Directory misc/draughts/

Directory Created:
2013-04-02 02:01
Total Files:
Deleted Files:
Lines of Code:


Lines of Code

misc/draughts/ Lines of Code


Author Changes Lines of Code Lines per Change
Totals 12 (100.0%) 32 (100.0%) 2.6
rjtanner 8 (66.7%) 32 (100.0%) 4.0
silvernexus 4 (33.3%) 0 (0.0%) 0.0

Most Recent Commits

silvernexus 2020-09-11 16:42 Rev.: 21400

Run optipng on the draughts tokens.

0 lines of code changed in 4 files:

  • misc/draughts: b-draughts.base.111.png (changed), b-king-draughts.base.111.png (changed), r-draughts.base.111.png (changed), r-king-draughts.base.111.png (changed)
rjtanner 2013-04-02 02:01 Rev.: 18652

New archetypes and graphics for Draughts (aka checkers), includes playing pieces (red, black, red king, black king) and a new house for the world maps.

32 lines of code changed in 8 files:

  • misc/draughts: b-draughts.base.111.png (new), b-king-draughts.base.111.png (new), draught_black.arc (new 8), draught_black_king.arc (new 8), draught_red.arc (new 8), draught_red_king.arc (new 8), r-draughts.base.111.png (new), r-king-draughts.base.111.png (new)
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