Directory exit/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

        directory in repo Ladder (12 files, 64 lines)
        directory in repo Pentagram (3 files, 116 lines)
        directory in repo Town (31 files, 451 lines)
        directory in repo Up_down (57 files, 330 lines)
        directory in repo magic_portal (38 files, 448 lines)

Lines of Code

exit/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 287 (100.0%) 382 (100.0%) 1.3
akirschbaum 95 (33.1%) 144 (37.7%) 1.5
ryo_saeba 39 (13.6%) 120 (31.4%) 3.0
anmaster 57 (19.9%) 29 (7.6%) 0.5
rjtanner 5 (1.7%) 28 (7.3%) 5.6
aaron_baugher 10 (3.5%) 27 (7.1%) 2.7
mwedel 33 (11.5%) 18 (4.7%) 0.5
qal21 48 (16.7%) 16 (4.2%) 0.3

Most Recent Commits

ryo_saeba 2020-12-17 10:58 Rev.: 21618

Fix whirlwind exit's face (not visible since animated).

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • exit: whirlwind.arc (+1 -1)
akirschbaum 2017-08-25 01:56 Rev.: 20504

Make sure all .arc files end with exactly one NL character.

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • exit: look_door_exit_1.arc (-1), oakdoor_1.arc (-1), sewer.arc (-1), smallpark.arc (-1)
ryo_saeba 2013-05-11 14:03 Rev.: 18718

Remove unused attribute.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • exit: bloodwell.arc (-1)
ryo_saeba 2012-11-18 10:58 Rev.: 18511

New archway: black archway.

30 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • exit: archblack.base.111.png (new), archblack.base.112.png (new), archblack.base.113.png (new), archblack.base.114.png (new), archblack.face (new 20), archway.arc (+10)
rjtanner 2011-09-05 22:02 Rev.: 15048

Color updates and changes to the oakdoor graphic. No longer using the monotone color scheme.

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • exit: oakdoor.base.111.png (changed)
ryo_saeba 2011-08-12 13:33 Rev.: 14973

Add bloodwell, made by serpentshard for the wolgrald project, and under GPL licence.

8 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • exit: bloodwell.arc (new 8), bloodwell.base.111.png (new)
anmaster 2010-10-11 13:15 Rev.: 13991

Fix incorrect svn properties, for example .png should not have svn:keywords set, that could in worst case result in corruption. While we are updating properties anyway, clean up incorrect (but mostly harmless) svn:mime-type, svn:executable and so on.

29 lines of code changed in 45 files:

  • exit: archgold.base.111.png (+1 -2), archgreen.base.111.png (+1 -2), archtree.base.111.png (+1 -2), archway.arc (-1), archwood.base.111.png (+1 -2), chole_1.arc (-1), chole_1.base.111.png (+1 -1), chole_2.arc (-1), chole_2.base.111.png (+1 -1), dforest_exit.arc (-1), exit.arc (-1), exit.base.111.png (+1 -1), exit.base.112.png (+1 -1), exit.base.113.png (+1 -1), exit.base.114.png (+1 -1), exit.base.115.png (+1 -1), exit.base.116.png (+1 -1), exit.base.117.png (+1 -1), exit.base.118.png (+1 -1), exit.clsc.111.png (+1 -1), fogexit.arc (-1), hole1.arc (-1), hole1.base.111.png (+1 -1), invis_exit.arc (-1), oakdoor.arc (-1), oakdoor.base.111.png (+1 -1), oakdoor_1.base.111.png (+1 -1), oakdoor_2.base.111.png (+1 -1), ruins.arc (-1), ruins.base.111.png (+1 -1), sewer.arc (-1), sewer_access.base.111.png (+1 -2), sewer_access.base.112.png (+1 -2), smallpark.base.111.png (+1 -1), teleporter.arc (-1), teleporter.base.111.png (+1 -1), teleporter.base.112.png (+1 -1), teleporter.base.113.png (+1 -1), volcano_hi.arc (-1), volcano_hi.base.x11.png (+1 -1), volcano_lo.arc (-1), volcano_lo.base.x11.png (+1 -1), well.arc (-1), well.base.111.png (+1 -1), whirlwind.arc (-1)
ryo_saeba 2010-08-08 15:59 Rev.: 13571

Merge split lines.

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • exit: sewer.arc (+2 -6)
ryo_saeba 2010-05-13 16:17 Rev.: 13197

Exits like other doors.

15 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • exit: look_door_exit_1.arc (new 8), look_door_exit_2.arc (new 7)
akirschbaum 2009-01-31 17:17 Rev.: 11295

Add explicit animations; extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.

29 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • exit: exit.arc (+1 -6), exit.face (+6), fogexit.arc (+1 -11), fogexit.face (new 11), whirlwind.arc (+1 -9), whirlwind_exit.face (new 9)
anmaster 2009-01-24 22:37 Rev.: 11251

Losslessly recompress some PNG images for smaller size to reduce the bandwidth needed for sending images to clients.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • exit: exit.clsc.111.png (changed), oakdoor_2.base.111.png (changed)
anmaster 2009-01-24 21:10 Rev.: 11245

Losslessly recompress some PNG images for smaller size to reduce the bandwidth
needed for sending images to clients.

0 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • exit: exit.base.111.png (changed), exit.base.113.png (changed), exit.base.115.png (changed), exit.base.117.png (changed), exit.clsc.111.png (changed), oakdoor_2.base.111.png (changed), ruins.base.111.png (changed), smallpark.base.111.png (changed), volcano_hi.base.x11.png (changed), volcano_lo.base.x11.png (changed)
akirschbaum 2008-12-13 09:11 Rev.: 10955

Extract some 'magicmap' and 'visibility' attributes into .face files.

95 lines of code changed in 35 files:

  • exit: archgold.face (new 4), archgreen.face (new 4), archtree.face (new 4), archway.arc (-8), archwood.face (new 4), chole_1.arc (-2), chole_1.face (new 4), chole_2.arc (-2), chole_2.face (new 4), dforest_exit.arc (-2), exit.arc (-2), exit.face (new 16), fogexit.arc (-1), hole1.arc (-1), hole1.face (new 3), oakdoor.arc (-2), oakdoor.face (new 4), oakdoor_1.arc (-2), oakdoor_1.face (new 4), oakdoor_2.arc (-2), oakdoor_2.face (new 4), ruins.arc (-2), ruins.face (new 4), sewer.arc (-4), sewer_access.face (new 8), smallpark.arc (-2), smallpark.face (new 4), teleporter.arc (-2), teleporter.face (+12), volcano_hi.arc (-8), volcano_hi.face (new 4), volcano_lo.arc (-4), volcano_lo.face (new 4), well.arc (-2), well.face (new 4)
rjtanner 2008-12-01 19:19 Rev.: 10798

Replacement graphics and archetypes for the old xpm oakdoor

28 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • exit: oakdoor_1.arc (new 10), oakdoor_1.base.111.png (new 4), oakdoor_2.arc (new 9), oakdoor_2.base.111.png (new 5)
akirschbaum 2008-11-23 12:32 Rev.: 10689

Add explicit animations.

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • exit: teleporter.arc (+1 -5), teleporter.face (new 5)
akirschbaum 2008-01-11 21:22 Rev.: 8170

Use better compression to reduce image sizes.

0 lines of code changed in 44 files:

  • exit: archgold.base.111.png (changed), archgreen.base.111.png (changed), archtree.base.111.png (changed), archwood.base.111.png (changed), chole_1.base.111.png (changed), chole_2.base.111.png (changed), exit.base.111.png (changed), exit.base.112.png (new), exit.base.113.png (new), exit.base.114.png (new), exit.base.115.png (changed), exit.base.116.png (changed), exit.base.117.png (new), exit.base.118.png (new), exit.clsc.111.png (changed), hole1.base.111.png (new), oakdoor.base.111.png (changed), ruins.base.111.png (new), sewer_access.base.111.png (changed), sewer_access.base.112.png (changed), teleporter.base.111.png (changed), teleporter.base.112.png (new), teleporter.base.113.png (new), volcano_hi.base.x11.png (changed), volcano_lo.base.x11.png (changed), well.base.111.png (new)
akirschbaum 2007-11-18 18:13 Rev.: 7538

Replace obsolete field slow_move with move_slow/move_slow_penalty.

12 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • exit: volcano_hi.arc (+8 -4), volcano_lo.arc (+4 -2)
ryo_saeba 2007-10-20 15:06 Rev.: 7375

Fix for bug #1797636: arch/exit/fogexit.arc and arch/exit/whirlwind.arc blank.111. Replace blank with empty.

6 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • exit: fogexit.arc (+3 -3), whirlwind.arc (+3 -3)
akirschbaum 2007-08-23 17:19 Rev.: 6983

Replace obsolete fields fly_on/fly_off/walk_on/walk_off with move_on/move_off.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • exit: dforest_exit.arc (+1 -1)
mwedel 2007-07-10 02:39 Rev.: 6768

Add client_anim_... support for all objects that support it, remove
their speed attributes if the only reason they had speed set was for
MSW 2007-07-09

6 lines of code changed in 3 files:

  • exit: exit.arc (+2 -1), fogexit.arc (+2 -1), whirlwind.arc (+2 -1)
ryo_saeba 2007-06-13 13:34 Rev.: 6546

Remove obsolete field.

0 lines of code changed in 17 files:

  • exit: archway.arc (-4), chole_1.arc (-1), chole_2.arc (-1), dforest_exit.arc (-1), exit.arc (-1), fogexit.arc (-1), hole1.arc (-1), invis_exit.arc (-1), oakdoor.arc (-1), ruins.arc (-1), sewer.arc (-2), smallpark.arc (-1), teleporter.arc (-1), volcano_hi.arc (-1), volcano_lo.arc (-1), well.arc (-1), whirlwind.arc (-1)
ryo_saeba 2007-05-20 15:04 Rev.: 6324

Remove obsolete fields.

4 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • exit: exit.arc (+1 -2), fogexit.arc (+1 -2), invis_exit.arc (+1 -2), whirlwind.arc (+1 -2)
akirschbaum 2007-05-10 15:26 Rev.: 6231

Fix spelling errors.

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • exit: fogexit.arc (+1 -1)
ryo_saeba 2007-05-08 05:19 Rev.: 6215

New exit: small park.

50 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • exit: smallpark.arc (new 11), smallpark.base.111.png (new 39)
ryo_saeba 2007-05-08 05:03 Rev.: 6213

Give a nice name to archways.

4 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • exit: archway.arc (+4)
aaron_baugher 2007-02-16 15:49 Rev.: 5558

Converting multi-tile image arches to single images

27 lines of code changed in 10 files:

  • exit: volcano_hi.arc (+4 -4), volcano_hi.base.111.png (del), volcano_hi.base.211.png (del), volcano_hi.base.311.png (del), volcano_hi.base.411.png (del), volcano_hi.base.x11.png (new 11), volcano_lo.arc (+2 -2), volcano_lo.base.111.png (del), volcano_lo.base.211.png (del), volcano_lo.base.x11.png (new 10)
qal21 2006-12-16 19:59 Rev.: 5178

Set svn:eol-style to LF for all arch files.

16 lines of code changed in 16 files:

  • exit: archway.arc (+1), chole_1.arc (+1), chole_2.arc (+1), dforest_exit.arc (+1), exit.arc (+1), fogexit.arc (+1), hole1.arc (+1), invis_exit.arc (+1), oakdoor.arc (+1), ruins.arc (+1), sewer.arc (+1), teleporter.arc (+1), volcano_hi.arc (+1), volcano_lo.arc (+1), well.arc (+1), whirlwind.arc (+1)
qal21 2006-12-12 23:24 Rev.: 5175

propdel svn:eol-style on all arch files. Fixes broken win32 checkouts of arches.

0 lines of code changed in 32 files:

  • exit: archway.arc (new), chole_1.arc (new), chole_2.arc (-1), dforest_exit.arc (new), exit.arc (-1), fogexit.arc (new), hole1.arc (-1), invis_exit.arc (-1), oakdoor.arc (-1), ruins.arc (new), sewer.arc (-1), teleporter.arc (-1), volcano_hi.arc (-1), volcano_lo.arc (-1), well.arc (new), whirlwind.arc (-1)
mwedel 2006-09-25 00:17 Rev.: 4975

Ok - now try committing proper (binary) images.
MSW 2006-09-24

0 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • exit: archgold.base.111.png (changed), archgreen.base.111.png (changed), archtree.base.111.png (changed), archwood.base.111.png (changed), sewer_access.base.111.png (changed), sewer_access.base.112.png (changed)
mwedel 2006-09-25 00:10 Rev.: 4974

Try this again - update svn:mime-type and remove svn:eol-style.
MSW 2006-09-24

6 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • exit: archgold.base.111.png (+1 -2), archgreen.base.111.png (+1 -2), archtree.base.111.png (+1 -2), archwood.base.111.png (+1 -2), sewer_access.base.111.png (+1 -2), sewer_access.base.112.png (+1 -2)
mwedel 2006-09-24 23:44 Rev.: 4973

change mime types of images.
MSW 2006-09-24

6 lines of code changed in 6 files:

  • exit: archgold.base.111.png (+1 -1), archgreen.base.111.png (+1 -1), archtree.base.111.png (+1 -1), archwood.base.111.png (+1 -1), sewer_access.base.111.png (+1 -1), sewer_access.base.112.png (+1 -1)
mwedel 2006-09-24 23:14 Rev.: 4972

Change svn:mime-types for images to binary, commit proper images.
MSW 2006-09-24

0 lines of code changed in 12 files:

  • exit: archgold.base.111.png (changed), archgreen.base.111.png (changed), archtree.base.111.png (changed), archwood.base.111.png (new), sewer_access.base.111.png (new), sewer_access.base.112.png (new)
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0