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Re: CF: BUG: Morks Tower

Jan Echternach wrote:

> I don't think players should always be able to kill everything and then
> just push a handle instead of talking to a NPC, which often requires
> some secret knowledge.  However, this is an interesting alternative for
> NPCs like Mork which really look like they should just trigger a handle
> that is below them.  But if Mork used the '@connected' code and there
> would be a handle with the same 'connected' value below him, the effect
> would almost be the same.

 OTOH, I don't think that monsters should be impossible to kill - maybe
incredibly difficult, but not impossible.

 But at issue here is more of style and future of crossfire.  Ideally, most
access should be controlled by the special keys, with, off the top of my head, 3
ways to get it:

 1) Say the magic word to the monster, and he gives you the key (code not there
yet for this)
 2) player steals key
 3) player kills npc and takes key.

 And this would be a rough order of the difficulty of the actions - #1 is
easiest, #2 risks the monster become agressive, and #3 is just hard.

 But this allows several ways to solve puzzles.  In addition to #1, perhaps the
monster can grant some exp award to the player (in real life terms, this could
be explained that the monster has taught the player some trick/skills).  I think
having multiple ways will make the game more interesting, not less.
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