Directory trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword/

Directory Created:
1999-03-28 23:46
Directory Deleted:
2006-09-19 02:24
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 54 (100.0%) 36 (100.0%) 0.6
cvs 5 (9.3%) 14 (38.9%) 2.8
avogl 5 (9.3%) 9 (25.0%) 1.8
peterm 1 (1.9%) 5 (13.9%) 5.0
mwedel 29 (53.7%) 3 (8.3%) 0.1
garbled 2 (3.7%) 3 (8.3%) 1.5
uid200 11 (20.4%) 1 (2.8%) 0.0
damn 1 (1.9%) 1 (2.8%) 1.0

Most Recent Commits

mwedel 2006-09-19 02:24 Rev.: 4942

make branche directories, delete old trunk.

0 lines of code changed in 21 files:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.111 (del), uw_sword.111.png (del), uw_sword.111.xpm (del), uw_sword.112 (del), uw_sword.112.png (del), uw_sword.112.xpm (del), uw_sword.113 (del), uw_sword.113.png (del), uw_sword.113.xpm (del), uw_sword.114 (del), uw_sword.114.png (del), uw_sword.114.xpm (del), uw_sword.115 (del), uw_sword.115.png (del), uw_sword.115.xpm (del), uw_sword.arc (del), uw_sword.base.111.png (del), uw_sword.base.112.png (del), uw_sword.base.113.png (del), uw_sword.base.114.png (del), uw_sword.base.115.png (del)
mwedel 2003-09-12 23:38 Rev.: 2315

Updated for new spell + skill code. Many files moved about.
Main changes for weapons is to add what skill they use.
MSW 2003-09-12

0 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.arc (changed)
garbled 2003-02-06 03:13 Rev.: 2004

Twiddle the materials and materialnames on a ton of objects. Get rid of
things like "organic eyeshield" "glass magnifying glass" etc. Set some
materialtypes that are specific to the armour/weapon, like glacium for
the frost weapons. Make all the boots and shoes made of leather, so I
stop seeing "pine boots". Change a bunch of artifacts to use specific
metals or magical cloths, to stop things like "adamantium robe".

Also.. change leather armour to just "armour" so the leather and other
random leathertypes automatically work with it, making things like
"bearskin armour". This breaks a few alchemy formulae.. which I will fix

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.arc (+2)
mwedel 2002-07-14 23:38 Rev.: 1657

Update arcs to use body_info for equipping items.
Update armor to use gen_sp_armour instead of last_heal.
can_use_shield added to necessary arcs.
Add dev/scripts directory, which contains some handy scripts I wrote
for updating on the items.
Add item_power to the armours - needs to be done for rest of equippable
MSW 2002-07-14

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.arc (+1)
mwedel 2002-05-30 22:53 Rev.: 1604

add name_pl, client_type information to objects that can get picked up.
Remove some duplicates, change poisonfood to use the same face as booze
so you can't tell simply by looking at it that it is bad food.
Change some of the names for the skill scrolls to put them more in line
with the skills they actually give you.
MSW 2002-05-30

2 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.arc (+2)
mwedel 2001-12-31 02:02 Rev.: 1487

Rename of files to include base in name - for multiple image set support
in the server. MSW 2001-12-30

0 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.base.111.png (new), uw_sword.base.112.png (new), uw_sword.base.113.png (new), uw_sword.base.114.png (new), uw_sword.base.115.png (new)
garbled 2001-10-31 04:08 Rev.: 1340

Sprinkle weapontypes around for slash and slice.

garbled 2001-10-31

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.arc (+1)
avogl 2001-01-18 22:51 Rev.: 725

- food & flesh items converted directly from xpm to png
(by AndreasV)

- great new undead pngs, created by Jonathan Taporg (Pungaboiter)

9 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.111.png (+3 -2), uw_sword.112.png (+1 -2), uw_sword.113.png (+1 -3), uw_sword.114.png (+1 -3), uw_sword.115.png (+3 -4)
peterm 2000-12-04 02:18 Rev.: 554

Converted the old "armor" "protected" "vulnerable" and "immune" to
the partial-resistance equivalents.

5 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.arc (+5 -2)
cvs 2000-05-31 02:15 Rev.: 284

Addition of PNG images. MSW 5/30/2000

14 lines of code changed in 5 files:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.111.png (new 2), uw_sword.112.png (new 2), uw_sword.113.png (new 3), uw_sword.114.png (new 3), uw_sword.115.png (new 4)
damn 1999-09-17 13:11 Rev.: 104

nrof 1 - so multiples don't have to stack up as seperate objects

1 lines of code changed in 1 file:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.arc (+1)
uid200 1999-03-28 23:46 Rev.: 2

Initial revision

1 lines of code changed in 11 files:

  • trunk/arch/weapon/artifact/UW_Sword: uw_sword.111 (new), uw_sword.111.xpm (new), uw_sword.112 (new), uw_sword.112.xpm (new), uw_sword.113 (new), uw_sword.113.xpm (new), uw_sword.114 (new), uw_sword.114.xpm (new), uw_sword.115 (new), uw_sword.115.xpm (new), uw_sword.arc (new 1)
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