Crossfire Server, Branches 1.12  R18729


A treasure-object turns into certain randomitems when the map is loaded into the game.

Type defined by:


Attribute Field Description
auto-generate FLAG_AUTO_APPLY "Auto-generate" must be set in order to have the treasure be created when the map is loaded. If you want to create a random treasure chest, you unset this flag. That way, the player has to apply the object (the chest), then the treasure is generated.
block view FLAG_BLOCKSVIEW If an item is set to block view, players (and monsters) cannot see beyond it unless they cross it or manage to stand on top.
create number liv::hp "Create number" specifies how many pieces of the given treasurelist will appear. Note that for every piece there is a chance that nothing is generated. Also, sometimes there can be stacks of items generated, like for gems/money.
elevation obj::elevation The elevation (height above sea level) of this tile. It is used for weather calculations and should be in the range -32000..32000. The elevation of a tile must be set in the bottom-most game object; elevation values for non-bottom-most game objects are ignored by the Crossfire server.
glow radius obj::glow_radius If <glow radius> is set to a value greater zero, the object appears lit up on dark maps. <glow radius> can be a value between 0 and 4, the higher, the more light does the object emit.
identified FLAG_IDENTIFIED If an item is identified, the player has full knowledge about it.
image obj::face The image-name defines what image is displayed for this object in-game.
invisible obj::invisible Generally makes the object invisible. Depending on the object-type, some can be made visible by the show_invisible spell. If in doubt, test it. Putting an invisible object under the floor always prevents it from being shown.
name obj::name This is the name of the object, displayed to the player.
non-pickable FLAG_NO_PICK If set, the object cannot be picked up (Neither by players nor monsters).
quality level liv::exp The <quality level> will be used for the quality of the generated treasure instead of the map difficulty (as was done with shops). If zero/unset, the map difficulty will instead be used. (Example for comparison: Shop floors generate treasure of <quality level> 5 per default).
smooth level obj::smoothlevel If <smooth level> is set to a value greater zero, the object will be drawn partially over adjacent squares having a lower <smooth level> value. The value must be between 0 and 255 (inclusive); 0 means "never overlap adjacent squares".
treasurelist obj::randomitems This entry determines what kind of treasure will appear. Look into /crossfire/share/crossfire/treasures for details about existing treasurelists.
unpaid FLAG_UNPAID An <unpaid> item cannot be used unless a player carried it over a shop mat, paying the demanded price. Setting this flag makes sense only for pickable items inside shops.