Directory gods/

Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:

        directory in repo altars (58 files, 476 lines)
        directory in repo demihumans (21 files, 499 lines)
        directory in repo elemental (31 files, 674 lines)
        directory in repo items (27 files, 331 lines)
            directory in repo burning_tail (5 files, 62 lines)
            directory in repo earth_shield (10 files, 89 lines)
            directory in repo glovesofsun (5 files, 54 lines)
        directory in repo randomitems (27 files, 172 lines)
        directory in repo supernatural (19 files, 434 lines)

Lines of Code

gods/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 3 (100.0%) 10 (100.0%) 3.3
akirschbaum 1 (33.3%) 10 (100.0%) 10.0
ryo_saeba 2 (66.7%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

akirschbaum 2010-11-26 12:35 Rev.: 14135

Remove trailing whitespace.

10 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • gods: README (+10 -10)
ryo_saeba 2007-01-14 13:36 Rev.: 5323

Random factor.

0 lines of code changed in 2 files:

  • gods: README (changed)
Generated by StatSVN 0.7.0