File Sizes and File Counts
- Total Files:
- 956
- Average File Size:
- 33.2 lines
- Average Revisions Per File:
- 2.1

File Types
Type |
Files |
LOC per file |
Totals |
956 (100.0%) |
31757 (100.0%) |
33.2 |
*.arc |
337 (35.3%) |
10021 (31.6%) |
29.7 |
*.trs |
18 (1.9%) |
3204 (10.1%) |
178.0 |
*.face |
71 (7.4%) |
1407 (4.4%) |
19.8 |
*.xpm |
135 (14.1%) |
1215 (3.8%) |
9.0 |
*.png |
81 (8.5%) |
579 (1.8%) |
7.1 |
Others |
10 (1.0%) |
15331 (48.3%) |
1533.1 |
Non-Code Files |
304 (31.8%) |
0 (0.0%) |
0.0 |
Largest Files
File |
Lines of Code |
artifacts |
4674 |
formulae |
4567 |
ChangeLog |
3800 |
treasures.trs |
2239 |
attackmess |
859 |
materials |
675 |
messages |
443 |
wall/dark_blue_cave/dark_blue_cave.face |
312 |
wall/light_blue_cave/light_blue_cave.face |
312 |
wall/red_cave/red_cave.face |
312 |
races |
268 |
wall/dark_blue_cave/dark_blue_cave.arc |
260 |
wall/light_blue_cave/light_blue_cave.arc |
260 |
wall/red_cave/red_cave.arc |
260 |
monster/demon/Balrog.arc |
253 |
readable/guide/buildings_instructions.arc |
193 |
mapbuilding/building.trs |
162 |
potion/emptybottles.arc |
151 |
player/race/pl_dragon.arc |
135 |
ground/sea.arc |
127 |
Files With Most Revisions
File |
Revisions |
ChangeLog |
15 |
formulae |
9 |
treasures.trs |
9 |
spell/MovingBall/spell_ball_lightning.arc |
8 |
spell/Bullet/spell_sm_bullet.arc |
7 |
spell/Misc/spell_create_missile.arc |
7 |
artifacts |
6 |
monster/demon/devil_gen.arc |
6 |
spell/Bullet/spell_bullet.arc |
6 |
player/class/Wizardry/wizard_class.arc |
6 |
spell/Bullet/spell_lg_bullet.arc |
6 |
shop/conv.arc |
6 |
spell/MagicMissile/spell_magic_miss.arc |
6 |
spell/Swarm/spell_bullet_swarm.arc |
6 |
monster/demon/devil_gen.face |
5 |
player/race/fenx.arc |
5 |
player/race/quetzalcoatl.arc |
5 |
player/race/pl_dragon.arc |
5 |
potion/emptybottles.arc |
5 |
player/class/Wizardry/sorcerer_class.arc |
5 |