Directory arch/trunk/food/produce/

Directory Created:
2019-08-17 12:50
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Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

arch/trunk/food/produce/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 72 (100.0%) 561 (100.0%) 7.7
partmedia 71 (98.6%) 561 (100.0%) 7.9
silvernexus 1 (1.4%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

silvernexus 2020-12-02 09:43 Rev.: 21582

Fiddle with the big tomato image so that it no longer has the light-colored outline.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • arch/trunk/food/produce: tomato_big.base.111.png (changed)
partmedia 2019-08-17 12:50 Rev.: 20964

Reorganize food

561 lines of code changed in 71 files:

  • arch/trunk/food/produce: apple.arc (new 54), apple.base.111.png (new 4), apple.face (new 3), apple_eighth.base.111.png (new 6), apple_eighth.face (new 3), apple_fourth.base.111.png (new 7), apple_fourth.face (new 3), apple_half.base.111.png (new 5), apple_half.face (new 3), blackroot.arc (new 13), blackroot.base.111.png (new 8), blackroot.face (new 3), cabbage.arc (new 12), cabbage.base.111.png (new 4), cabbage.face (new 3), carrot.arc (new 13), carrot.base.111.png (new 6), carrot.face (new 3), clover.arc (new 11), clover.base.111.png (new 5), clover.face (new 3), gen_mushroom.arc (new 15), gen_mushroom.base.111.png (new 6), gen_mushroom.face (new 3), man_root.arc (new 13), mint.arc (new 12), mint.base.111.png (new 6), mint.face (new 3), mushroom_1.arc (new 12), mushroom_1.base.111.png (new 7), mushroom_1.face (new 3), mushroom_2.arc (new 12), mushroom_2.base.111.png (new 6), mushroom_2.face (new 3), mushroom_3.arc (new 12), mushroom_3.base.111.png (new 4), mushroom_3.face (new 3), onion.arc (new 13), onion.base.111.png (new 6), onion.face (new 3), orange.arc (new 13), orange.base.111.png (new 6), orange.face (new 3), pear.arc (new 12), pear.base.111.png (new 5), pear.clsc.111.png (new), pear.face (new 3), pipeweed.arc (new 12), pipeweed.base.111.png (new 4), pipeweed.face (new 3), potato.arc (new 13), potato.base.111.png (new 5), potato.face (new 3), root.base.111.png (new 5), root.face (new 3), rose.arc (new 60), rose_black.base.111.png (new 5), rose_black.face (new 3), rose_pink.base.111.png (new 5), rose_pink.face (new 3), rose_red.base.111.png (new 5), rose_red.face (new 3), rose_wh.base.111.png (new 5), rose_wh.face (new 3), rose_yel.base.111.png (new 5), rose_yel.face (new 3), tomato.arc (new 27), tomato.base.111.png (new 11), tomato.face (new 3), tomato_big.base.111.png (new 13), tomato_big.face (new 3)
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