Directory dev/wip/manhole/

Directory Created:
2007-12-29 11:14
Directory Deleted:
2010-05-13 23:23
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

dev/wip/manhole/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 32 (100.0%) 1055 (100.0%) 32.9
kbulgrien 20 (62.5%) 1020 (96.7%) 51.0
ryo_saeba 2 (6.3%) 19 (1.8%) 9.5
akirschbaum 6 (18.8%) 16 (1.5%) 2.6
anmaster 4 (12.5%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

kbulgrien 2010-05-13 23:23 Rev.: 13216

- Move dev/wip/manhole to connect/Hole as it is tested and ready to use. The
test patch is removed as it is out of date, and the README is moved to the
Hole directory as documentation.

0 lines of code changed in 9 files:

  • dev/wip/manhole: README (del), manhole.arc (del), manhole.base.111.png (del), manhole.base.112.png (del), manhole.base.113.png (del), manhole.base.114.png (del), manhole.base.xcf (del), manhole.face (del), world_105_115.patch (del)
akirschbaum 2009-01-31 17:17 Rev.: 11295

Add explicit animations; extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.

16 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • dev/wip/manhole: manhole.arc (-4), manhole.face (+16)
anmaster 2009-01-25 02:55 Rev.: 11262

Losslessly recompress some PNG images for smaller size to reduce the bandwidth needed for sending images to clients.̈́

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • dev/wip/manhole: manhole.base.111.png (changed), manhole.base.112.png (changed), manhole.base.113.png (changed), manhole.base.114.png (changed)
akirschbaum 2008-01-11 21:22 Rev.: 8170

Use better compression to reduce image sizes.

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • dev/wip/manhole: manhole.base.111.png (changed), manhole.base.112.png (changed), manhole.base.113.png (changed), manhole.base.114.png (changed)
ryo_saeba 2008-01-06 09:21 Rev.: 8136

Commit valid archetype I forgot last time.

19 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • dev/wip/manhole: manhole.arc (+13 -185), manhole.face (new 6)
kbulgrien 2008-01-06 00:50 Rev.: 8134

- Removed is_animated 1 (even though current SVN gives an
error without it, it is incorrect as it causes a continuous
animation of sorts (ground view, not map view).

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • dev/wip/manhole: manhole.arc (+2 -2)
kbulgrien 2008-01-06 00:43 Rev.: 8133

- Update arch and world map patch to have more samples of the various
cases of the pit/manhole that do not work. All six have hole functions
that work, though some are not aligned with the graphics, and only
four have animations that work. Two have garbled graphics.

676 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • dev/wip/manhole: manhole.arc (+177 -10), world_105_115.patch (+499 -68)
kbulgrien 2007-12-29 11:14 Rev.: 8063

- Add some recent missing entries to CHANGES.
- Add dev/wip directory for commiting work-in-progress archetypes. The
directory is not visible in Gridarta CrossfireEditor, but can be made so with
a soft link like arch/trunk/wip --> arch/trunk/dev/wip.
- Add dev/wip/README describing the use of the directory.
- Add dev/wip/manhole as a manhole archetype work-in-progress to facilitate
some collaboration on getting a multi-tile HOLE animation to work. Included
is a README and a world_105_115.patch test case.

342 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • dev/wip/manhole: README (new 46), manhole.arc (new 83), manhole.base.111.png (new 1), manhole.base.112.png (new 1), manhole.base.113.png (new 1), manhole.base.114.png (new 1), manhole.base.xcf (new 1), world_105_115.patch (new 208)
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