Directory Statistics for dragonisland/

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Lines Of Code for dragonisland/

Commits for dragonisland/ (per author)

AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
mwedel42 (29.2%) 125043 (102.5%) 125644 (99.4%) 2,977.21
akirschbaum39 (27.1%) -40 (-0.0%) 250 (0.2%) -1.03
ryo_saeba35 (24.3%) 35 (0.0%) 35 (0.0%) 1.00
temitchell15 (10.4%) -3007 (-2.5%) 2 (0.0%) -200.47
cavesomething9 (6.2%) 24 (0.0%) 25 (0.0%) 2.67
eracc2 (1.4%) 0 (0.0%) 160 (0.1%) 0.00
salathar1 (0.7%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (0.0%) 0.00
k_ahlers1 (0.7%) -3 (-0.0%) 237 (0.2%) -3.00

Commit Log

8/2/06 6:16 AMk_ahlers
Fixed designerror in a fence (1 Files changed, 237 Lines changed)
dragonisland/advguild 1.9 (+237 -240)
12/25/05 2:52 AMeracc
Found more problems relating to locations in /pup_land/... Fixed. (1 Files changed, 2 Lines changed)
dragonisland/hangar 1.11 (+2 -2)
12/25/05 1:33 AMeracc
Problem with transport to Lone Town. Fixed. (1 Files changed, 158 Lines changed)
dragonisland/hangar 1.10 (+158 -158)
12/4/05 11:42 AMcavesomething
various shop header typo, etc fixes (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
dragonisland/advshop2 1.4 (+1 -1)
10/26/05 11:24 AMcavesomething
shop headers for lake country, stoneville, nurnberg, red town, euthville and port joesph (8 Files changed, 24 Lines changed)
dragonisland/advshop3 1.3 (+3 -0)
dragonisland/advshop1 1.3 (+3 -0)
dragonisland/advguild 1.8 (+3 -0)
dragonisland/advshop0 1.4 (+3 -0)
dragonisland/advshop6 1.3 (+3 -0)
dragonisland/advshop2 1.3 (+3 -0)
dragonisland/advshop5 1.4 (+3 -0)
dragonisland/advshop4 1.4 (+3 -0)
8/30/05 2:50 PMakirschbaum
Move magic mouths and invisible exits below floor to prevent detection by show invisible. (16 Files changed, 156 Lines changed)
dragonisland/keysale 1.4 (+7 -7)
dragonisland/advguild 1.7 (+4 -4)
dragonisland/house6 1.4 (+4 -4)
dragonisland/advguild3 1.4 (+4 -4)
dragonisland/apartment3 1.4 (+8 -8)
dragonisland/intwell 1.5 (+6 -6)
dragonisland/damarishouse2 1.3 (+4 -4)
dragonisland/housebrxzl 1.4 (+70 -98)
dragonisland/apartment2 1.4 (+4 -4)
dragonisland/dragonmountain0 1.5 (+3 -3)
dragonisland/thievesden 1.4 (+7 -7)
dragonisland/advguild2 1.4 (+18 -18)
dragonisland/damarishouse1 1.4 (+4 -4)
dragonisland/luxhouse 1.3 (+6 -6)
dragonisland/house1 1.4 (+3 -3)
dragonisland/dragonmountain1 1.5 (+4 -4)
5/27/05 3:34 PMakirschbaum
Fix spelling error. (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
dragonisland/advguild 1.6 (+1 -1)
3/15/05 3:41 PMryo_saeba
Applied patch #1145089 (cavesomething) to add region support (35 Files changed, 35 Lines changed)
dragonisland/apartment2 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/advguild3 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/damarishouse1 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/house9 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/house7 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/thievesden 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/advshop6 1.2 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/hangar3 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/house5 1.4 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/house8 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/damarishouse0 1.2 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/advguild2 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/house1 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/housebrxzl 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/advguild 1.5 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/luxhouse 1.2 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/advshop2 1.2 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/advshop5 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/dragonmountain1 1.4 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/tavern 1.4 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/apartment3 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/hangar 1.9 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/bloodwell 1.4 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/advshop4 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/damarishouse2 1.2 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/drowmansion 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/house4 1.4 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/advshop3 1.2 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/intwell 1.4 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/advshop1 1.2 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/advshop0 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/keysale 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/house6 1.3 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/dragonmountain0 1.4 (+1 -0)
dragonisland/hangar2 1.3 (+1 -0)
3/14/05 1:17 PMakirschbaum
Add missing floor tile. (1 Files changed, 4 Lines changed)
dragonisland/dragonmountain0 1.3 (+4 -0)
3/9/05 6:10 PMakirschbaum
Fix exit destinations back into world map. (18 Files changed, 84 Lines changed)
dragonisland/tavern 1.3 (+2 -2)
dragonisland/intwell 1.3 (+1 -1)
dragonisland/housebrxzl 1.2 (+56 -56)
dragonisland/apartment3 1.2 (+2 -2)
dragonisland/house1 1.2 (+1 -1)
dragonisland/apartment2 1.2 (+1 -1)
dragonisland/damarishouse1 1.2 (+3 -3)
dragonisland/hangar 1.8 (+4 -4)
dragonisland/house4 1.3 (+1 -1)
dragonisland/house6 1.2 (+2 -2)
dragonisland/house9 1.2 (+1 -1)
dragonisland/keysale 1.2 (+1 -1)
dragonisland/advshop0 1.2 (+2 -2)
dragonisland/drowmansion 1.2 (+1 -1)
dragonisland/advguild 1.4 (+2 -2)
dragonisland/bloodwell 1.3 (+1 -1)
dragonisland/house8 1.2 (+1 -1)
dragonisland/house5 1.3 (+2 -2)
3/9/05 4:16 PMakirschbaum
Fix spelling error; remove surplus @match from messages. (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
dragonisland/hangar 1.7 (+1 -17)
3/9/05 3:50 PMakirschbaum
Fix spelling error. (1 Files changed, 3 Lines changed)
dragonisland/tavern 1.2 (+3 -3)
3/9/05 3:44 PMakirschbaum
Fix exit destination back into world map. (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
dragonisland/dragonmountain0 1.2 (+1 -1)
2/8/05 8:56 AMsalathar
Apply patch 1114803 courtesy Mithzi
- Fix player being teleported into wall
- Fix typo to read "treasure chamber"
- "Joseph" is called "Jacob" from now on to be consistend with the storyline
- Fix typo to read "Shining tower"
(1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
dragonisland/dragonmountain1 1.3 (+1 -1)
1/24/05 2:19 AMmwedel
Commit a couple patches:
1) Fixes quest spellbooks so that randomitems is set to none, so that
spell won't change.
2) Make spelling of 'nurnberg' consistent across all the maps.
MSW 2005-01-24
(1 Files changed, 7 Lines changed)
dragonisland/hangar 1.6 (+7 -7)
5/8/04 7:57 PMtemitchell
-changes to clean up old multipart notation (12 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
dragonisland/bloodwell 1.2 (+0 -65)
dragonisland/advguild3 1.2 (+0 -135)
dragonisland/intwell 1.2 (+0 -168)
dragonisland/hangar3 1.2 (+0 -535)
dragonisland/hangar 1.5 (+0 -690)
dragonisland/advshop5 1.2 (+0 -112)
dragonisland/house5 1.2 (+0 -5)
dragonisland/hangar2 1.2 (+0 -559)
dragonisland/advshop4 1.2 (+0 -80)
dragonisland/advguild 1.3 (+0 -220)
dragonisland/advguild2 1.2 (+0 -293)
dragonisland/dragonmountain1 1.2 (+0 -145)
11/14/03 1:45 AMmwedel
Fix up all the maps related to abilities of monsters on the maps, as
well as spellbooks on maps, to work with the new spell code.
MSW 2003-11-13
(1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
dragonisland/house7 1.2 (+1 -1)
9/30/03 9:46 PMtemitchell
- replace some princesses with some women (2 Files changed, 2 Lines changed)
dragonisland/house4 1.2 (+1 -1)
dragonisland/advguild 1.2 (+1 -1)
4/28/03 1:57 AMtemitchell
- making newbie annex in scorn. New players will now appear on
worlds_105_116 4 4. Moved some lower level maps and the free inn to
accommodate. A couple new maps heavy on the training would be good
here. This area is not entirely for low levels (the new river way looks good for a sewer
adventure) but should cater to new players. Scorn central square has
been made more snappy too.
There may be some loose ends to tie up (the signage should be redone a
bit) and I'll get on that post haste.
(1 Files changed, 0 Lines changed)
dragonisland/beginners2 1.2 removed
1/28/03 2:08 AMmwedel
Fix floor tiles in map - was using floor tiles before, which wasn't
really the right thing to do.

MSW 2003-01-27
(1 Files changed, 543 Lines changed)
dragonisland/thievesden 1.2 (+543 -542)