Crossfire Server, Trunk
        A marker is an object that inserts an invisible force (a mark) into
        a player stepping on it. This force does nothing except containing a
        <key string> which can be discovered by detectors or inventory
        checkers. It is also possible to use markers for removing marks
        Note that the player has no possibility to "see" his own marks,
        except by the effect that they cause on the maps. 

Type defined by:


Attribute Field Description
artifact object::artifact If defined, refers to an artifact to get values from.
block view FLAG_BLOCKSVIEW If an item is set to block view, players (and monsters) cannot see beyond it unless they cross it or manage to stand on top.
blocks prayers blocks_prayer Similar to damned, but does not appear in detect curse.
changing FLAG_CHANGING A <changing> object converts to <food> <other_arch> objects; when it's animation is done. For non-living objects <food> is checked: if it is zero, the change happens; otherwise <food> is decreased by one. I suggest you don't mess with this value - leave the default in place.
client-sided randomized animation? FLAG_CLIENT_ANIM_RANDOM If defined, then the object's animation is client-sided. Similar objects are animated independently.
client-sided synchronized animation? FLAG_CLIENT_ANIM_SYNC If defined, then the object's animation is client-sided. Similar objects are animated synchronized.
connection connection value When the detector is triggered, all objects with the same connection value get activated.
delete mark object::name

When the player steps onto the marker, all existing forces in the players inventory with a <key string> matching <delete mark> will be removed. If you don't want to remove any marks, leave this text field empty.

Note that the string <delete mark> is set as the name of this marker. So don't be confused, and remember changing the name will take effect on the marker's functionality.

elevation elevation The elevation (height above sea level) of this square. It is used for weather calculations and should be in the range -32000..32000. The elevation of a tile must be set in the bottom-most game object; elevation values for non-bottom-most game objects are ignored by the Crossfire server.
glow radius object::glow_radius If <glow radius> is set to a value greater zero, the object appears lit up on dark maps. <glow radius> can be a value between 0 and 4, the higher, the more light does the object emit.
identified FLAG_IDENTIFIED If an item is identified, the player has full knowledge about it.
identified animation identified_animation If defined, then the object will take this animation when identified.
identified animation speed identified_anim_speed If defined, then the object will have this animation speed when identified.
identified image identified_face If defined, then the object will take this appareance when identified.
identified random animation? identified_anim_random If defined, then the object's animation is in a random sequence when identified.
identified_name identified_name If defined, then the object will take this name when identified.
identified_name_pl identified_name_pl If defined, then the object will take this plural name when identified.
image object::face The image-name defines what image is displayed for this object in-game.
invisible object::invisible Generally makes the object invisible. Depending on the object-type, some can be made visible by the show_invisible spell. If in doubt, test it. Putting an invisible object under the floor always prevents it from being shown.
is buildable FLAG_IS_BUILDABLE If set, usually for floors, players can use tools and building materials to build above this object.
is used up FLAG_IS_USED_UP If set, decrement the <food> field at <speed>. When <food> reaches zero, remove the object.
key string object::slaying The <key string> can be detected by inventory checkers/detectors. If the player already has a force with that <key string>, there won't be inserted a second one.
mark duration living::food This value defines the duration of the force it inserts. If nonzero, the duration of the player's mark is finite: about 1 food per 10 seconds. <mark duration> zero/unset means the mark will stay on the player forever.
marking message object::msg In the moment when the player gets marked, this text is displayed to him. You should really set a message in any marker you create, because it's the only way for the player to notice what's going on.
marking speed object::speed The <marking speed> defines how quickly it will mark something standing on the marker. Set this value rather high to make sure the player really gets his mark. I think <marking speed> 1.0 should do fine.
material object::material This bitmask-value informs the player of which material(s) the object consists. Material does also affect how likely the object can be destroyed by hazardous spell-effects.
non-pickable FLAG_NO_PICK If set, the object cannot be picked up (Neither by players nor monsters).
number object::nrof This value determines the number of objects in one stack (for example: 100 gold coins => "number = 100"). You should set this at least to one, for any pickable object - otherwise it won't be mergeable into a stack.
plural name object::name_pl This is the plural name of the object. A plural name must be set for all items that can be picked up and collected by the player.
price adjustment price_adjustment If set, this is the buy and sell price adjustment ratio for the item.
price adjustment for buying price_adjustment_buy If set, this is the adjustment ratio when buying the item. Ignored if <price> adjustment is set.
price adjustment for selling price_adjustment_sell If set, this is the adjustment ratio when selling the item. Ignored if <price> adjustment is set.
smooth level object::smoothlevel If <smooth level> is set to a value greater zero, the object will be drawn partially over adjacent squares having a lower <smooth level> value. The value must be between 0 and 255 (inclusive); 0 means "never overlap adjacent squares".
splitting FLAG_SPLITTING A <splitting> object converts to <food> <other_arch> objects; when it is hit physically. For non-living objects <food> is checked: if it is zero, the change happens; otherwise <food> is decreased by one. I suggest you don't mess with this value - leave the default in place.
title object::title This is the object's title. Once an object is identified the title is attached to the name. Typical titles are "of Mostrai", "of xray vision" etc.
unpaid FLAG_UNPAID An <unpaid> item cannot be used unless a player carried it over a shop mat, paying the demanded price. Setting this flag makes sense only for pickable items inside shops.
value object::value Adds a certain value to the object: It will be worth that many times the default value from it's archetype (E.g. "value = 3" means three times worth the default value). Value for buying/selling will be further modified by various factors. Hence, testing values in-game is usually inevitable.
weight object::weight This value defines the object's weight in grams (1000g is 1kg). Objects with zero weight are not pickable for players. Still, set the "non-pickable"-flag for explicitly non-pickable objects (hey, this is open source... you never know ;) ).