Directory maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

                    directory in repo Castle (5 files, 23904 lines)
                    directory in repo apartments (1 files, 10605 lines)
                    directory in repo asyvan (12 files, 42239 lines)
                    directory in repo black_shield (4 files, 13184 lines)
                    directory in repo brittany (22 files, 131335 lines)
                    directory in repo misc (1 files, 5342 lines)
                    directory in repo privateshops (29 files, 275243 lines)
                    directory in repo pshops (7 files, 13201 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop1 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop10 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop11 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop12 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop13 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop14 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop15 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop16 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop17 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop18 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop19 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop2 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop20 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop21 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop22 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop23 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop24 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop25 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop26 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop27 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop3 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop4 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop5 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop6 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop7 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop8 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                        directory in repo pshop9 (4 files, 23092 lines)
                    directory in repo shops (8 files, 27743 lines)
                    directory in repo sow (2 files, 12321 lines)
                    directory in repo taverns (1 files, 3666 lines)
                    directory in repo temples (1 files, 3733 lines)
                    directory in repo zorn (6 files, 154578 lines)

Lines of Code

maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 196 (100.0%) 228308 (100.0%) 1164.8
lalo 50 (25.5%) 221072 (96.8%) 4421.4
rjtanner 71 (36.2%) 7211 (3.2%) 101.5
qal21 75 (38.3%) 25 (0.0%) 0.3

Most Recent Commits

rjtanner 2014-10-05 02:15 Rev.: 19681

Merge in changes from Trunk.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest: info_first (+2 -2)
rjtanner 2013-08-17 13:34 Rev.: 18937

Merge from Trunk changes to brest/ with the exception of the guild map.

3256 lines of code changed in 26 files:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest: amphis (+79 -4), brest.IPO (+786 -273), brest.armour (del), brest.cvt (del), (del), brest.inn (+898 -1266), brest.magic (del), brest.quests (new 64), brest.scrolls (+138 -53), brest.scrolls.right (+205 -42), brest.scrolls.upper.1 (+4 -3), brest.scrolls.upper.2 (+11 -153), brest.trademarket (+26 -32), brest.weapon (del), elec.jes (+13 -9), info.2.zoon (+6 -4), info_first (+8 -11), jes.admini (+29 -9), jes.admini.1 (+6 -8), ludo1 (+9 -7), ludo2 (+333 -170), nasty_house (+7 -4), pantheon (+6 -2), sport.jess (+6 -4), underground (+107 -55), underground2 (+515 -6)
rjtanner 2008-03-01 21:31 Rev.: 8481

Synchronize map changes between trunk, branches/1.x and branches/lalo-pupland

826 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest: amphis (+826 -893)
rjtanner 2008-03-01 21:25 Rev.: 8480

Synchronize map changes between trunk, branches/1.x and branches/lalo-pupland

232 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest: elec.jes (+1 -4), info.2.zoon (+41 -4), info_first (+65 -4), jes.admini (+1 -3), jes.admini.1 (+23 -8), ludo1 (+18 -3), ludo2 (+1 -3), nasty_house (+1 -3), sport.jess (+54 -3), underground (+14 -15), underground2 (+13 -4)
rjtanner 2008-03-01 01:08 Rev.: 8476

Synchronize map changes between trunk, branches/1.x and branches/lalo-pupland

190 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest: brest.IPO (+3 -4), brest.cvt (+46 -1), (+1 -3), brest.inn (+91 -78), brest.magic (+1 -3), brest.scrolls (+16 -19), brest.scrolls.right (+23 -32), brest.scrolls.upper.1 (+3 -4), brest.scrolls.upper.2 (+3 -4), brest.trademarket (+3 -5)
rjtanner 2007-09-17 00:18 Rev.: 7168

Changes due to map editor reformatting. Hopefully this will make future merging easier.

2705 lines of code changed in 22 files:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest: amphis (+39 -39), brest.armour (+1 -1), brest.cvt (+1 -1), (+1 -1), brest.magic (+1 -1), brest.scrolls (+110 -110), brest.scrolls.right (+21 -21), brest.scrolls.upper.1 (+107 -107), brest.scrolls.upper.2 (+176 -176), brest.weapon (+1 -1), elec.jes (+9 -9), info.2.zoon (+173 -173), info_first (+137 -137), jes.admini (+22 -22), jes.admini.1 (+397 -397), ludo1 (+149 -149), ludo2 (+464 -464), nasty_house (+152 -152), pantheon (+80 -80), sport.jess (+100 -100), underground (+300 -300), underground2 (+264 -264)
lalo 2007-03-10 15:22 Rev.: 5732

re-creating my branch

221072 lines of code changed in 25 files:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest: amphis (new 16358), brest.IPO (new 737), brest.armour (new 1931), brest.cvt (new 2209), (new 1926), brest.inn (new 5265), brest.magic (new 932), brest.scrolls (new 5303), brest.scrolls.right (new 7921), brest.scrolls.upper.1 (new 2682), brest.scrolls.upper.2 (new 2769), brest.trademarket (new 3114), brest.weapon (new 1934), elec.jes (new 18282), info.2.zoon (new 17461), info_first (new 18224), jes.admini (new 6589), jes.admini.1 (new 16402), ludo1 (new 6899), ludo2 (new 12345), nasty_house (new 5476), pantheon (new 15732), sport.jess (new 11426), underground (new 17513), underground2 (new 21642)
lalo 2007-03-10 14:35 Rev.: 5731

killing my branch

0 lines of code changed in 25 files:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest: amphis (del), brest.IPO (del), brest.armour (del), brest.cvt (del), (del), brest.inn (del), brest.magic (del), brest.scrolls (del), brest.scrolls.right (del), brest.scrolls.upper.1 (del), brest.scrolls.upper.2 (del), brest.trademarket (del), brest.weapon (del), elec.jes (del), info.2.zoon (del), info_first (del), jes.admini (del), jes.admini.1 (del), ludo1 (del), ludo2 (del), nasty_house (del), pantheon (del), sport.jess (del), underground (del), underground2 (del)
qal21 2006-12-17 01:23 Rev.: 5181

Set svn:eol-style to LF for all map files in branches.

25 lines of code changed in 25 files:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest: amphis (+1), brest.IPO (+1), brest.armour (+1), brest.cvt (+1), (+1), brest.inn (+1), brest.magic (+1), brest.scrolls (+1), brest.scrolls.right (+1), brest.scrolls.upper.1 (+1), brest.scrolls.upper.2 (+1), brest.trademarket (+1), brest.weapon (+1), elec.jes (+1), info.2.zoon (+1), info_first (+1), jes.admini (+1), jes.admini.1 (+1), ludo1 (+1), ludo2 (+1), nasty_house (+1), pantheon (+1), sport.jess (+1), underground (+1), underground2 (+1)
qal21 2006-12-12 23:08 Rev.: 5174

propdel svn:eol-style on all map tree files except actual text. Fixes broken win32 checkouts of maps. Now for branches.

0 lines of code changed in 50 files:

  • maps/branches/lalo-pupland/brest: amphis (new), brest.IPO (new), brest.armour (new), brest.cvt (new), (-1), brest.inn (new), brest.magic (new), brest.scrolls (new), brest.scrolls.right (new), brest.scrolls.upper.1 (-1), brest.scrolls.upper.2 (-1), brest.trademarket (-1), brest.weapon (-1), elec.jes (-1), info.2.zoon (-1), info_first (new), jes.admini (-1), jes.admini.1 (new), ludo1 (-1), ludo2 (-1), nasty_house (-1), pantheon (new), sport.jess (-1), underground (-1), underground2 (new)
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0