [r4211] Chest faces
- 2005-12-26 18:59 mikeeusa
- [r4210] Adding the repulsion wall from the tracker, the author was going to upload it but seems to have forgotten or not gotten around to it, so here it is
- 2005-12-26 06:50 mikeeusa
- [r4208] Adding more key colors
- 2005-12-26 04:12 mikeeusa
- [r4206] The bank card
- 2005-12-24 16:45 mikeeusa
- [r4198] Adding an eastern style shrine
- 2005-12-24 16:20 mikeeusa
- [r4197] Adding red post, used in the orient sometimes, they are fans of red
- 2005-12-24 16:05 mikeeusa
- [r4196] Added necromancer's book face and necromancy spell symbol face pictures
- 2005-12-24 06:41 mikeeusa
- [r4195] Reverting change made by errac. Update metalforge's archtypes and please look at the trs file. You will see that shop_building refences building_material_stonewall_norm which is where the Dwall is, please do not change this back, it works, also metalforge isn't the center of the universe, as it is now normals shops will get the dwall, navar shops well get the westcwall, brest shops will get the redcwall, and azamuindo shops will get dwall and the paper wall; This does work please do not change it back.
- 2005-12-24 04:12 eracc
- [r4191] Attempting to make Dwall appear in random shopbuilding tile treasurelistagain. Someone broke it. Needed for new Lone Town apartment maps. Pleaseleave it as is. Do not remove it from the building_material list. Do notchange it into some other arch that is not available on metalforge rightnow. Thank you.
- 2005-12-22 18:50 mikeeusa
- [r4182] Make atleast the 1st frame of the secret mine door animation look non shitty
- 2005-12-22 14:20 qal21
- [r4181] Fixing bad pngs by opening in GIMP and saving again. (libpng doesn't mind it, but some others like PIL die.)
- 2005-12-22 14:18 qal21
- [r4180] Fixing bad pngs by opening in GIMP and saving again. (libpng didn't mind it, but some others like PIL die.)
- 2005-12-22 13:53 qal21
- [r4179] Fixing bad png by opening in GIMP and saving again. (libpng doesn't mind it, but some others like PIL die.)
- 2005-12-21 18:32 mikeeusa
- [r4178] Drew some present boxes and added them
- 2005-12-20 16:41 mikeeusa
- [r4170] Changing the name of my plat etc rounds to * round, the bank script was giving them out as they have the same name as reg coins... but I'd think the script would have done things by archtype ... not name...
- 2005-12-20 00:06 mikeeusa
- [r4169] Added inn_fant
- 2005-12-19 14:44 mikeeusa
- [r4168] Tidied up tomato (had some white and black artifacts) made a large tomato (could be the 'prize tomato' or an uncommon tomato that grows uncommonly once we have farming (after plots?) food value of the large one was increased 4x and value 2x) also scaled down the regular tomato pic alittle bit to be more inline with the other foods of similar size
- 2005-12-19 01:27 mikeeusa
- [r4167] snow, christmas trees
- 2005-12-19 01:15 mikeeusa
- [r4166] Indexing some png files: filesize halved, no data lost. Indexing is nice :)
- 2005-12-19 01:12 mikeeusa
- [r4165] Arch: Adding snow covered pine tree, christmas tree, snow covered christmas tree
- 2005-12-18 16:32 mikeeusa
- [r4164] Arch: original committer forgot to take out animation info from snow castle so that once it was loaded it's pic morphed into the non snow castle, this is now fixed, yay
- 2005-12-16 18:31 mikeeusa
- [r4146] Adding navarish capitalhold
- 2005-12-16 05:25 mikeeusa
- [r4144] Adding navar style bank
- 2005-12-11 00:03 mikeeusa
- [r4123] Correcting the colors of the silver and plat coins, plat is more white then silver
- 2005-12-10 20:16 mikeeusa
- [r4120] Arch: adding plat and silver amulets (in addition to the current gold one)
- 2005-12-10 20:07 mikeeusa
- [r4119] Arch: Adding silver and plat block
- 2005-12-10 17:57 mikeeusa
- [r4116] Arch: Adding big djinn
- 2005-12-10 17:38 mikeeusa
- [r4115] Correcting the colors of the silver and plat coins, plat is more white then silver
- 2005-12-10 17:32 mikeeusa
- [r4114] Arch: Adding big djinn
- 2005-12-09 21:35 ryo_saeba
- [r4109] Your regular tomato...
- 2005-12-09 21:19 mikeeusa
- [r4106] Arch: Adding some new bullion options
- 2005-12-08 01:32 mikeeusa
- [r4101] CVS: Arch: edited the oil ocean arch \(oil_sea.arc\) to have a black magic map and added oil_sea_ultra_viscious which one can walk on so we have an oil arch to be used in some special cases \(some random maps\) if we need a non blocking oil for some reason, which I do need :P, the regular oil_sea arch should have the same effects as water \(swimable\) but it should be 4x slower to traverse atleast.
- 2005-12-08 01:28 mikeeusa
- [r4100] CVS: Arch: edited the oil ocean arch \(oil_sea.arc\) to have a black magic map and added oil_sea_ultra_viscious which one can walk on so we have an oil arch to be used in some special cases \(some random maps\) if we need a non blocking oil for some reason, which I do need :P, the regular oil_sea arch should have the same effects as water \(swimable\) but it should be 4x slower to traverse atleast.
- 2005-12-04 13:18 ryo_saeba
- [r4084] Fix GPS
- 2005-12-04 10:06 ryo_saeba
- [r4081] Wrong other_arch
- 2005-12-04 09:59 ryo_saeba
- [r4080] Fix broken rune of transference. Fix typo.
- 2005-11-30 18:00 mikeeusa
- [r4072] Arch: Added more JINN. For the QUEST. I'm MAKING. \!
- 2005-11-30 06:44 ketche
- [r4068] four corners to use with the sea.
- 2005-11-30 06:42 ketche
- [r4067] Special small temples for Lythander and Mostrai. More custom temples to come. :]
- 2005-11-30 06:38 ketche
- [r4066] Added a new bank archetype.
- 2005-11-30 06:36 ketche
- [r4065] Adding a lone, dwarven statue and a 2x2 statue that has 3 stone dwarfs on it.
- 2005-11-30 06:33 ketche
- [r4064] Added the negroid man and child. Also added the nun. :]
- 2005-11-30 06:29 ketche
- [r4063] Just adding the negroid woman.
- 2005-11-30 06:20 ketche
- [r4062] Hurrah, a bunch of new archs. A black man, woman and child, a few new snowy buildings and more to come.
- 2005-11-26 15:33 mikeeusa
- [r4050] ARCH: adding another wall type for japan area \(japanese jingle song: doo do didle do\!\)
- 2005-11-16 07:37 mwedel
- [r4036] Update move_type for barrels and rack - makes them work betterwith buttons and the like. Needed for soon to be checked innew movement code.MSW 2005-11-15
- 2005-11-13 22:31 mikeeusa
- [r4033] CVS arch: added westcwall windows
- 2005-11-10 22:00 mikeeusa
- [r4027] CVS: ARCHTYPEcvs add chair_wv_1.*cvs add chair_wv_1.*1111 chair_wv_1* : a velvet covered wooden chair (IE: has velvet seats). You may find a few here and there in the homes of the upper class, these cost less then the satin covered chairs as they have less material on them, placed in living rooms of the upper class (not lower or middle class)
- 2005-11-09 15:13 mikeeusa
- [r4007] CVS: Arch added t_house2_fant for brest
- 2005-11-09 03:14 mikeeusa
- [r4004] CVS: arch added redcwallwindow s
- 2005-11-09 03:08 mikeeusa
- [r4003] CVS: arch added some new buildable walls, added some more treasures list so brest can sell redwall, navar west wall, and other places dwall
- 2005-11-06 22:34 bbotbuilder
- [r4000] Clarify this a bit, so that new players are less likely to accidentlyruin their cauldron.
- 2005-11-05 15:24 mikeeusa
- [r3984] added a golden axe pic
- 2005-11-05 06:01 eracc
- [r3978] Fix an "oops" with the filename referenced for the new buildable wall.
- 2005-11-05 04:58 eracc
- [r3976] Attempt to add dwall* as buildable archetypes.
- 2005-11-01 18:54 akirschbaum
- [r3966] Add new force archetype monk_no_use_weapon. It will be inserted intoinventories of monk players to prevent them from using weapons.
- 2005-10-28 18:37 akirschbaum
- [r3936] Make bullet swarm fire small bullets instead of magic bullets. Previouslybullet swarm (which is an evocation spell) gave sorcery exp.
- 2005-10-28 13:56 mikeeusa
- [r3934] CVS: arch: added more amulet pictures
- 2005-10-18 18:57 gros
- [r3902] Added new event hook archetypes, required for the 2.0 plugin interface.Gros - 18/10/2005
- 2005-10-15 17:14 mikeeusa
- [r3877] CVS: Added empty coffee cups
- 2005-10-15 16:16 mikeeusa
- [r3876] CVS: Added empty wine glass
- 2005-10-13 04:56 mikeeusa
- [r3863] CVS: arch: small icecube
- 2005-10-13 04:53 mikeeusa
- [r3862] CVS: arch: statue pics
- 2005-10-11 01:12 mikeeusa
- [r3857] CVS: arch: updating deathshead so he won't be so weak
- 2005-10-11 00:52 mikeeusa
- [r3856] CVS: arch: potions updated to yeild empty potion bottles on use
- 2005-10-10 18:58 mikeeusa
- [r3854] CVS: Arch: added big nasty spike
- 2005-10-10 18:57 mikeeusa
- [r3853] CVS: Arch: added some new grounds
- 2005-10-10 18:55 mikeeusa
- [r3852] CVS: Arch: added clown and evil clown, will be using evilclown in my red castle
- 2005-10-10 18:50 mikeeusa
- [r3851] CVS: arch: added sp to deathshead, forgot to do this before
- 2005-10-10 18:49 mikeeusa
- [r3850] CVS: arch: tried to perspectiveize the necromancer for base, think it came out pretty well, looks better then the old base anyhow (took pic from the nice classic pic and perspectivized it to my ability)
- 2005-10-10 18:47 mikeeusa
- [r3849] CVS: arch: updated oil_sea's name to oil ocean, has a better ring to it (before it was just 'oil')
- 2005-10-09 08:34 ryo_saeba
- [r3845] Use on_use_yield field instead of inventory for item dropping. Remove unused treasure list
- 2005-10-09 08:31 ryo_saeba
- [r3844] Fix typo in name and title
- 2005-10-08 09:46 ryo_saeba
- [r3839] Moved gps code to Python plugin
- 2005-10-08 01:21 mikeeusa
- [r3838] CVS: Arch: deathshead
- 2005-10-08 01:18 mikeeusa
- [r3837] CVS: Arch: deathshead
- 2005-10-08 01:09 mikeeusa
- [r3836] CVS: Arch: deathshead
- 2005-10-08 00:09 mikeeusa
- [r3835] CVS: arch: added deathshead
- 2005-10-07 23:45 mikeeusa
- [r3834] CVS: arch: added deathshead
- 2005-10-07 23:17 mikeeusa
- [r3832] CVS: arch: sarcophagus doesn't have a treasure list yet, so removing the refrence to one
- 2005-10-07 23:16 mikeeusa
- [r3831] CVS: arch: setting dark elf2 treasure list
- 2005-10-07 23:08 mikeeusa
- [r3830] CVS: Arch: deathshead
- 2005-10-07 19:59 mikeeusa
- [r3829] CVS: Arch: added smoothlevel to istone and ice2, thus water will smooth onto it
- 2005-10-07 19:03 mikeeusa
- [r3826] CVS: arch: some new crowns
- 2005-10-07 18:40 mikeeusa
- [r3825] CVS: arch: blue marbles
- 2005-10-07 18:26 mikeeusa
- [r3824] CVS: arch: adding small icecube by Ketche
- 2005-10-07 18:12 mikeeusa
- [r3823] CVS: arch: adding blackfirebullet by Ketche
- 2005-10-07 18:02 mikeeusa
- [r3822] CVS: arch: adding armoured palms by Ketche, made arcs for them
- 2005-10-07 17:23 mikeeusa
- [r3820] CVS: arch: adding snow covered palms by Ketche
- 2005-10-07 16:49 mikeeusa
- [r3819] CVS: arch: adding ice2 by Ketche
- 2005-10-07 16:45 mikeeusa
- [r3818] CVS: arch: adding floors by Ketche, made the white and black marbles grayscale (they were indexed... grayscale looses no data yet is smaller for greyscale images :) )
- 2005-10-07 16:39 mikeeusa
- [r3817] CVS: arch: adding log pics, plates, and boquet by Ketche
- 2005-10-07 16:28 mikeeusa
- [r3816] CVS: arch: adding log pics, plates, and boquet by Ketche
- 2005-10-07 16:04 mikeeusa
- [r3815] CVS: arch: adding an Archon by Ketche
- 2005-10-07 15:51 mikeeusa
- [r3814] CVS: arch: adding a frost shield by Ketche, these probably should be found primaraly in frozen areas of the world, they are probably uncommon atleast (have resists of cold and fire)
- 2005-10-07 15:44 mikeeusa
- [r3813] CVS: Arch: Adding some arches Ketche made awhile back
- 2005-10-07 03:28 mikeeusa
- [r3807] CVS: arch: forgot to commit these chandeliers: these are only found in the rarest of rare palaces whos's gradure is beyond compare
- 2005-10-06 02:21 mikeeusa
- [r3799] CVS: Arch: food: since the booze treasure bug was squashed adding empty bottles for booze, wine, and water
- 2005-10-06 02:05 mikeeusa
- [r3798] CVS: Arch: bad cvs, you don't reupload things that were moved
- 2005-10-06 02:00 mikeeusa
- [r3797] CVS: Arch: duplicate files removed
- 2005-10-05 17:26 mikeeusa
- [r3794] CVS: arch: added a medium green marble and some magenta marbles
- 2005-10-05 17:07 mikeeusa
- [r3793] fixing lightgreenmarble
- 2005-10-05 16:53 mikeeusa
- [r3792] CVS: Arch: added some new marbles, these ones are 1/2 one and 1/2 the other color, for sharp edges
- 2005-10-05 16:29 mikeeusa
- [r3791] CVS: Arch: added 2 new green marbles for you pagan elven Lythander worshipers
- 2005-10-05 06:34 mikeeusa
- [r3790] CVS: arch: someone replaced my stronghold_fant with a symmetrical version, I have re-replaced it with my version and moved the symmetrical version to stronghold_fant_symmetrical
- 2005-10-05 00:05 bbotbuilder
- [r3785] Let the poison be used up.
- 2005-10-04 23:25 bbotbuilder
- [r3784] Allow more items to be tainted by poison.
- 2005-10-04 03:36 bbotbuilder
- [r3776] Adding "vial of poison" transformer, and allowing booze to be "tainted"by it.
- 2005-10-03 23:05 mikeeusa
- [r3770] CVS: arch: added more types of clocks
- 2005-10-03 17:10 cavesomething
- [r3767] patch #1311199 by sacq to fix many typos and grammos in race descriptions
- 2005-10-03 01:26 mikeeusa
- [r3760] made a slight error on my gnomish clock pic, fixing
- 2005-10-03 01:13 mikeeusa
- [r3759] CVS: arch: table_burl_3: the population starves, the pesants plot rebellion... so let them eat cake. This nice burlwood table can go next to your ancient gnomish clock and can be a good nightstand for which to rest your priceless manuscripts: all will be burned when the revolution comes! Very rare, only found in the most opulent of opulent palaces
- 2005-10-03 00:57 mikeeusa
- [r3758] CVS: arch: added dresser_cw : furniture made of cherry wood is rather rare, it is never found in a commoner's home and almost never found in castles, very weathy merchants (high level merchants, who's houses are rather rare and have many nasty nasty nasty lvl 80+ creatures in them :P) may have one or two cherry wood furnishings, opulent palaces also would have such furnatuee (opulent palaces are also incredibly rare)... most rich don't bother to seek out these furnishings and instead opt to use high backed normal chairs though some do splurge
- 2005-10-03 00:40 mikeeusa
- [r3757] CVS: arch: added desk_cw : furniture made of cherry wood is rather rare, it is never found in a commoner's home and almost never found in castles, very weathy merchants (high level merchants, who's houses are rather rare and have many nasty nasty nasty lvl 80+ creatures in them :P) may have one or two cherry wood furnishings, opulent palaces also would have such furnatuee (opulent palaces are also incredibly rare)... most rich don't bother to seek out these furnishings and instead opt to use high backed normal chairs
- 2005-10-03 00:08 mikeeusa
- [r3756] CVS: arch: added ancient gnomish clock... these clocks are rare and ancient, so rare, infact, that you will find them in no castles but only in the ornate palaces of the riches rulers
- 2005-10-01 14:25 mikeeusa
- [r3746] CVS: arch: argh, made these before, forgot to up the oil sea smoothfiles
- 2005-09-27 02:48 mikeeusa
- [r3718] CVS: arch: added shoparchery and shoparcheyonly lists and updated the shop_throw floor accordingly, adds ability to have specific shop-only items
- 2005-09-27 02:09 mikeeusa
- [r3717] CVS: arch: added shoparchery and shoparcheyonly lists and updated the shop_throw floor accordingly, adds ability to have specific shop-only items
- 2005-09-26 02:15 mikeeusa
- [r3714] CVS: arch: added jewl amethyst
- 2005-09-25 18:45 ryo_saeba
- [r3712] Quest archetypes.
- 2005-09-24 02:45 mikeeusa
- [r3696] CVS: arch: added chaos dragon and associated .trs, errac requested said monster
- 2005-09-23 23:01 mikeeusa
- [r3694] CVS arch: added oil_sea
- 2005-09-23 22:57 mikeeusa
- [r3693] CVS arch: added oil_sea
- 2005-09-22 02:14 mikeeusa
- [r3689] CVS: arch: added basic colored faces, uses include on cavesomethings monopoly map and for depicting the color of a happy sky below you
- 2005-09-21 18:21 mikeeusa
- [r3688] CVS: arch: floor: added slate 'want that rustic look without looking poor? choose slate'
- 2005-09-17 20:21 cavesomething
- [r3671] add pirate hat, Yarr\!
- 2005-09-17 16:09 mikeeusa
- [r3669] CVS arch commit: added black and white leather highboots and gloves
- 2005-09-16 19:44 mikeeusa
- [r3661] CVS Archetype commit: sflail: spiked flail
- 2005-09-16 19:03 mikeeusa
- [r3660] CVS Archetype commit: inlayed marbles: special wavy marble
- 2005-09-16 06:08 mikeeusa
- [r3659] colored marbles
- 2005-09-16 06:06 mikeeusa
- [r3658] thought these were in
- 2005-09-16 05:59 mikeeusa
- [r3657] pianos, harpsichords
- 2005-09-16 05:48 mikeeusa
- [r3656] bronze axe
- 2005-09-16 05:46 mikeeusa
- [r3655] kama
- 2005-09-16 05:45 mikeeusa
- [r3654] vlongsword
- 2005-09-16 05:38 mikeeusa
- [r3653] axen
- 2005-09-16 05:36 mikeeusa
- [r3652] sai, sickle, scythe, throwing star
- 2005-09-16 05:32 mikeeusa
- [r3651] reflex bow, belgin crossbow :)
- 2005-09-16 05:15 mikeeusa
- [r3650] updated precious metals to act as such (goldbar,etc)
- 2005-09-16 04:50 mikeeusa
- [r3649] the wheel, a device favored by both the french and the germans, use only in the most evil of maps
- 2005-08-19 00:13 qal21
- [r3558] Fix broken lever entry in the treasurelist. Add buildable talking books, listning books, buttons, signs, and inverted gates.
- 2005-08-17 06:37 mwedel
- [r3552] Patch 1212496 by Kevin Rudat to add client_types to objects that canbe applied.MSW 2005-08-16
- 2005-08-16 20:34 cavesomething
- [r3551] set is_lightable on lanterns and torches
- 2005-07-21 21:20 ryo_saeba
- [r3494] Change client_type to misc (8021)
- 2005-07-19 22:20 akirschbaum
- [r3484] Add missing 'slaying' field.
- 2005-07-19 22:18 akirschbaum
- [r3483] Make bronce slicing knives work.
- 2005-07-17 09:58 ryo_saeba
- [r3458] Boost up color spray damage.
- 2005-07-15 20:05 ryo_saeba
- [r3440] Remove empty bottles that cause issues.
- 2005-07-15 10:43 ryo_saeba
- [r3432] Missing commit
- 2005-07-10 14:36 temitchell
- [r3424] make stone bridge 'wall' complete for autojoining.
- 2005-07-10 09:41 ryo_saeba
- [r3420] Added sarcophagus container courtesy Mikeeusa
- 2005-07-10 09:39 ryo_saeba
- [r3419] Windows courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-07-10 09:36 ryo_saeba
- [r3418] Bootles yield empty bottles, pics & changes courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-07-10 09:34 ryo_saeba
- [r3417] Bottles now give empty bottle, pics & changes courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-07-10 09:28 ryo_saeba
- [r3416] Add piano thingy courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-07-10 09:21 ryo_saeba
- [r3415] Added mural wall courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-07-10 09:19 ryo_saeba
- [r3414] Added grey chest courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-07-10 09:15 ryo_saeba
- [r3413] Added some secret walls courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-07-10 09:10 ryo_saeba
- [r3412] Added red wall courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-07-10 09:04 ryo_saeba
- [r3411] Add hut courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-07-10 09:03 ryo_saeba
- [r3410] Add magenta floors courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-07-10 08:53 ryo_saeba
- [r3409] Sheep have a treasure list, let's use it
- 2005-05-24 01:27 cavesomething
- [r3294] fix spelling mistake in magic map colour
- 2005-05-21 16:58 tchize
- [r3280] Modified books, sign, monuments and grastones to handle displaying hint when read.
- 2005-05-19 23:23 bbotbuilder
- [r3272] More of mikeeusa's arches.
- 2005-05-19 23:14 bbotbuilder
- [r3271] Some arches by mikeeusa, checked these unlike my commit when caffine deprived.
- 2005-05-17 03:10 bbotbuilder
- [r3270] sleepy damit
- 2005-05-17 02:46 bbotbuilder
- [r3269] Sleepy... Duplicates of 'construct/hold/stronghold_east*'.
- 2005-05-17 02:34 bbotbuilder
- [r3268] Forgot some of the buildings, made by mikeeusa.
- 2005-05-17 02:30 bbotbuilder
- [r3267] Added "eastern" buildings made by mikeeusa.
- 2005-05-17 02:21 bbotbuilder
- [r3266] Add some more floors from mikeeusa.
- 2005-05-17 02:15 bbotbuilder
- [r3265] Added some new marble arches, thanks to mikeeusa.
- 2005-05-15 21:01 temitchell
- [r3264] - fix typo
- 2005-05-15 20:50 temitchell
- [r3263] - add facing for dark elf (need some better graphics I think too...)
- 2005-05-15 20:23 temitchell
- [r3262] - merge Skree images, add a second facing- merge Gaelotroll images, tinker with base image set and add a secondfacing
- 2005-05-14 22:54 temitchell
- [r3260] - move east stronghold here, fix fant stronghold graphic and applyproper prefix for multipart image graphic
- 2005-05-14 22:28 temitchell
- [r3259] remove theseone is redundant and the other should be in the 'hold' dir with theother strong holds
- 2005-05-14 22:15 temitchell
- [r3258] - merge necro golem images, cleanup
- 2005-05-14 21:31 temitchell
- [r3257] - merge unicorn images - fix directions - cleanup
- 2005-05-14 21:10 temitchell
- [r3256] - fix facing on baslic- fix directions on c_priest, lokanth, serpentmen- merge images on sphinx and cleanup
- 2005-05-14 20:29 temitchell
- [r3255] fix direction on baslic and dragonman (arrrg it's clockwise!)merge image for lamia and cleanup
- 2005-05-14 19:35 temitchell
- [r3254] Image merge and cleanup of Ent, Dragonman and Baslic
- 2005-04-30 16:24 bbotbuilder
- [r3238] Added some buildable objects.
- 2005-04-23 19:14 bbotbuilder
- [r3230] Add buildable marble floors.
- 2005-04-22 23:21 bbotbuilder
- [r3229] Add the images and goldfloor2.arc, since they didn't commit the first time I tried.
- 2005-04-22 23:13 bbotbuilder
- [r3228] Added buildable woodfloor2 and made a modified goldfloor so a map im making can look better.
- 2005-04-22 01:33 bbotbuilder
- [r3227] Fix the apple partitions 'face' value so that they point to a valid picture
- 2005-04-21 20:13 ryo_saeba
- [r3226] Splittable apples :)
- 2005-04-21 18:27 ryo_saeba
- [r3223] Slicing knife courtesy mikeeusa - now we can slice apples :)
- 2005-04-17 21:09 ryo_saeba
- [r3218] Apples part courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-04-17 14:16 ryo_saeba
- [r3216] New empty bottles/vials courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-04-16 05:24 mwedel
- [r3208] commit changes to light arches by Rednaxela.MSW 2005-04-15
- 2005-04-14 19:42 ryo_saeba
- [r3205] Add stronghold courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-04-14 19:41 ryo_saeba
- [r3204] Add towers courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-04-14 19:40 ryo_saeba
- [r3203] Add new buildings courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-04-14 19:28 ryo_saeba
- [r3202] Add chairs and table courtesy mikeeusa
- 2005-04-10 00:55 temitchell
- [r3194] - add 'western' style castle (perhaps in future the perspective could befixed.)
- 2005-04-08 11:07 avogl
- [r3188] Corrected syntax error in trs file.
- 2005-03-21 05:08 mwedel
- [r3159] fix typo on magicmap color.MSW 2005-03-20
- 2005-03-21 02:46 majorwoo
- [r3157] Brest arches and chalices from mikee part2
- 2005-03-21 02:29 majorwoo
- [r3156] Brest arches and other misc from mikee part 1
- 2005-03-13 22:16 temitchell
- [r3133] merge/fix images on rl_house3, add western style apartment house
- 2005-03-13 21:00 temitchell
- [r3132] add western style large house
- 2005-03-13 16:01 ryo_saeba
- [r3129] Add eastern wall courtesy Mikeeusa
- 2005-03-07 21:36 ryo_saeba
- [r3104] Violin courtesy Mikeeusa
- 2005-03-04 15:23 majorwoo
- [r3087] New stone stair arches
- 2005-02-28 04:20 temitchell
- [r3076] add new 'western' style arches for Navar - submitted by Mitch Obrian
- 2005-01-15 15:48 tchize
- [r3044] fixed bug [ 1096845 ] Duplicated archtypesfalls are no more a multipart item and crystalball duplicate corrected.Also fixed type in falls_4 (was falls_3)
- 2005-01-07 21:26 ryo_saeba
- [r3037] Patch #1095861 courtesy Salathar: anvil fix
- 2004-12-26 04:40 temitchell
- [r3018] - add animation to trap arch.
- 2004-12-14 23:52 crowbert
- [r3012] add skill scroll for unclassed characters
- 2004-11-25 18:33 ryo_saeba
- [r2993] Apply patch #1063834
- 2004-10-27 05:16 temitchell
- [r2983] - change generic talisman object type.
- 2004-10-26 05:11 mwedel
- [r2980] set a skill for the generic talisman - otherwise, it can result inserver crashes.MSW 2004-10-25
- 2004-10-12 00:20 temitchell
- [r2950] add some new marble flooring contrib. by mitch obrian
- 2004-10-12 00:18 temitchell
- [r2949] - add metal ores contributed by mitch obrien
- 2004-10-11 19:34 temitchell
- [r2948] - this little temp file slipped in (sorry- damn you gedit!)
- 2004-10-11 19:25 temitchell
- [r2946] - orcs use bronze weapons
- 2004-10-11 19:25 temitchell
- [r2945] Add bronze weapons contributed by Mitch Obrian
- 2004-10-09 15:55 akirschbaum
- [r2940] Fix typo.
- 2004-10-02 10:49 tchize
- [r2934] Added footbridge arch. Supports autojoin.
- 2004-09-25 14:19 tchize
- [r2928] added crossroad sign
- 2004-09-25 14:18 tchize
- [r2927] Fixed some smooth levels
- 2004-09-24 17:26 tchize
- [r2926] Added / updated metal bars,wall pictures and a chest for mikeeusa (his cvs has problems)
- 2004-09-20 19:03 tchize
- [r2925] Added footpath ground. Can use autojoin.A mix of dirt ground and grass using thegrass smooth picture.
- 2004-09-19 18:49 tchize
- [r2923] Added exit 'Sewer grid'
- 2004-09-19 14:49 tchize
- [r2918] Long table pictures redone.
- 2004-09-18 15:18 tchize
- [r2916] adde smooth picture for flagstone
- 2004-09-14 19:49 akirschbaum
- [r2914] Correct rune definitions. Some runes did use obsolete fields or hadinconsistent definitions.
- 2004-09-12 13:52 ryo_saeba
- [r2912] Update goldbar arch (also forgot the base on pic), add goldblock
- 2004-09-09 02:13 temitchell
- [r2908] - add smoothing for wasteland and blackrock ground arches
- 2004-09-08 22:09 ryo_saeba
- [r2907] Add goldbar, courtesy mikeeusa
- 2004-09-01 01:37 temitchell
- [r2901] - add spear for Ixalovh, change her treasure list- add greater hell hound, dire wolf sire and change magehounds spell- make rug's whip glow
- 2004-07-11 19:27 temitchell
- [r2862] - add exit arch for dark forest
- 2004-07-11 00:12 temitchell
- [r2860] - smoothing touchups
- 2004-07-10 21:23 temitchell
- [r2859] - add a harder to spot spike
- 2004-07-10 00:36 temitchell
- [r2856] - make caves more visible in classic set
- 2004-06-29 00:56 crowbert
- [r2844] like find/disarm traps, all players should already have it, but just in case, let them learn it
- 2004-06-29 00:48 crowbert
- [r2843] fix typo
- 2004-06-12 17:21 temitchell
- [r2831] - reintroduce a cheap generic talisman for alchemy purposes - next needrecipies to produce the magic talismans from the generic one...
- 2004-06-09 01:41 avogl
- [r2823] Fixed counterwall spell.The counterwall spell did not work because the attacktypewas missing in the arch.--AV
- 2004-06-08 05:33 temitchell
- [r2822] - add slaying lines to these gods to make them oppose
- 2004-06-03 07:00 mwedel
- [r2811] update dimension door to be of the right path (Teleportation).MSW 2004-06-02
- 2004-05-25 06:42 mwedel
- [r2803] Fix name of books.MSW 2004-05-24
- 2004-05-25 01:47 temitchell
- [r2799] - add new exit arches (actual arches!)
- 2004-05-24 19:54 temitchell
- [r2794] - darkforest arch should block view
- 2004-05-23 18:39 temitchell
- [r2791] - remove weights from firebreath and icestorm objects so they do nottrigger knockback effects.
- 2004-05-20 05:52 mwedel
- [r2789] fix path for dimension door - it should be path_teleport, notpath_detonation.MSW 2004-05-19
- 2004-05-17 04:03 mwedel
- [r2786] Add image for glyph spell. Fix up other 'spell in rune' type spellsso that the face is set properly - don't really want the genericsorcerer/praying/whatever icon.MSW 2004-05-16
- 2004-05-15 18:17 ryo_saeba
- [r2776] ground positioning system
- 2004-05-05 07:16 mwedel
- [r2753] Add range_modifier to these spells, so the walls grow in lengthas caster level increases.MSW 2004-05-04
- 2004-04-10 07:34 mwedel
- [r2720] add attacktype to these skills.MSW 2004-04-09
- 2004-04-10 03:25 temitchell
- [r2718] - add god treasure lists to arches- some modifications to ixalovh- add some god treasure list info from objects doc to README
- 2004-04-05 02:47 temitchell
- [r2709] - fix missing face change for fire claws- fix colour in pl_dragon arc- fix animation for blue dragon face file
- 2004-03-05 05:19 temitchell
- [r2670] - merge image for the good ol troll. also make new classic image basedextrapolation from tiny troll.
- 2004-03-03 05:00 temitchell
- [r2665] - missed this one - remove last chopped dread image
- 2004-03-03 04:58 temitchell
- [r2664] - merge cyclops images (part 2)
- 2004-03-03 04:57 temitchell
- [r2663] - merge dread images (part 2)
- 2004-03-03 04:53 temitchell
- [r2662] - merge dread images
- 2004-03-03 04:48 temitchell
- [r2661] - remove reference images (no longer needed)
- 2004-03-03 04:46 temitchell
- [r2660] - merge cyclops images
- 2004-03-01 07:03 mwedel
- [r2658] commit the spell into CVS.MSW 2004-02-29
- 2004-03-01 05:25 temitchell
- [r2657] - fix weights
- 2004-02-29 23:17 temitchell
- [r2656] - change the arch here for blue dragon face
- 2004-02-28 22:52 temitchell
- [r2648] - new spell for summoners
- 2004-02-28 22:31 temitchell
- [r2647] - add spell wave- add weights to some other cone spells (for knockback effects)
- 2004-02-28 22:28 temitchell
- [r2646] - add sirencall spell (wide area charm- water goddess spell)- charm uses new charm graphic
- 2004-02-28 22:25 temitchell
- [r2645] - make new images for charm effects
- 2004-02-28 22:24 temitchell
- [r2644] - add shell type horns and graphics
- 2004-02-28 22:21 temitchell
- [r2643] - add water goddess treasure and avatar files (but note she likelystill needs tweaking)
- 2004-02-28 22:19 temitchell
- [r2642] - add two horns for water goddess, fix Lythander's horn to work with newskills.
- 2004-02-18 05:14 mwedel
- [r2625] increase power of divine shock some.MSW 2004-02-17
- 2004-02-17 00:04 mwedel
- [r2620] Clean up the casting time on a bunch of archetypes - the value wasn'tall that consistent. Also, start on the 'in game' documentation ofspells.MSW 2004-02-16
- 2004-02-12 02:45 temitchell
- [r2615] - change resist_blinding to resist_blind
- 2004-02-09 06:00 mwedel
- [r2610] Add 'damned 1' to all the floors, so that you can't cast cleric spellson them.MSW 2004-02-08
- 2004-02-02 00:34 mwedel
- [r2577] Fix a few arc errors related to panther.111 disappearing, butgaea still using them.Break out many of the treasure lists, and add the necessary skills so thatthe monsters can properly use things like spellbooks, wands, rods, etc.In many cases, update the creatures to have their own specific treasurelist.Add proper skill values to rods, horns, and staves - should fix problem withexp not being credited to correct skill.MSW 2004-02-01
- 2004-01-28 02:57 temitchell
- [r2555] - fix directions on gryphon (blush)- merge shadowtiger images- new anim for panther/shadow pup with 2 facings
- 2004-01-28 00:09 temitchell
- [r2554] - merge gryphon images- touchup animation - fix weight
- 2004-01-27 04:29 temitchell
- [r2549] - modify weights
- 2004-01-27 04:19 temitchell
- [r2548] - missed removing these files during last commit
- 2004-01-26 06:00 temitchell
- [r2540] - update changes and add TODO file for arches
- 2004-01-26 05:39 temitchell
- [r2539] - change weight - apes are a lot lighter than I thought (have to makea great ape sometime...)
- 2004-01-26 05:37 temitchell
- [r2538] - merge giant worm images - actually make two new frames to animateeach direction
- 2004-01-26 02:00 temitchell
- [r2537] - merge image for behemoth, fix weight (and facings error)
- 2004-01-26 01:58 temitchell
- [r2536] - adjust mastif weight
- 2004-01-26 01:57 temitchell
- [r2535] - merge giantrat image files, fix weight
- 2004-01-25 08:49 ryo_saeba
- [r2532] Reduced casting time
- 2004-01-25 07:13 temitchell
- [r2531] - first round of tweeking weights for monsters (also fix some weirdweight -1 entires)- use large images for bears
- 2004-01-18 11:01 ryo_saeba
- [r2521] Basic building archetypes: builder, remover, woodfloor, wall, gates, pedestals & levers
- 2004-01-17 06:50 temitchell
- [r2516] - add materials to firepot (iron) and fireplace (stone,iron)note however fireplace is still no pass so and likely needs to be forsome maps...
- 2004-01-17 06:15 temitchell
- [r2515] - add some default materials to clock (wood, glass) throne (wood,cloth)archetypes
- 2004-01-12 07:49 onefang
- [r2511] Removed arches from race field, only races should be here.DVS 2004-01-12
- 2004-01-01 17:56 temitchell
- [r2506] - Adding some files for new goddess Ixalovh - chaotic water goddess -sister/enemy to Ruggilli (still needs a bit more tuning).Cleaned up Ruggilli graphics - however not currently used...----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2004-01-01 17:24 temitchell
- [r2505] - add negative energy spells for shadow creatures Nega(tive energy)boltand Nega(tive energy)ball.- This is a better way to do spells -thanks Mark.
- 2004-01-01 00:49 temitchell
- [r2504] - fix pipe type and weight, add Lythander's pipe
- 2003-12-28 18:57 temitchell
- [r2499] - fire hatchlings should be red, no? Now they are.
- 2003-12-28 18:56 temitchell
- [r2498] - add different faces for dragon player
- 2003-12-28 05:50 mwedel
- [r2496] Update subtype of dragon claws. Also add animation/face informationso that the players face can change when they get this ability.MSW 2003-12-27
- 2003-12-24 18:45 temitchell
- [r2495] - fix up classic woman graphic - make man and woman arches random speed(for later animation)
- 2003-12-05 15:04 quickfur
- [r2483] New monster: giant leech
- 2003-12-05 15:03 quickfur
- [r2482] New monsters: leathery tentacle, spotted tentacle (dangerous)
- 2003-12-05 15:01 quickfur
- [r2481] New monster: slime crawler
- 2003-11-19 03:53 temitchell
- [r2467] - remove old single face rustmonster files
- 2003-11-19 03:50 temitchell
- [r2466] - changes to rustmonster from images by Bernd Edler and fileadd/changes to make the facings.
- 2003-11-17 00:39 mwedel
- [r2465] Fix rune of summonings to call appropriate summoning spell.Add summon devil spell to cover the rune of devil summoning.MSW 2003-11-16
- 2003-11-15 21:44 quickfur
- [r2461] New monsters (leech, tentacles) and new blood arch
- 2003-11-01 20:12 temitchell
- [r2434] - fix this arch as it has been freaking me out for some time now.
- 2003-10-27 03:32 temitchell
- [r2424] - add trigger_marker arch
- 2003-10-26 04:47 mwedel
- [r2416] remove the god_spelldirect items. The spell item should just be useddirectly instead.MSW 2003-10-25
- 2003-10-20 07:44 temitchell
- [r2403] - adjust the xp up and the abilities down a tad for apes
- 2003-10-14 05:58 mwedel
- [r2396] Change spelldirect arch's to be actual spell arch's for grantingdragon abilities. I basically left these as per the normalarch - perhaps they should be customized (different skill/level/otherabilities?)MSW 2003-10-13
- 2003-10-03 07:21 mwedel
- [r2369] Catch up on some pretty old patches.New serpentman race for players.New low level spell sparkshower.Patches originally from 'Flying Pedestrian', but some things changedaround.MSW 2003-10-02
- 2003-10-03 03:07 temitchell
- [r2367] - Adding campfire (it will burn stuff) and burnt out campfireThis should make for some atmospheric additions to maps.
- 2003-10-01 02:41 temitchell
- [r2362] - new arch woman2 (to replace all those mock princesses)
- 2003-09-29 03:42 temitchell
- [r2360] - replace this face for compatibility with old map set
- 2003-09-29 03:04 temitchell
- [r2359] - add dark forest arch and smoothing
- 2003-09-28 17:20 temitchell
- [r2353] - fix this - had some ugly fringing
- 2003-09-28 17:17 temitchell
- [r2351] - add imperial bank note for banking
- 2003-09-24 22:48 avogl
- [r2344] More faces for spells. Should be more or less complete now.
- 2003-09-24 21:33 avogl
- [r2343] Added faces to spells. This is only for the editor,to distuingish the spell school (skill) associations.I believe this will make things clearer and moreeasy to handle in regard to mapmaking.--AndreasV
- 2003-09-24 13:59 avogl
- [r2342] New pictures for spells. This should help to distinguish thedifferent magic school associations in map editors.(The pictures are only for the editor, spells won't be visiblein the real game.)--AndreasV
- 2003-09-18 04:00 temitchell
- [r2331] - new coins and gems for the classic setbased on the famous DG graphics and from the files of Dany Talbot
- 2003-09-17 01:15 temitchell
- [r2330] - much needed smoothing updates fix evergreen forest and make a moreslim grass border fot trees and woods
- 2003-09-13 04:38 mwedel
- [r2315] Updated for new spell + skill code. Many files moved about.Main changes for weapons is to add what skill they use.MSW 2003-09-12
- 2003-09-08 04:42 mwedel
- [r2308] Fix type (spelling of 'resist_poison'). MSW 2003-09-07
- 2003-09-08 02:57 temitchell
- [r2307] - a mat suitable for hiding a key under
- 2003-09-07 22:40 temitchell
- [r2306] - Adding some images for a new quest
- 2003-09-07 18:17 temitchell
- [r2305] - a nice stone bridge suitable for crossing things
- 2003-09-04 06:21 temitchell
- [r2303] - changing type on traps, adding generic trap arch for use in traps thatuse triggers
- 2003-09-04 00:06 temitchell
- [r2302] - yikes, these images were missed during cvs add when I updated thearches for large images of buildings.
- 2003-09-03 00:53 temitchell
- [r2297] - add random items to behemoth
- 2003-09-03 00:52 temitchell
- [r2296] - make hides more generic, add brain- add bat wings
- 2003-08-30 18:15 temitchell
- [r2293] *** empty log message ***
- 2003-08-28 01:45 temitchell
- [r2290] - a dancing ape - I animated the nethack/slashem ape FYI...
- 2003-08-27 04:31 temitchell
- [r2289] - classic pirates.
- 2003-08-27 04:02 temitchell
- [r2288] - Introducing the new 2003 pirate, notice the jaunty moustache...
- 2003-08-02 22:05 temitchell
- [r2281] - to replace the classic image to match the others
- 2003-08-02 20:44 temitchell
- [r2280] - much needed tiling fixes to these.
- 2003-07-26 21:33 temitchell
- [r2275] - make the shallow sea yet bluer. This is as blue as it gets folks.
- 2003-07-21 03:33 temitchell
- [r2266] - a darker version of the palace
- 2003-07-21 03:30 temitchell
- [r2265] - missed this when updating the picture
- 2003-07-21 00:46 temitchell
- [r2263] - more buildings consolidated and some touched up. The one thing tonote here is that the palace I dropped from 160 to 128 width as *most*maps were showing this anyway. The only weirdness is pupland terminalwhich I will fix up (pupland and butakis maps with palace were messed upanyway and referenced each part of the arch, not the arch itself).- added a new barn while fixing up the old barn.
- 2003-07-20 02:56 temitchell
- [r2262] - make the water a little more blue since some people havesaid it looks too much like ice.
- 2003-07-19 22:18 temitchell
- [r2261] - speed up the animation a bit
- 2003-07-19 21:52 temitchell
- [r2260] - consolidate keep,temple,guild,courthouse - use the existing collesium x11pics.
- 2003-07-19 05:32 temitchell
- [r2259] - consolodating some more buildings - touch up the large house
- 2003-07-18 16:37 avogl
- [r2258] Just removed the unneccessary "type 0".
- 2003-07-18 04:01 temitchell
- [r2256] renumbered all the smoothing to make some room and fix some ugliness this scheme goes along the lines of:beach - 10sea - 20floors/roads - 30grass - 40hills - 60mountains - 100forests - 125trees - 140
- 2003-07-17 00:05 temitchell
- [r2254] - add a smoothlevel to these to put htem over the water
- 2003-07-17 00:05 temitchell
- [r2253] - new deep swamp images, smoothing - fixup grass (again) change desertand beach images
- 2003-07-16 05:39 temitchell
- [r2249] - missed converting this to 8bit
- 2003-07-16 05:27 temitchell
- [r2248] - set up jungle smoohting added woods_2 smoothing
- 2003-07-16 05:22 temitchell
- [r2247] - fix lava, add jungle
- 2003-07-16 03:46 temitchell
- [r2245] - beach is lower than water - surf's up
- 2003-07-16 02:58 temitchell
- [r2243] - changes for smoothing - new water, swamp smoothing and some fixes forsome arch information
- 2003-07-15 12:56 tchize
- [r2240] updated .arc files so they now contain the smoothface informations.
- 2003-07-14 22:05 garbled
- [r2237] New chess club image by Jan Kroken (xeno)
- 2003-07-14 22:04 garbled
- [r2236] New well by Jan Kroken (xeno)
- 2003-07-13 04:24 temitchell
- [r2233] - making waves
- 2003-07-13 00:21 temitchell
- [r2231] - smooth the seas - you can also use this to enhance animation :)
- 2003-07-12 14:29 avogl
- [r2230] Blackrock had battleground type set which is definitlywrong. I've set it to type 0 for a normal floor.--AV
- 2003-07-12 08:41 temitchell
- [r2228] - tweeking smoothing levels - it is beginning to look ok...
- 2003-07-12 07:01 temitchell
- [r2227] - smoothlevels for forests raised to 75, some others set with possiblevalues.
- 2003-07-12 06:30 temitchell
- [r2226] -renamed smoothing sets as per mark's suggestion, added lava, dunes,more hills
- 2003-07-09 03:34 temitchell
- [r2223] - peg mountains at smoothlevel 50? Anyway they already mesh well so setthem all at the same level.
- 2003-07-09 03:32 temitchell
- [r2222] - add smoothlevels to these arches hopefully in line with expectedvalues
- 2003-07-09 02:16 temitchell
- [r2220] - one more
- 2003-07-09 02:15 temitchell
- [r2219] - it's my day for stupid oversights, renaming these should stop theerror message sin collect script
- 2003-07-09 01:51 temitchell
- [r2218] - oops - fix this before I get yelled at.
- 2003-07-08 23:56 temitchell
- [r2217] - replace this for current code compatibility(?)
- 2003-07-08 23:54 temitchell
- [r2216] - renamed the template (it's not set or sprite specific...)
- 2003-07-08 23:51 temitchell
- [r2215] - removing these temoplates to remove this directory
- 2003-07-08 23:48 temitchell
- [r2214] - removing these
- 2003-07-08 23:41 temitchell
- [r2213] - smoothing image sets.
- 2003-07-08 12:58 tchize
- [r2212] New pictures for new way of handling smoothing. The grass picture isstill my ugly one but will be replaced as fast as possible...Drawers, it's up to you now (Crossfire needs YOU!)
- 2003-07-08 03:53 temitchell
- [r2209] - more stoned player images
- 2003-07-08 00:29 temitchell
- [r2208] - stoned player images for future use.
- 2003-06-22 21:26 mwedel
- [r2198] fix up maxhp for a bunch of monsters.Also, rename destroying_angel file to retributioner, since that is theactual object and animation name.MSW 2003-06-22
- 2003-06-19 12:30 tchize
- [r2196] set the smoothelevel to some archetype. Added the smooth picturesassociated.
- 2003-06-18 04:01 temitchell
- [r2191] - touch up mountain4 to make it more distinguishable from mountain2
- 2003-06-16 07:14 temitchell
- [r2190] - more cleanup
- 2003-06-16 07:11 temitchell
- [r2189] - more cleaning
- 2003-06-16 07:03 temitchell
- [r2188] - die you files, die!
- 2003-06-16 06:31 temitchell
- [r2187] - rename human to humanoid- reorg race folders- add dragon folk and halflings- fix man and woman to have facings- fix charwoman
- 2003-06-16 06:16 temitchell
- [r2186] - removing the human folder
- 2003-06-16 01:03 temitchell
- [r2184] - fix the haggis
- 2003-06-13 04:13 temitchell
- [r2183] - blackish dragon anim - now there is one for each elemental path.. hinthint.
- 2003-06-13 02:13 temitchell
- [r2182] - elf touchup, red and green dragon animations.
- 2003-06-12 05:21 temitchell
- [r2181] -giant as a single image, new mabu image (a redhead?)
- 2003-06-12 05:04 temitchell
- [r2180] - two buildings redone using large images
- 2003-06-12 05:00 temitchell
- [r2179] *** empty log message ***
- 2003-06-10 06:34 mwedel
- [r2174] Relocate the pentagram to a more appropriate directory - itis just a teleporter after all.MSW 2003-06-09
- 2003-05-26 17:01 jbontje
- [r2160] Open up the door of the cathedralmids 2003-05-26
- 2003-05-25 05:13 temitchell
- [r2154] -shadow and shadow wyvern (will do a few more - maybe a summon shadowspell/ability is in order?)
- 2003-05-25 05:11 temitchell
- [r2153] - oops forgot the treasurelist entry
- 2003-05-25 00:01 temitchell
- [r2152] - fixes to hellhound
- 2003-05-24 22:55 temitchell
- [r2150] - mice random animation - remove the dogs to their own folder
- 2003-05-24 22:47 temitchell
- [r2149] -every dog has it's day...
- 2003-05-24 22:36 temitchell
- [r2148] - hellhound
- 2003-05-24 22:36 temitchell
- [r2147] - shadows, starting with the shadow mastif
- 2003-05-24 16:59 temitchell
- [r2146] - look, a puppy!
- 2003-05-23 04:53 temitchell
- [r2140] - get these guys to stop line dancing.
- 2003-05-22 22:28 avogl
- [r2139] Here comes the new red dragon and ancient red dragonimages. I used the well-known ancient red dragonsfrom peterm's dragon quest as base models for the newancient dragon arch. Apart from that I rose a fewresistances by a small amount, most noteworthy:reducing cold vuln from -100 to -50, otherwise theyjust die too quick in a snowstorm.Also re-added the thin black frame to the sign, tohave it better visible, especially on brownish backgrounds.--AndreasV
- 2003-05-21 06:15 temitchell
- [r2136] - found another use for this.
- 2003-05-20 02:43 temitchell
- [r2134] -dog
- 2003-05-19 18:51 temitchell
- [r2133] - one more set of windows
- 2003-05-14 00:22 temitchell
- [r2126] - the sorcerer is better(a bit less goofy looking), the alchemist isbetter(less choppy).
- 2003-05-11 21:56 temitchell
- [r2125] - cache the purple wizard animation
- 2003-05-11 21:50 temitchell
- [r2124] - more animated Wizard classes for the base set.
- 2003-05-11 21:40 temitchell
- [r2123] -new farmer
- 2003-05-08 09:32 avogl
- [r2122] I've set the race of elemental witches to matchthose of the other elementals. This is going tomake anti-elemental slayings work against them, asthey are supposed to.
- 2003-05-08 01:06 temitchell
- [r2120] -building an even closer working relationship between rivers and falls.
- 2003-05-08 00:28 temitchell
- [r2119] - added a bit of spray, now there's some falls...
- 2003-05-07 22:19 temitchell
- [r2118] - make falls fit to rivers heading southish
- 2003-05-07 21:53 temitchell
- [r2117] -cosmetic addition, but not that I think of it, both falls will befurther changed to fit to river...
- 2003-04-29 05:27 temitchell
- [r2113] *** empty log message ***
- 2003-04-29 05:26 temitchell
- [r2112] - these are messed up - forcing a switch
- 2003-04-29 05:25 temitchell
- [r2111] - New building
- 2003-04-28 06:10 temitchell
- [r2106] -windows
- 2003-04-14 00:29 temitchell
- [r2101] - base conjurer images, old ones moves to clsc where they belong.
- 2003-04-14 00:27 temitchell
- [r2100] - you will need these too folks.
- 2003-04-14 00:26 temitchell
- [r2099] - classic dwarf, gnome and half-orc
- 2003-04-12 23:42 temitchell
- [r2098] - New Alchemist animation for base set
- 2003-04-08 23:35 temitchell
- [r2093] - new half-orc base set, animated
- 2003-04-07 00:21 temitchell
- [r2092] - finishing more player race animationsTODO: The Wizardly player classes (maybe add in some variationhere), new HalfOrc (it's just barfy), many 'classic' versions of these.
- 2003-04-06 20:24 temitchell
- [r2091] - animate Thief classes
- 2003-04-05 20:02 temitchell
- [r2088] - touching up player race animations - dragon, dwarf, troll, halfling,gnome
- 2003-04-05 01:21 temitchell
- [r2086] - round off the warriors with left-right animation
- 2003-04-04 04:47 temitchell
- [r2085] - Full four point animation for the Religious folk- Classic images will have to wait till I'm done the base playerarches
- 2003-03-31 05:16 temitchell
- [r2082] -simple animation for warrior classes
- 2003-03-30 23:43 temitchell
- [r2081] -missed setting the face - hmm, they all look to the right anyway..what's up with that?
- 2003-03-30 22:55 temitchell
- [r2080] Checking in a bunch of player animations - starting with some raceimages.
- 2003-03-30 06:02 mwedel
- [r2078] Add new images by Oliver ( - made up new archetypesfor these tiled images.MSW 2003-03-30
- 2003-03-30 05:46 mwedel
- [r2077] Fix transperancies of firebolts as per Bernd Edlers comments. This doesn'teffect display on new clients, but may make things work better forsystems with old png libraries.Update the old player archetypes to contain proper animationinformation.Update the elf arch to demonstrate a 4 direction animated elfplayer - only one of the directions is actually animated.MSW 2003-03-30
- 2003-03-19 07:44 mwedel
- [r2065] add 'facings' to all the player related arc's. Needed for it tobe compatible with normal object animation.MSW 2003-03-18
- 2003-03-16 17:31 temitchell
- [r2064] - dropping off some images for player animations
- 2003-03-16 17:28 temitchell
- [r2063] orc and ogre cleaning - randomize anims
- 2003-03-10 05:08 temitchell
- [r2062] - replaced windows CR/LF(^M) with LF
- 2003-03-10 04:12 temitchell
- [r2061] - couldn't figure out what was wrong with my anim - the arc had itbackwards all along
- 2003-03-10 03:29 temitchell
- [r2060] Made a 2.5D cyclops, reworked the classic ent, cleaned up some multiparthouses and added a ruined temple
- 2003-03-08 14:58 avogl
- [r2056] Checked in the new weak wall (from Kevin R. Bulgrien),a small correction to another weak wall type,and the new DreadKnight & DShield for base set.--AndreasV
- 2003-03-08 05:06 mwedel
- [r2052] Add weidhg to archetype so that it actually works by default withoutmap maker having to set weight value.MSW 2003-03-07
- 2003-02-24 07:30 mwedel
- [r2040] Fix up arch - had wrong names in some places.MSW 2003-02-24
- 2003-02-24 07:26 mwedel
- [r2039] Add sheep images and related bits. Done by Flying Pedestrian.MSW 2003-02-23
- 2003-02-23 16:46 temitchell
- [r2038] -fix discrepancy in image count between sets.
- 2003-02-22 06:38 mwedel
- [r2036] Add arch's for town portal spell so that it doesn't have to reset/changeall the values.MSW 2003-02-21
- 2003-02-21 07:52 mwedel
- [r2032] fix name_pl for desk - never got this change committed for some reason.MSW 2003-02-20
- 2003-02-18 09:27 garbled
- [r2026] New images for frostbolt, firebolt and mouse. Taken from (Various variations ofnethack tiles)
- 2003-02-15 20:59 temitchell
- [r2021] - adds cold marsh, marsh and wooded hills - new pic for desert, old picnow clsc image----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2003-02-14 04:25 garbled
- [r2016] Update these to by type==73. Only mithril previously had a type, whichwas 60 (GEM). Changed it to 73 as I will be using 73 for raw materials initem creation.
- 2003-02-13 23:51 garbled
- [r2015] organic->organics. Caused crash in navar museum of arms
- 2003-02-06 08:13 garbled
- [r2004] Twiddle the materials and materialnames on a ton of objects. Get rid ofthings like "organic eyeshield" "glass magnifying glass" etc. Set somematerialtypes that are specific to the armour/weapon, like glacium forthe frost weapons. Make all the boots and shoes made of leather, so Istop seeing "pine boots". Change a bunch of artifacts to use specificmetals or magical cloths, to stop things like "adamantium robe".Also.. change leather armour to just "armour" so the leather and otherrandom leathertypes automatically work with it, making things like"bearskin armour". This breaks a few alchemy formulae.. which I will fixsoon.
- 2003-02-01 07:17 temitchell
- [r1989] -new classic halfing images
- 2003-01-30 00:10 garbled
- [r1977] Sprinkle some materialnames around. prevents things like "leatherleather armour", "gold coins made of bronze".
- 2003-01-19 07:14 garbled
- [r1957] A TON of graphical fixups. Most of these were converted xpms thatsomehow got this huge black border around them. it drove me nuts. Ifixed it. Also fixed the annoying thing where slums and cathedrals had awierd green glow to the roof. There was a missing color, and it wastransparent.
- 2003-01-19 01:55 temitchell
- [r1955] -adding slotmachines
- 2003-01-13 05:23 temitchell
- [r1942] -adding in tree housing (elves) and a banshee (dead elvin maiden monster)
- 2003-01-10 00:14 garbled
- [r1940] Missed a few. Add weapontypes
- 2003-01-10 00:12 garbled
- [r1939] Add weapontypes to all of these
- 2003-01-09 04:05 temitchell
- [r1932] -Added rapier-Fixed some images, added new man images for classic set, added elf guard for classic set, removed the ugly glacier image backup file
- 2003-01-07 09:44 garbled
- [r1926] Add the lantern archetypes
- 2003-01-07 06:20 temitchell
- [r1921] - more touchups for the classic set, fixed the thief_1 anim (was spinning like a top using the player anim), added a goose
- 2003-01-07 05:43 garbled
- [r1919] Add a square for light shops.. produces flints and torches.. will eventuallyproduce lamps.
- 2003-01-05 23:22 mwedel
- [r1917] Uopdate speed of devil generatorMSW 2003-01-05
- 2003-01-05 01:18 temitchell
- [r1916] -the witch tiles were offsize (funny they displayed fine in the DX client- I wonder what that means) and did not display in the cfclient.-added stove and tanning bench for alchemy-a 'classic' female elf
- 2003-01-04 07:24 temitchell
- [r1915] made the princess look a bit more like a princess
- 2003-01-03 16:19 tchize
- [r1912] Now generates fire elementals and doesn't disappear under counterspell attacks.
- 2003-01-02 06:57 mwedel
- [r1910] Remove no_pass from lamppost - image doesn't have appearance that itshould block movement.MSW 2003-01-01
- 2003-01-02 06:29 temitchell
- [r1908] -adding images for elf-man arch
- 2003-01-02 06:11 temitchell
- [r1907] -added more elf NPCs (pay no attention to the man behind the curtain)
- 2003-01-02 00:14 temitchell
- [r1906] -added two herbs (for garbled garden or other uses)
- 2002-12-22 20:32 temitchell
- [r1898] - transparancies for mountain snow, standardized the rivlets colour table- added foilage along the same lines (?) - made clsc versions of these too
- 2002-12-21 20:33 temitchell
- [r1897] - fixing up the snow forestsadding in classic versions, adding in non floor versions- would like to add some snow on the trees for the base set, but that will have to wait.add in classic glacier image
- 2002-12-20 05:44 temitchell
- [r1895] - new classic (oxymoron) image for the deathtrees
- 2002-12-20 05:42 temitchell
- [r1894] added a bunch of new classic pics to enhance the set and to make the weather a bit less troubling players using that image set
- 2002-12-15 20:32 temitchell
- [r1890] -you kids get out of my tomatoes!
- 2002-12-15 17:18 temitchell
- [r1889] -forgot this winter forest image
- 2002-12-15 16:51 temitchell
- [r1888] - more graphic tweeking - snow, ipond, and drifts touched up by A.V, also an attempt to make the winter mountainn images nicer by me.
- 2002-12-15 16:48 temitchell
- [r1887] -return of the magic bow - images by A.V.
- 2002-12-08 17:21 tchize
- [r1873] Fire plane artefacts..... "It's Coming!..."
- 2002-12-03 07:25 garbled
- [r1867] typo
- 2002-12-03 03:24 temitchell
- [r1866] -sorry bout that - one wizards desk.
- 2002-12-03 02:52 garbled
- [r1865] A new image for the waterfall, that fits the rest of the world. rivletsfor the mountains, because puddles look stupid on them.
- 2002-12-03 02:43 garbled
- [r1864] New images for steppe and a lighter steppe.
- 2002-12-03 02:41 garbled
- [r1863] add new images that tile better for the dark and medium grass. New imagesto represent dying grass.
- 2002-12-03 02:28 garbled
- [r1862] Add arches and images for thaumatugist's desk and jeweler's bench. Imagesby temitchell.
- 2002-12-02 08:12 mwedel
- [r1861] Add is_thrown to these thrown objects so that the code will find themproperly and have monsters throw them.MSW 2002-11-30
- 2002-11-30 16:36 temitchell
- [r1856] changed the material type from wood(?) to iron on these
- 2002-11-30 16:20 temitchell
- [r1855] -changed name field to snow on these
- 2002-11-30 05:31 temitchell
- [r1853] -fixed the transparency on the evergreen2 image
- 2002-11-30 05:29 temitchell
- [r1852] working on the snow again
- 2002-11-29 05:07 temitchell
- [r1850] -touched up outpost tower pic
- 2002-11-29 04:31 temitchell
- [r1849] -did not totally fix the mine secret doors but improved their look a bit anyway
- 2002-11-29 04:28 temitchell
- [r1848] - a forge animation, some desks and dressers, a workbench pic
- 2002-11-25 06:18 temitchell
- [r1833] fixed transparancy on this
- 2002-11-24 21:19 temitchell
- [r1832] oops - is not a floor
- 2002-11-24 20:41 temitchell
- [r1831] adding ice for weather effects
- 2002-11-17 18:06 temitchell
- [r1829] touched up snow overlay, added snow5 - a lighter snow overlay
- 2002-11-11 08:53 garbled
- [r1803] prototypes for the forge and workbench items (for new alchemy). To do theseI simply reused the fireplace and table_4 graphics. It would be really niceif someone would do real graphics for a forge and bowyer's workbench.A room hanging off the armory and bowyer shop like the one in the alchemyshop would be nice too.
- 2002-11-08 08:42 garbled
- [r1798] Add puddles, to display rain effects. Images excellently drawn by:Meegwun South.
- 2002-11-08 08:40 garbled
- [r1797] New gfx for wooded areas, transparent, rather than having grass on the image.Graphics kindly provided by: Meegwun South
- 2002-11-07 00:19 temitchell
- [r1796] fixed number of anim frames - was generating warning message.
- 2002-11-06 09:49 garbled
- [r1795] Add snow4 arc and snow4 image. Image provided by Todd Mitchell<>
- 2002-11-03 06:35 temitchell
- [r1789] Fixed the mountain4 image (was not 8 bit), modified the glacier image,added animation and glow effect to brazier and fireplace, added attache case,added two more snow/mountain arches and a mountain5 (very high mountain)
- 2002-11-02 06:43 temitchell
- [r1788] dded in some lamposts and a braizer variant with animation
- 2002-10-30 08:23 garbled
- [r1785] These woods didn't have is_floor set.
- 2002-10-30 05:46 temitchell
- [r1783] Arg matey! Raided the RPG 8 bit library and added some lantern images, a few helmets and a shield.Fixed the Giant rat attacktype typoCleaned up the big keep imageMade a new towerAdded in 5 different skeletal debris arches (for when a corpse just isn't enough)
- 2002-10-29 06:09 temitchell
- [r1775] Added rubble (for flavour) and a cheeseburger (anachronistic but for something I am working on - do not use lightly)
- 2002-10-28 06:09 garbled
- [r1768] Add back in some "end"'s I nuked. oops
- 2002-10-28 05:50 garbled
- [r1766] add is_water to these too.
- 2002-10-28 05:40 garbled
- [r1765] Add is_water to these
- 2002-10-27 03:48 temitchell
- [r1756] ome additional winter terrain - more snow and a glacier arch
- 2002-10-27 03:44 temitchell
- [r1755] Update halforc images for base set
- 2002-10-27 03:40 temitchell
- [r1754] doors that swing open (with connect) - the mdoor images is the door outline and not referred in the arch.
- 2002-10-27 03:16 temitchell
- [r1753] anged bird animation
- 2002-10-25 11:02 avogl
- [r1752] Added a special image for the god_grace_limits.This is only for their appearance in the editor.--AV
- 2002-09-18 05:52 mwedel
- [r1730] Update connected objects to have 'activate_on_push' and'activate_on_release' flags - this corresponds to code changes in theserver. Remove some of the 'unused' entries, as they are infact in use now.MSW 2002-09-17
- 2002-09-13 06:15 mwedel
- [r1721] add new archetypes by Todd Mitchell.Correct name of the various monster skins.Remove is_floor from thorns.arcMSW 2002-09-12
- 2002-09-07 13:36 avogl
- [r1702] Added blinding resistances to many monsters.I have tried my best to distribute these blindingresistances not at random, but in reasonableand consistent ways:Dragons and demons are now mostly immune to blinding.IMO they have such omnipotent senses that merelyblinding their eyes doesn't help. Lesser forms ofthese creatures don't have full immunity though.The undead are well resistant to blinding as theydon't have biological eyes, which makes it harder to blind them.Only few of them are totally immune however.Angels are also well resistant to blinding. Beingminions of Valriel they have experience with blinding"techniques" and thus know how to protect against it.Also immune to blinding are creatures which just don'thave any eyes. E.g. giant worms, slimes and crawling chaos.All humaniod monsters, including the orcish and trollishraces, remain without blinding resistance.Most low-level monsters generally have either low or noblinding resistance (as long as they have eyes).Extremely vulnerable to blinding are one-eyed creatures:Cyclopses, dreads and beholders.[Sidenote: I have reduced cyclops experience from 400000to 250000 which I think is still more than enough.]--AndreasV
- 2002-09-05 01:41 avogl
- [r1695] I had to re-adjust some of the recently changed levelsin pupland monsters. As maintainer of the pupland set Ihope it is okay when I do this, have written on thelist about it too.Some monsters just need those levels to be able tohit and damage high level players.Evil Masters are a somewhat special case:I have moved most all attributes out of the map intothe arches (So the arches contain the "real version").The reason for this is I fear the fallback toarch-values when these monsters happen to apply equipment.--AndreasV
- 2002-08-29 05:17 mwedel
- [r1689] Fix the level/exp for some monsters - these all had levels whichwas much higher than the actually difficulty the monster should be.MSW 2002-08-28
- 2002-08-26 07:00 mwedel
- [r1687] Fix 'slaying' field (which determines spell name) ingod_spelldirect_face_of_death and god_spelldirect_finger_of_death.MSW 2002-08-25
- 2002-08-21 06:58 mwedel
- [r1683] Oops - forgot to add the new files.Was also working from old archive that didn't have the winter terrain -now added that.MSW 2002-08-20
- 2002-08-21 06:36 mwedel
- [r1681] Add archetypes from Todd Mitchell. These add wolfs and bears,with bodyparts for them. Also changes races for readable scrollobjects so that scrollcase objects can be used. Add ruined tower.New images for some objects.Commited by MSW 2002-08-20
- 2002-07-16 05:02 mwedel
- [r1659] Fix monster arcs that had incorrect wrists/foot (1 instead of 2)Fix update_monster script that generated the errors in the first place.Add body information to the player/old/*.arc for very old player files.Move crown from misc directory to armour/helmet, add appropriate body_info.Add needed body info for elven boots.MSW 2002-07-15
- 2002-07-15 04:38 mwedel
- [r1657] Update arcs to use body_info for equipping items.Update armor to use gen_sp_armour instead of last_heal.can_use_shield added to necessary arcs.Add dev/scripts directory, which contains some handy scripts I wrotefor updating on the items.Add item_power to the armours - needs to be done for rest of equippableitems.MSW 2002-07-14
- 2002-07-01 22:35 mwedel
- [r1637] Fix extra space after face name - some of the tools used to buildspoiler can't properly deal with this.MSW 2002-07-01
- 2002-05-31 03:53 mwedel
- [r1604] add name_pl, client_type information to objects that can get picked up.Remove some duplicates, change poisonfood to use the same face as boozeso you can't tell simply by looking at it that it is bad food.Change some of the names for the skill scrolls to put them more in linewith the skills they actually give you.MSW 2002-05-30
- 2002-05-19 00:19 mwedel
- [r1590] Fix animation in sorigs armor.Add merged images for some objects I used in testing - the archetypesneed to be modified to use these, but a new version of the clients needsto get pushed out before that can happen. Committing them will savesomeone the work of merging them later on.MSW 2002-05-18
- 2002-03-04 20:16 avogl
- [r1553] changed initial stats from dragon player race:rised INT, dropped DEX mainlyThe extremely low INT wasn't good for the racebecause dragons have great need to learn spells.Moreover, dragons are generally not considered stupid.
- 2002-03-03 21:01 avogl
- [r1551] added title into dragon ability force
- 2002-03-01 20:47 avogl
- [r1546] new arches for the dragon-race patch
- 2002-02-26 07:29 mwedel
- [r1544] Remove a few more xbm's I missed the first time around.MSW 2002-02-25
- 2002-02-26 07:18 mwedel
- [r1543] Remove all the old xpm and xbm files. Hopefully I got them all.MSW 2002-02-25
- 2002-02-24 20:27 avogl
- [r1541] improved images for elevation-wallstyle 'slevel'
- 2002-02-24 16:24 avogl
- [r1540] I'd be curious to know what "type 6-7" was supposedto mean? - A typo most likely, but a strange one.
- 2002-02-24 14:04 avogl
- [r1539] Added xpm/xbm for acidspit, since I don't knowhow long it will take till someone is ableto fix the broken collect script.
- 2002-02-22 02:08 avogl
- [r1537] New images:New giant cobra, windstorm and acidspit animations,and some more.
- 2002-02-20 10:27 avogl
- [r1536] mover_turn had a wrong direction-attribute set.This is maybe still a relict from times wheredirections have been stored in different format.
- 2001-12-31 07:02 mwedel
- [r1487] Rename of files to include base in name - for multiple image set supportin the server. MSW 2001-12-30
- 2001-12-28 06:02 darth_bob
- [r1483] This is a script for moving one set dirs into another, be very careful you can make mistakes very easily with it!
- 2001-12-28 05:46 darth_bob
- [r1482] Mammoth commit here, just added alternate set (now called classic or clsc) to the archs. This is in preperation for support of arbitrary sets.
- 2001-12-18 10:59 darth_bob
- [r1468] Added life stealing to devourers
- 2001-12-12 11:00 darth_bob
- [r1451] Added lots of new resistance, this is not intended to be permenent but to sweeten it alittle. I shall play through the char and see how hard it is and fix it from there. Changes are:resist_fire -5 (from -30)resist_cold 15resist_poison 100resist_ghosthit 50repelled fire
- 2001-12-09 14:02 darth_bob
- [r1450] Few small to medium changes.
- 2001-12-09 13:22 darth_bob
- [r1449] Popular request I have downed gorokh. After playing it and getting to level 107 in 2-3 days I agree. Some nasty negs now, -5 cold this should slow them down alittle, and -2 hp regen and -1 sp regen should also slow it down somewhat. The real issue is that angels give alot of exp and the angel map is long and big =).
- 2001-12-05 06:43 mwedel
- [r1448] Add new archetypes. Fix missing newline at end of gnoll_chief_arc.arc.Fixed a few files that resulted in png warnings during load.MSW 2001-12-04
- 2001-11-19 23:39 michtoen
- [r1434] guild system forces, ignore when not used
- 2001-11-18 09:38 darth_bob
- [r1432] Fixed animation, yeah I know.. dah
- 2001-11-18 03:50 darth_bob
- [r1431] I am sure there is an easier way to do this =\
- 2001-11-18 03:49 darth_bob
- [r1430] Same as above, just some artifact monsters put into .arcs
- 2001-11-18 03:48 darth_bob
- [r1429] In future I will remember to remove the emacs tmp files =)These are just the artifact monsters put into arcs (with a few small changes here and there). It is so map makers can place them directly into maps.
- 2001-11-17 21:10 michtoen
- [r1427] Add new force for ext2 system
- 2001-11-17 06:43 michtoen
- [r1424] bugfix
- 2001-11-15 01:59 darth_bob
- [r1418] Okay, now I have actually done it properly =\dnh
- 2001-11-15 01:49 darth_bob
- [r1417] Added new arc for Sorig mithril chainmail, it was using an arc that didn't have startequip set to 1.dnh 15/11/01
- 2001-11-15 01:06 avogl
- [r1416] Gorokh had only bonuses, all his negative attributes got removedsomehow. This is very unbalanced compared to other gods.I set Gorokh to "hp-regen -1" again. This is only very littlecompensation for flaming aura, vitriol and slaying angel.
- 2001-11-15 00:09 avogl
- [r1415] burning tail (holy relict of ruggilli) didn't have startequipset and thus didn't dissapear when dropped.I assume this wasn't intended and set it startequip 1 now.
- 2001-11-10 07:53 darth_bob
- [r1406] I am not sure who changed this to -40 but it was dumb. Keep in mind the key to game, is making it fun, the game is unplayable when you can't cast spells and you can't survive the slightest breath of fire. *grump*dnh 10/11/01
- 2001-11-09 14:03 darth_bob
- [r1405] Now lets actually commit them!(Cool new messages Mark!, I don't even need to stick on dnh!)
- 2001-11-09 13:48 darth_bob
- [r1404] New exit animation, only frames 1,3,5,7 are actually used ATM.dnh 10/11/01
- 2001-11-09 06:39 darth_bob
- [r1403] Fixed a silly mistakednh 9/11/01
- 2001-11-09 01:25 darth_bob
- [r1402] Messages working? some new exit images, only using 1,3,5,7 at the moment though.dnh 9/11/01
- 2001-11-08 12:56 darth_bob
- [r1401] same drill, ent -> pantherdnh 8/11/01
- 2001-11-08 12:44 darth_bob
- [r1400] same drill... shame to waste that loverly avatar graphic. But it don't work.dnh 8/11/01
- 2001-11-08 12:39 darth_bob
- [r1399] Whoops, face gnarg.111dnh 8/11/01
- 2001-11-08 12:30 darth_bob
- [r1398] patched gnarg's avatar to be 1x1. Not sure who broke them but they weren't moving or hitting properly. It needed to be done anyways as 2x2 avatars were close to useless. If anyone has a problem with this, I have backup's and can restore it.dnh 8/11/01ps. I also turned down hp 1000 for a 1x1 is rather scary =)
- 2001-11-06 16:46 darth_bob
- [r1395] Added this to make skull_tooth handling easierdnh 7/11/01
- 2001-11-06 16:45 darth_bob
- [r1394] New charm, a very watered down amulet of freeactioncan be bought at gem shop in exchange for a skull tooth.dnh 7/11/01
- 2001-11-06 01:35 darth_bob
- [r1390] new disease, rabiesdnh 6/11/01
- 2001-11-06 01:35 darth_bob
- [r1389] CV: new disease, rabiesdnh 6/11/01 ----------------------------------------------------------------------
- 2001-11-04 07:06 mwedel
- [r1377] Fix name in archetype file. MSW 2001-11-03
- 2001-11-02 03:31 darth_bob
- [r1361] sigh, what a stupid typednh 2/11/01
- 2001-11-02 01:48 darth_bob
- [r1357] Fixed some typos and fiddled with name abitdnh 2/11/01
- 2001-11-02 01:35 darth_bob
- [r1356] A modified robe2 (most noted for being on serpent priests). I have made what I feel it should be like, but I am not 100% happy with it. I would welcome any other artist to touch it up =).dnh 2/11/01
- 2001-11-02 01:08 darth_bob
- [r1354] New image for metal robe (not much of a change but it looks much cooler)dnh 2/11/01
- 2001-11-01 06:10 garbled
- [r1348] Sprinkle more weapontypes around. This time cleave pierce and stab.garbled 2001-10-31
- 2001-10-31 09:08 garbled
- [r1340] Sprinkle weapontypes around for slash and slice.garbled 2001-10-31
- 2001-10-31 08:22 darth_bob
- [r1337] Whip for ruggilli stats negotiable,dnh 31/10/01
- 2001-10-06 22:37 avogl
- [r1300] Some new graphics for the standard set:kobolds, titan and medium demon.--Andreas V.
- 2001-09-19 18:28 avogl
- [r1290] corrected a wrong picture--AV
- 2001-09-18 22:09 avogl
- [r1288] Some new graphics for standard png set.--AndreasV
- 2001-09-11 01:11 avogl
- [r1285] Okay, here's a new skull image for standard set...Now does still anyone think we should use theskull from alternate set? =P--Andreas V.
- 2001-09-10 20:29 avogl
- [r1283] Removed some old unneeded crap.--AV
- 2001-09-10 20:05 avogl
- [r1282] A bunch of new images for the standard png set.Lot's of misc stuff. New dragonslayer, golems,holy_orb etc...--Andreas V.
- 2001-09-10 13:33 avogl
- [r1281] Devourers used to be denied (spellpath) "light".But devourers grant nightfall as divine spell,which is of path light. Therefor, I set thepath light from denied to repelled, for devourers.--AV
- 2001-09-02 17:02 avogl
- [r1277] Some new png images and removal of twojunk files.--AV
- 2001-08-30 15:39 avogl
- [r1274] Big bunch of new graphics for the standard png set.Especially noticeable is the new picture forthe chinese dragon. Due to the special "importance"of this dragon I had set up a poll weither theimage is appreciate, which turned out 7:3 in favour.Note that the old image continues to exist bothin the xpm and alternate png set.--AndreasV
- 2001-08-29 13:19 avogl
- [r1267] Rised cold resistance to preventskelly mages from killing themselves with theirown spells.--AV
- 2001-08-29 13:17 avogl
- [r1266] New ability: frostbolt spell.I use this for skeletal mages.--AV
- 2001-08-27 01:04 avogl
- [r1260] Some new png graphics for standard set.--AV
- 2001-08-01 06:03 mwedel
- [r1246] just loaded/saved in gimp. This does fix the problem with gtk client insdl mode not displaying it properly - I think this may be because it hada bogus transperency. MSW 2001-07-31
- 2001-06-28 15:11 jbontje
- [r1224] Fixed typo's MiDS 2001-06-28
- 2001-06-28 14:52 jbontje
- [r1223] Fixed typo. MiDS 2001-06-28
- 2001-06-28 14:31 jbontje
- [r1222] Removed space. MiDS 2001-06-28
- 2001-06-28 14:20 jbontje
- [r1221] Removed space. MiDS 2001-06-28
- 2001-06-18 05:15 mwedel
- [r1209] Quantize colors down to that of xpm template - image was using too manycolors before, confusing the spoiler generation script. MSW 2001-06-17
- 2001-06-17 20:42 jbontje
- [r1204] Fixed 2 typos: resist_paralysis->resist_paralyzeMiDS 2001-06-17
- 2001-06-17 05:01 darth_bob
- [r1202] Pungas new high angel graphics for alternate set, dnh
- 2001-06-04 06:48 mardahl
- [r1163] Cyclopses were too much of an experience gimme for Mostrai players.Up the godpower resistance to 75.Up the holyword resistance to 85. Previously 50 each.--PeterM
- 2001-06-04 04:29 darth_bob
- [r1160] Slowed that tail down a wee bit =), dnh
- 2001-05-24 01:17 mardahl
- [r1146] Fixed the problem with the gryphon image.--PeterM 5/23/2001
- 2001-05-24 00:24 mardahl
- [r1145] Made the demons which cast paralyze/fear immune to their own spells.Added a new medium demon from BehTong.PeterM 5/23/2001
- 2001-05-20 06:57 darth_bob
- [r1139] New gryphon, I am adding it so that this bug can be seen and hopefully removed, it will not be in any maps yet, dnh
- 2001-05-13 03:05 darth_bob
- [r1115] A new set of artifact monsters, skeleton_leader and skeleton_chief, dnh 15/05/01
- 2001-05-12 06:53 mwedel
- [r1109] Fix sustenence entry - should be food. MSW 2001-05-11
- 2001-05-10 21:40 darth_bob
- [r1103] Changes to troll_player, giving it cold +3-, dnh
- 2001-05-07 23:18 darth_bob
- [r1093] that was wierd.. anyway I hope this works, dnh
- 2001-05-06 22:27 quickfur
- [r1089] *** empty log message ***
- 2001-05-06 22:20 quickfur
- [r1088] New grimreaper animation
- 2001-05-05 14:16 darth_bob
- [r1086] shouldn't be in crossedit (god item), dnh
- 2001-05-05 14:15 darth_bob
- [r1085] More, dnh
- 2001-05-05 14:13 darth_bob
- [r1084] more, dnh
- 2001-05-05 14:11 darth_bob
- [r1083] yet more, I wish I could do this in one go.. dnh
- 2001-05-05 14:10 darth_bob
- [r1082] yet more artifact moving, dnh
- 2001-05-05 14:09 darth_bob
- [r1081] More artifact moving, dnh
- 2001-05-05 14:05 darth_bob
- [r1080] Moved it into the artifacts editable, dnh
- 2001-05-05 13:46 darth_bob
- [r1079] New item for BT's map, dnh
- 2001-05-02 01:30 mardahl
- [r1064] Fix typo.
- 2001-04-30 14:29 darth_bob
- [r1061] Fixed second alittle more difficult typo, dnh
- 2001-04-30 14:26 darth_bob
- [r1060] Alittle more flavour, dnh
- 2001-04-30 13:45 darth_bob
- [r1059] Fixed stupid typo, dnh
- 2001-04-30 13:37 darth_bob
- [r1057] Some rare bracers for Gnarg followers, dnh
- 2001-04-30 11:21 darth_bob
- [r1056] The rest of the dragon, bone drake, dnh
- 2001-04-26 02:15 mardahl
- [r1039] New fiend demon.
- 2001-04-25 10:32 darth_bob
- [r1038] Make way, make way, for ^TooL^'s first image, dnh
- 2001-04-24 08:47 mardahl
- [r1034] Second try at fixing the race from unnatural to fire_elemental.
- 2001-04-22 06:42 mardahl
- [r1022] Lightened and devalued a key
- 2001-04-22 06:37 mardahl
- [r1021] Lightened the coins up a bit.
- 2001-04-22 02:06 avogl
- [r1019] New images for all kinds of misc stuff.Trying to clean up some of the remainingscale-up images.--AV
- 2001-04-22 00:47 darth_bob
- [r1017] beholder leader support, dnh
- 2001-04-21 22:45 mardahl
- [r1014] *** empty log message ***
- 2001-04-21 13:54 darth_bob
- [r1013] Work this time please, dnh
- 2001-04-21 06:53 darth_bob
- [r1009] Some pretty colours, dnh
- 2001-04-20 15:03 avogl
- [r1003] changes attacktype for eart_elemental to: physicalattacktype for water_elemental to: physical + coldAlso modified their resistances a bit.I think it makes a lot more sense now.--AV
- 2001-04-20 09:35 mardahl
- [r999] Magic immunity potion images.
- 2001-04-20 09:26 mardahl
- [r998] Changed the face.
- 2001-04-20 09:18 mardahl
- [r997] New potion images. (Same as before in the default set...)
- 2001-04-17 22:23 mardahl
- [r986] Fix a value to be more reasonable.
- 2001-04-17 22:21 mardahl
- [r985] Fix a bug with overflow of food values.
- 2001-04-17 01:58 mardahl
- [r982] Longer animation for dreads. Just copies of existing files here,but a new animation in the alternate set.
- 2001-04-16 08:13 darth_bob
- [r979] New images so artifact monsters are support feel free to update your favorite sets monsters, dnh
- 2001-04-16 07:19 mardahl
- [r978] Give these guys some protection from physicalso create bomb doesn't do 'em so easily.Also, up their exp value.
- 2001-04-16 07:01 mardahl
- [r976] Poor balrogs were way undervalued. Either that orTitans were overvalued. I figure they're 4x worsethan titans because of their strong resistances andmuch more dangerous attacks: exp-->400000
- 2001-04-15 18:58 avogl
- [r975] Some more finetuning to the angels' resistanceto holy word. --AV
- 2001-04-13 16:20 avogl
- [r971] Fixed a bug that made retributive strikeimpossible to get from gods:The spell is called "retributive strike",not "cause retributive strike".--AV
- 2001-04-13 16:05 avogl
- [r970] Adjusted the angels' settings a little.Gave the biguns some resistance to holyword, sothat they don't drop dead instantly. Also rosetheir wc a bit, since their primary attack is melee.--AV
- 2001-04-13 04:11 darth_bob
- [r967] Preparing for new animated wdsm, dnh
- 2001-04-11 22:46 avogl
- [r965] Fixed up the old demonlord image.Corrected transparency and scaled up by a bettergraphic program.--AV
- 2001-04-07 00:33 darth_bob
- [r932] Fixed stupid grammar, dnh
- 2001-04-06 23:44 avogl
- [r930] New big_wiz image for standard set!Plus a few misc images.--AV
- 2001-03-31 16:54 avogl
- [r914] ...and here is the smalltroll.
- 2001-03-31 16:50 avogl
- [r913] New images for smalltroll and (large) troll.For standard set. =)--AV
- 2001-03-31 16:04 darth_bob
- [r912] Added extra frame, dnh
- 2001-03-30 15:57 avogl
- [r911] Fixed a small bug (missing string).
- 2001-03-29 21:04 avogl
- [r906] Fixed the problem with upper/lower case for windows."GreatDemon.[a-g]11.*" and "GreatDemon.[A-G]11.*" is the samein windows. So I replaced "GreatDemon.[a-g]11.*" with"GreatDEmon2.[A-G]11".Of course I updated the GreatDemon.arc file as well soit works.--AV
- 2001-03-27 05:58 darth_bob
- [r899] Added extra animation frame, dnh
- 2001-03-23 22:51 mardahl
- [r898] 80 exp for skeletin, 20 more than for zombie
- 2001-03-23 20:38 mardahl
- [r897] Robes shouldn't slow you down.
- 2001-03-23 11:44 avogl
- [r893] A bunch of new npc images for standard set.--AV
- 2001-03-20 04:14 mardahl
- [r878] Made "space" for more beholder animations from DB for the alternateset.
- 2001-03-20 01:27 avogl
- [r877] New dragonman for standard set, created bymyself =]. --AV
- 2001-03-17 12:22 avogl
- [r873] Beefed up devourer's avatar a bit. Devourers had a badlack of low/medium level spells for killing.Added cold attack to the avatar.--AV
- 2001-03-15 13:13 avogl
- [r868] A bunch of new/improved art for the standard set.Including an all-new electric dragon, improved dread,giant and ogre.--AV
- 2001-03-14 07:00 mardahl
- [r863] Fixed up this png too.
- 2001-03-14 06:59 mardahl
- [r862] Fixed up an image....
- 2001-03-14 02:49 avogl
- [r861] Copied a few images from alternate set tostandard set. They don't fit in perspective butsurely are better than the screwy scaled-up-from-xpmcounterparts.--AV
- 2001-03-13 17:31 avogl
- [r859] New character images for the standard set,created by Taporg ("pungaboiter").
- 2001-03-13 09:45 mardahl
- [r858] Repaired the "broo" images.
- 2001-03-13 09:44 mardahl
- [r857] Fixed the bee-hive image.
- 2001-03-13 08:48 mardahl
- [r856] Fixed a few marginal images.
- 2001-03-13 08:13 mardahl
- [r855] Fixed the ninja2 png, which looked awful.
- 2001-03-12 23:14 avogl
- [r854] Demonspawn shields had perfect immunity toghosthit. This is inaccepptible now that wehave nice partial resistances.Lowered it by about 20 percent.--AV
- 2001-03-12 21:30 mardahl
- [r852] Fix for a broken scaled image.
- 2001-03-12 04:42 mwedel
- [r850] Fix typo in color (not colour) specification. MSW
- 2001-03-12 04:39 mwedel
- [r849] Remove non existant animation from arch. MSW
- 2001-03-11 18:52 mardahl
- [r847] PeterM: made some small mods so that this program wouldwork better on "large" images.
- 2001-03-11 15:00 avogl
- [r846] Rose the fire resistance of mostrai'savatar to 60%. According to feedback and testing,it really was too low (30% before).
- 2001-03-10 14:25 avogl
- [r842] Some new/corrected pngs.
- 2001-03-01 06:59 mardahl
- [r830] Revised DOWN the magic resistances for these creatures. --PeterM
- 2001-02-15 14:10 avogl
- [r812] New pngs, only a few from new artists yet.No serious changes for the general look.
- 2001-02-13 07:15 peterm
- [r806] Converter for xpms to png. Single square only.
- 2001-02-12 10:17 peterm
- [r793] I reverted a lotof the objectionable "scaled" png setto the xpm images centered but not scaled.The results are not too bad.PeterM
- 2001-02-12 00:41 peterm
- [r790] Made some changes to balance Gorokh a bit.
- 2001-02-02 02:37 peterm
- [r775] Bunch of new angels, art due to pungaboiter
- 2001-02-02 02:11 peterm
- [r772] Wrathful eye archetype for archangels.
- 2001-02-02 00:02 peterm
- [r769] new png splitter by peterm, works on linux.
- 2001-02-01 20:37 peterm
- [r768] Moved the angels here.
- 2001-02-01 20:36 peterm
- [r767] Silly to have the angels in with the demons in a directorycalled demon.
- 2001-01-31 23:51 peterm
- [r757] Added physical attacktype.
- 2001-01-31 05:59 peterm
- [r752] Skeletal mage adding.
- 2001-01-28 02:28 avogl
- [r749] typo in skree.arc fixed
- 2001-01-28 02:25 avogl
- [r748] New pngs by AndreasV and J.Taporgwalls:^^^^^Set of swall (fence) in png completely redone.I inserted additional wall-faces for betterlook of png maps (so far for: swall, awall, dwall, wall).These faces are designed to make overlapping wallswith correct iso perspective.player:^^^^^^A bunch of new player-class/race pngs.Looking good... =)runes:^^^^^Converted the xpm rune-pics to png without scaling.Looks much better (misc):A lot of pngs for internal (system) use, and severalother misc pngs.
- 2001-01-26 01:28 avogl
- [r745] Added the glovesofsun, a holy relict for gaeans.It will add fire attack, to make the monk'slife easier.
- 2001-01-25 19:45 mids
- [r743] Fixed the PNG images of paladin and flint_and_steel
- 2001-01-25 02:27 avogl
- [r742] Valriel has now blinding attack,so his avatar.
- 2001-01-24 23:19 avogl
- [r740] Removed confuse immu from Valriel.Set "resist_confusion 20" and blinding immu instead.This has long been planned, now it is finally done.
- 2001-01-24 23:17 avogl
- [r739] removed "resist_paralyze -20" from Mostrai,and set "resist_confusion -10" instead.Vuln confusion might be slightle less "logical" forMostrai, but it is simply better for playability.Confusion can be cured, and protections have moreeffect than for paralyze. Vuln paralyze is justplain deadly after say level 10.
- 2001-01-21 16:30 avogl
- [r732] New pngs by AV.
- 2001-01-20 00:53 avogl
- [r730] New png-pics by J. Taporg.
- 2001-01-19 22:23 pjka
- [r729] wis -> pow
- 2001-01-19 03:51 avogl
- [r725] - food & flesh items converted directly from xpm to png (by AndreasV)- great new undead pngs, created by Jonathan Taporg (Pungaboiter)
- 2001-01-17 04:13 peterm
- [r721] Skree object added.
- 2001-01-16 05:35 cvs
- [r715] Added file - script will split png images. MSW 2000-1-15
- 2001-01-16 00:17 avogl
- [r713] New pngs by Michtoen.
- 2001-01-15 16:14 avogl
- [r709] Corrected some pngs.
- 2001-01-15 12:01 avogl
- [r706] New pngs by MichToen.
- 2001-01-14 15:38 avogl
- [r704] New pngs by AndreasV.
- 2001-01-12 05:36 peterm
- [r695] Spell for sorig.
- 2001-01-12 03:04 avogl
- [r694] Forgot to add speed for animation.
- 2001-01-12 02:25 avogl
- [r692] New image and animation for earth shield.
- 2001-01-12 00:41 avogl
- [r690] Corrected image for orc-*HELMET*
- 2001-01-11 23:59 peterm
- [r689] New monk images from DB.
- 2001-01-11 23:43 avogl
- [r687] New pngs by MichToen and AndreasV.
- 2001-01-11 21:08 avogl
- [r686] Testing a new png.
- 2001-01-11 08:26 peterm
- [r682] Added valriel player glow arc.
- 2001-01-11 05:59 peterm
- [r680] some more mods to immolation.
- 2001-01-11 05:57 peterm
- [r679] made it invisible.
- 2001-01-11 04:58 peterm
- [r678] Wrathful eye spell archetype.
- 2001-01-11 04:53 peterm
- [r677] Some special prayers for valriel and for gaea.
- 2001-01-10 16:25 avogl
- [r674] New pic for elemental ring by dnh (darth bob).
- 2001-01-09 17:07 avogl
- [r671] I took all existing god_spelldirect_*.arc - archesfrom "/arch/gods/god_spelldirect/" and moved theminto "/arch/gods/randomitems/". Thus, all arches thatexisted doubled have been replaced.Now we should have some order finally. Please becareful not to mess it up again.
- 2001-01-09 16:33 avogl
- [r670] Stuffed everything into "/arch/gods/randomitems".No more double-present arches.
- 2001-01-09 16:31 avogl
- [r669] These archetypes have been checked in doubled.After I put them into /arch/gods/, someone elseput the same stuff into /arch/gods/randomitems/ recently.Since we need some order, I decided to make"/arch/gods/randomitems/" the one and only dir to containthe god_*.arc - gods' treasure arches.
- 2001-01-09 06:31 peterm
- [r664] Some minor changes.
- 2001-01-09 06:10 peterm
- [r663] some minor changes.
- 2001-01-08 20:23 avogl
- [r658] Added average melee-capabilities to thedemilich. This creature used to be too weakagainst warriors and avatars.
- 2001-01-08 20:21 avogl
- [r657] Baslics used to be too much of an easy pray for40000 exp. Beefed them up a little and addedblinding attack (-> according to what I readabout basilisks, they blind their victims).
- 2001-01-08 20:15 avogl
- [r656] Some minor adjustments to drake concerning strenght.
- 2001-01-07 21:00 avogl
- [r655] Adjusted some monsters to fit betterinto the current PR-mods.
- 2001-01-07 18:33 avogl
- [r653] Adjusted the enchant_weapon levels:low = level 10medium = level 6high = level 4To see how these values affect the player's levelrequirements for enchanting, see "server/gods.c".
- 2001-01-05 05:06 peterm
- [r651] More exp, speed.
- 2001-01-05 03:04 peterm
- [r650] Fixed a typo.
- 2001-01-05 02:53 peterm
- [r649] New drake from DNH.
- 2001-01-03 05:11 cvs
- [r646] add "face skin.111" to the leprosy skin archetype.MSW 2001-1-2
- 2001-01-01 22:53 avogl
- [r642] New arches for a new scheme of gods.I tried to stick to the proposions in dnh'sgod-"pantheon", these have been set up and acceptedby the developers on cf-devel.Of course here and there I felt that there was more finetuningneeded, so I tried my best to make it truely balanced.Explaining all the details would take too long to post ithere, please read my comments on cf-devel instead.However, I tried to give every god a unique "personality"(according to the pantheon). Furthermore, I carefullyadjusted every god to have both pros AND cons. So thatthere hopefully won't be one god that can always beconsidered the "best one". --AndreasV
- 2000-12-27 06:10 cvs
- [r639] Added files for new god code. Code by Jan, checkin by MSW 12-26-2000
- 2000-12-27 06:05 cvs
- [r638] MSW 2000-12-26:Added new archetypes & god changes for new god code. Changes by Jan E.,checked in my MSW.
- 2000-12-25 21:39 avogl
- [r637] Added "no_magic 1" and "damned 1" to savebed arch.It happened that players died while casting spells inautofire-mode. Getting respawned on the savebed in theirappartment, they blasted the inventory.
- 2000-12-21 09:15 avogl
- [r629] hp, sp in map.arc obviously worked as default valuesfor startx, starty in every map. Changing these causedsome inconvenience, so I set them back to 1,1.This should fix all the map-bugs that appeared after myHallOfSelection-patch.
- 2000-12-20 20:13 avogl
- [r627] New starting place for character creation:HallOfSelection instead of scorn.
- 2000-12-18 00:52 peterm
- [r614] Edited for spelling, mostly.
- 2000-12-17 15:10 avogl
- [r612] Added ability of alchemy spell. This is needed to givealchemy as initial spell to the class "alchemist".
- 2000-12-17 15:08 avogl
- [r611] Inserted the new race-descriptions into the player arches.These will now show up during the race-selection process.was nice teamwork: Mark did the coding, Peter wrote thedescriptions, and I humbly inserted them in the arches. =)While at it, I also fixed the animation problems forQuetzal and Half-Orc.
- 2000-12-16 23:04 avogl
- [r605] rebalancing artifacts, concerning PR
- 2000-12-16 23:04 avogl
- [r604] Great new feature: =)Short in-game playguides for newbies.After character creation, one will findone of these among the start-equipment.
- 2000-12-16 23:01 avogl
- [r603] fixing resistances
- 2000-12-16 05:59 cvs
- [r602] MSW 2000/12/15: Added transperency to image.
- 2000-12-16 02:33 peterm
- [r598] 1st cut at poison fog
- 2000-12-15 15:49 avogl
- [r595] Cleaning up the gods arches:They had several resistances set (of the same type!).Moreover I had to reduce the amount of fire and coldvulnerabilities. With PR these cults would get *very*unpopular otherwise.
- 2000-12-15 11:48 avogl
- [r590] I renamed the "potion of restoration" to "potion of life".The restoration-spell and -potion have *nothing* incommon, so to prevent confusing ppl I renamed the latter.
- 2000-12-14 04:16 avogl
- [r584] Now there are three classes of res. potions:- potions with 95% resistance: extremely rare and expensive- potions with 90%: more common, and to get for a fair price- potions with 50%: for newbies only, very cheap and rather common
- 2000-12-14 04:11 avogl
- [r583] Adjusting the resistances of player races, in regardof the new PR-system.In general, vulnerabilities are much lower since moresevere. I also removed some small paralyze/drainingvulns because they would be very nasty.
- 2000-12-10 01:21 avogl
- [r572] Vitriol attack spell, needed for "Giant Worm".
- 2000-12-10 01:20 avogl
- [r571] New monster added: "Giant Worm"Basically it could be considered a kind of "acid dragon".It's attacktypes are physical, poison, acid and slow, ituses the vitriol-spell as primary attack too.This beast is quite tough to fight without high acid protection.Especially in groups "Giant Worms" are a deadly force.
- 2000-12-09 22:35 avogl
- [r568] Corrected the attacktype of vitriol splash tobe 64 (= acid).
- 2000-12-04 08:13 peterm
- [r560] Upped the protection to fire a bit.
- 2000-12-04 08:10 peterm
- [r559] Some tweaks done to various PR values.
- 2000-12-04 07:36 peterm
- [r557] Reset some PR values to 50 from 30.
- 2000-12-04 07:22 peterm
- [r556] *** empty log message ***
- 2000-12-04 07:18 peterm
- [r554] Converted the old "armor" "protected" "vulnerable" and "immune" tothe partial-resistance equivalents.
- 2000-12-04 00:03 cvs
- [r552] MSW 2000-12-3:Commit for PR code. General changes was to clean up archetypes thatwere immune/protected/vulnerable to the same attacktype (ie, protected &immune). Disease code changed to use last_grace instead of armour forcontagious values. Gods still need to be fixed up.
- 2000-11-26 07:52 cvs
- [r545] Tone down the damage from the vitriol pool.
- 2000-11-24 20:54 avogl
- [r535] new graphics for the vitriol spell
- 2000-11-24 20:54 avogl
- [r534] New arch & graphics: Gaea�s tear (basically a healing potion).
- 2000-11-24 15:13 avogl
- [r532] This pic is starting to get on my nerves. Hopeit�s working now.
- 2000-11-23 13:29 avogl
- [r528] corrected pngs by lorindol - thanks dude
- 2000-11-23 13:25 avogl
- [r527] Corrected a color-pallette problem
- 2000-11-22 07:09 cvs
- [r525] MSW 2000-11-22: talisman/ring_drain.arc - give object speed 0.1so it will animate (animation already in place, just was not beingused.)
- 2000-11-21 20:25 avogl
- [r523] *~ files in the repository are not really needed.
- 2000-11-21 18:48 peterm
- [r521] Put a newline on the ned of the file. (dammit.)
- 2000-11-19 22:28 peterm
- [r515] PeterM: Archetypes for the new vitriol spell.
- 2000-11-19 07:30 peterm
- [r511] Archetype for the forked lightning prayer.
- 2000-11-19 04:13 peterm
- [r510] Archetypes for adding the spiderweb spell.
- 2000-11-19 03:38 peterm
- [r509] Archetype for the spell of peace.
- 2000-11-19 03:16 avogl
- [r508] In cooperation with Micheal T., I started to improvethe png-set. Correcting the worst flaws...It�s looking better now but still needs lotsa work.--AndreasV
- 2000-11-18 23:38 peterm
- [r507] PeterM: archetypes for flaming aura and sanctuary.
- 2000-11-17 16:24 avogl
- [r502] New ring face.--AndreasV
- 2000-11-17 16:23 avogl
- [r501] Added a nice dirty monster for a new quest in st. dominion.--AndreasV
- 2000-11-17 08:26 peterm
- [r499] New spell archetype for windstorm.
- 2000-11-15 00:05 cvs
- [r495] Fix the name of the immunity
- 2000-11-14 08:56 peterm
- [r492] Edited the message.
- 2000-11-14 08:56 peterm
- [r491] Another new arc.
- 2000-11-14 08:47 peterm
- [r489] PeterM: Immolation object and immunity archetype.
- 2000-11-12 01:54 avogl
- [r486] Special arch for chessfigures.--AndreasV
- 2000-11-12 00:51 avogl
- [r484] Added a new chess-club house pic, for the newchessclub(s) to come :)--AndreasThis is an animation for permanent fire. Very much neededfor the pupland maps.--AndreasVI have completed the set of chess-figures, and made the existing ones(esp. pngs) look better. Now that the set is complete, people canplay chess on crossfire. =)--AndreasV
- 2000-11-12 00:47 avogl
- [r483] Added a new chess-club house pic, for the newchessclub(s) to come :)--AndreasThis is an animation for permanent fire. Very much neededfor the pupland maps.--AndreasV
- 2000-11-12 00:46 avogl
- [r482] Added a new chess-club house pic, for the newchessclub(s) to come :)--Andreas
- 2000-11-02 06:16 peterm
- [r467] Trivial name change.
- 2000-11-02 00:24 avogl
- [r465] New archtype for pvp-arena feature.When standing on this archetype no exp loss on death will occur.removed "material 64", so that it has no material per default now.purpose is making boulders indestructible (to spells)-- AndreasVInserted my new sorc pics. --AndreasV
- 2000-11-02 00:24 avogl
- [r464] New archtype for pvp-arena feature.When standing on this archetype no exp loss on death will occur.removed "material 64", so that it has no material per default now.purpose is making boulders indestructible (to spells)-- AndreasV
- 2000-11-02 00:22 avogl
- [r463] New archtype for pvp-arena feature.When standing on this archetype no exp loss on death will occur.
- 2000-10-31 11:50 peterm
- [r460] Gave it a name
- 2000-10-31 11:49 peterm
- [r459] Gave "ogre" a name to avoid log spamming like this:Object without name tried to attack.arch ogreface ogre.112animation ogreZillions... Zillions of times.
- 2000-10-31 04:27 peterm
- [r452] New archetype for a spell intended mostly for SORIG players.Lightning combined with godpower in ball lightning.
- 2000-10-29 07:00 peterm
- [r449] Added a little to the girdle of damage.
- 2000-10-29 06:53 peterm
- [r448] New spiked shield archetype from dnh.
- 2000-10-29 06:24 peterm
- [r447] Increased AC to 6, armour to 35. It was lame before.Also made it worth more.
- 2000-10-29 06:17 peterm
- [r445] Make lighter.
- 2000-10-26 02:45 peterm
- [r444] some tuning of leather armor, and rename of ring mail tohauberk.
- 2000-10-26 02:44 peterm
- [r443] Upped the speed bonus a bit.
- 2000-10-25 05:32 peterm
- [r440] New images.
- 2000-10-25 05:29 peterm
- [r439] Added names to all of the above and some tuning.
- 2000-10-25 05:12 peterm
- [r438] New bow images and types from dnh.
- 2000-10-22 00:21 cvs
- [r433] Tuning of disease pramaaers. most of them had generation limits imposed.flu was strengthened a bit, to do 2 damage. typhoid was made a bitmore contageous.
- 2000-10-21 20:21 cvs
- [r432] Changed attacktype to GODPOWER.
- 2000-10-21 01:17 peterm
- [r430] Fix for maxxgrace.
- 2000-10-20 07:47 peterm
- [r424] Fixed the name of the disease, cold.
- 2000-10-20 07:07 peterm
- [r423] Misordered images fixed.
- 2000-10-20 06:34 peterm
- [r421] Tuning for diseases. Made many cure themselves. Increased theseverity of some others slightly.
- 2000-10-19 08:26 peterm
- [r418] Fixed a typo.
- 2000-10-19 05:20 peterm
- [r415] Images for the evoker added.
- 2000-10-19 04:57 peterm
- [r414] Needed now because sorcerers can be without this skill.
- 2000-10-18 05:57 peterm
- [r412] New images from for Monk.
- 2000-10-18 00:39 peterm
- [r409] Reduce the values of true lead and fixed mercury so thatalchemy to money abuse is harder.
- 2000-10-16 19:30 peterm
- [r406] comments on new class/race stuff. --Peterm
- 2000-10-16 18:59 peterm
- [r402] Player changer object, allowing adding classes.
- 2000-10-16 18:55 peterm
- [r401] Re-adding all the class/race stuff in the reorganized way.
- 2000-10-16 18:48 cvs
- [r400] cleaning up player hierarchy
- 2000-10-16 18:42 cvs
- [r399] Cleaning up the class/race player hieararchy
- 2000-10-10 04:32 peterm
- [r395] Arrows weigh too much to be useful. They're now 20x lighter.
- 2000-10-06 06:19 peterm
- [r394] Made stats net neutral (except for Cha),added undead 1 (immunity to disease, vulnerability to many holy word spells)removed "protected physical".
- 2000-10-02 08:30 peterm
- [r390] Wraiths now immune to poison. Undead shouldn'tbe subject to poison.
- 2000-09-27 03:48 peterm
- [r389] Levitation archetype.
- 2000-09-26 23:26 peterm
- [r384] Removed "speed 0.5"
- 2000-09-26 23:22 peterm
- [r383] Took away "flying 1" from fireborn: made them unplayable.Also, fixed some of the stat problems.
- 2000-09-21 05:57 cvs
- [r381] Update file for 0.95.7 release.ground/Lake/blake_*.png: Remove transperancies from these images so theydisplay properly. MSW 9/20/2000
- 2000-09-21 05:54 cvs
- [r380] ground/Lake/blake_*.png: Remove transperancies from these images so theydisplay properly. MSW 9/20/2000
- 2000-08-24 06:32 cvs
- [r373] ground/sea*png: Remove transperancies from png images since they should notbe transparent. MSW 8/23/2000
- 2000-06-28 05:57 cvs
- [r357] door/Locked/key2.arc, misc/Container/bag.arc, misc/Container/bookshelf.arc,misc/Container/cauldron.arc, misc/Container/chest_2.arc,misc/Container/depositbox.arc, misc/Container/key_ring.arc,misc/Container/mailbox.arc, misc/Container/pouch.arc,misc/Container/r_sack.arc misc/Container/sack.arc: Remove the 'a' from theobjects name. The client adds it anyways, so you see 'a a bag' for example,but also when using the commands like 'drop that match on an item name, havingto match against the 'a ' is a bit non intuitive. MSW 6/27/2000
- 2000-06-21 04:32 cvs
- [r344] Update for 0.95.6 release - MSW 6/20/2000
- 2000-06-21 00:53 peterm
- [r343] *** empty log message ***
- 2000-06-21 00:49 peterm
- [r342] Made lockpicks and holy symbols join too.
- 2000-06-20 18:48 peterm
- [r341] Changes file entry for above.
- 2000-06-20 18:21 peterm
- [r340] Made these suckers so they'll join: added nrof field. --PeterM
- 2000-06-09 19:12 cvs
- [r313] Assigned proper races to these archetypes. --PeterM
- 2000-06-09 00:08 cvs
- [r307] Races changed.
- 2000-06-04 23:25 cvs
- [r295] Added race fields.
- 2000-06-04 23:25 cvs
- [r294] Weakened a lot of these by adding race restrictions, and otherrestrictions.
- 2000-06-03 06:28 cvs
- [r286] Removed the transperencies from the images commited below. MSW 6/2/2000
- 2000-05-31 07:15 cvs
- [r284] Addition of PNG images. MSW 5/30/2000
- 2000-05-26 09:46 jec
- [r270] --- BEGIN apply() cleanup patch --- Jan Echternach 5/26/2000Added level 1 to all archetypes with type 88 (CONE) that can do damage.ground/chaos.arc, arch chaos and arch major_chaosground/lava.arc, arch lava and arch permanent_lavaAdded walk_on 1.ground/chaos_ball.arc, arch chaos_ballmagic/banishment.arc, arch banishmentmagic/colorspray.arc, arch color_spraymagic/counterspell.arc, arch counterspellmagic/face_of_death.arc, arch face_of_deathmagic/shockwave.arc, arch shockwavedev/unused/0.91.1/Flyingnote/flyingnote.arc, arch flyingnotemagic/Cold/icestorm.arc, arch icestormmagic/Fire/firebreath.arc, arch firebreathmagic/Effect/confuse.arc, arch confusemagic/Effect/fear.arc, arch fearmagic/Effect/holy_word.arc, arch holy_wordmagic/Effect/paralyze.arc, arch paralyzemagic/Effect/slow.arc, arch slowmagic/Effect/turnundead.arc, arch turn_undeadmagic/Mana/manablast.arc, arch manablastAdded walk_on 1 and fly_on 1.connect/trig_altar.arcconnect/trig_lever.arcconnect/trig_pedes.arcChanges to support bug fixes for trigger types: Replace speed with exp.Set is_animated 0. Remove last face from animation sequence.connect/trig_altar.arcBugfix: Faces where swapped.connect/trig_button.arc, arch button_triggerNew archetype.--- END apply() cleanup patch --- Jan Echternach 5/26/2000
- 2000-05-24 10:03 jec
- [r266] Added level 1 to all archetypes with type 5 (POTION), because thesearchetypes are spellcasters and therefore need a level.
- 2000-05-22 12:09 jec
- [r259] skills/scroll_set_trapsName of the skill is 'skill_set_trap', not 'skill_set_traps'.
- 2000-05-16 09:03 jec
- [r246] See CHANGES file.
- 2000-04-27 07:13 cvs
- [r235] Relocating altars to arch/gods - only way to do that seems to be removeand re-add MSW 4/26/2000
- 2000-04-27 07:10 cvs
- [r234] Remove trailing whitespace in sorig's name MSW 4/26/2000
- 2000-04-27 07:08 cvs
- [r233] arch/gods/altars (relocated from arch/indoors, as I think the newlocation makes more logical sense): Update for new fields/format.MSW 4/26/2000
- 2000-04-19 11:46 jec
- [r216] See CHANGES file.
- 2000-04-17 14:37 jec
- [r214] See CHANGES file.
- 2000-03-12 01:42 cvs
- [r166] Change gorokh.arc to use anim devil instead of anim Lucifer - fixes crashwhen using avatars of gorokh - msw
- 2000-02-18 06:01 cvs
- [r162] Add missing newline to end the mark.arc file. Without this newline,the scripts creates a bad entry in the archetypes file,which causes various problems. Mark Wedel
- 1999-09-17 21:25 damn
- [r142] base archetype for Animate Weapon and Dancing Sword spells -- DAMN
- 1999-09-17 18:26 damn
- [r115] Batch Update: DAMN 9/17/1999
- 1999-09-17 18:25 damn
- [r114] changed prot: magic to prot: magic, electricitychanged attacktype: magic, drain to attacktype: electricity, drainadded nrof 1
- 1999-09-17 18:24 damn
- [r113] changed attacktype: magic, drain to attacktype: drain, weaponmagicadded nrof 1
- 1999-09-17 18:23 damn
- [r112] changed name from Staff of Magi to Staff of the Magichanged stat bonuses from (Int +2, Wis +1) to (Int +1, Pow +2)added wc +5 and nrof 1
- 1999-09-17 18:23 damn
- [r111] added attacktype: depletion and nrof 1
- 1999-09-17 18:22 damn
- [r110] changed weight 1qq000 (yes, the letter Q) to 11100added nrof 1
- 1999-09-17 18:22 damn
- [r109] Added attacktype: blinding and nrof 1
- 1999-09-17 18:21 damn
- [r108] removed duplicate weight entryDid _not_ add nrof 1
- 1999-09-17 18:20 damn
- [r107] Changed (Wis +2) to (Pow +2)- because mages use Power nowAdded nrof 1
- 1999-09-17 18:18 damn
- [r106] Changed (Cha +2) to (Cha +1, speed +1)- electrical chainmail should improve speedreduced penalties to sp regen and movement speed- they were the same as normal mithril chain
- 1999-09-17 18:15 damn
- [r105] Changed (Int +2) to (Int +1, Pow +1) because mages use Pow now.Added nrof 1
- 1999-09-17 18:11 damn
- [r104] nrof 1 - so multiples don't have to stack up as seperate objects
- 1999-09-17 18:03 damn
- [r103] archetypes for raw mana spells
- 1999-08-06 21:12 cvs
- [r76] nrof added to most things, weight changed for power crystal.--patches from DAMN
- 1999-08-01 02:07 cvs
- [r70] New archetype for the MARKER object.
- 1999-07-23 03:36 cvs
- [r62] Add weight 1 to power crystal - msw
- 1999-07-03 04:59 cvs
- [r42] Initial revision
- 1999-07-03 04:49 cvs
- [r41] Initial revision
- 1999-06-26 22:58 cvs
- [r39] These guys were intended to have high power and learnspells easily. When the Pow stat was instituted, theynever got changed. --PeterM
- 1999-05-05 18:01 uid200
- [r17] limited the duration of some of the more common diseaseso they'll cure themselves after a while.
- 1999-05-05 17:57 uid200
- [r16] Slowed down the speeds of these diseases so symptoms occurless frequently. Reduces the annoyance factor.
- 1999-03-29 05:02 uid200
- [r3] Initial revision
- 1999-03-29 04:46 uid200
- [r2] Initial revision