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Re: CF: BUG: Morks Tower

On Mon, May 08, 2000 at 10:14:14PM -0700, Mark Wedel wrote:
>  Note that I think such a change could have dangerous side affects.
>  For example, consider that monster that is connected to something.  Player
> comes in and charms it or otherwise makes it his follower.  They then wander to
> some other map, player says the magic keyword, and some door is triggered.

Then fix cast_charm() and cast_charm_undead().  Important NPCs should
not be susceptible to charming anyway.  use_oratory() already has

  if (tmp->msg) return 0;

A more general solution would be a new FLAG_NPC that prevents charming
a monster regardless of whether it has something to say.

>  A better solution (but harder) would be to have monsters trigger handles that
> they are standing on - that way friendly players could say the magic word, while
> agressive players could just kill the creature and trigger the handle.

I don't think players should always be able to kill everything and then
just push a handle instead of talking to a NPC, which often requires
some secret knowledge.  However, this is an interesting alternative for
NPCs like Mork which really look like they should just trigger a handle
that is below them.  But if Mork used the '@connected' code and there
would be a handle with the same 'connected' value below him, the effect
would almost be the same.

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