Directory Statistics for dungeons/train/

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Lines Of Code for dungeons/train/

Commits for dungeons/train/ (per author)

AuthorRevisionsLines of CodeAdded Lines of CodeLines of Code per Change
eracc44 (93.6%) 35412 (100.0%) 37002 (100.0%) 804.82
akirschbaum2 (4.3%) 0 (0.0%) 17 (0.0%) 0.00
qal211 (2.1%) 0 (0.0%) 1 (0.0%) 0.00

Commit Log

12/21/05 12:17 AMeracc
Fix entrance to add a message stating /which/ shield is desired for the
entrance fee.
(1 Files changed, 15 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/humanoid_train 1.7 (+15 -0)
10/19/05 3:51 PMeracc
Modify the TC entrances to add better terrain look and to make the sign
speak about cowardly running about when walked or flown over.
(3 Files changed, 272 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/undead_train 1.4 (+70 -85)
dungeons/train/humanoid_train 1.6 (+117 -129)
dungeons/train/demon_train 1.3 (+85 -123)
10/19/05 2:56 PMeracc
Modify map mainly to add to sign explaining that cowardly running around in
the TC entrance is frowned upon. Also added different grasses and stones to
improve the "look" of the map. Will likely do the same with the other TC
entrance maps.
(1 Files changed, 190 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/dragon_train 1.4 (+190 -339)
8/30/05 3:21 PMakirschbaum
Move magic mouths and invisible exits below floor to prevent detection by show invisible. (1 Files changed, 16 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/train-old 1.3 (+16 -16)
8/10/05 12:17 AMqal21
Fix spelling error in the region. (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/gobl_zomb_train 1.3 (+1 -1)
7/7/05 3:39 PMakirschbaum
Fix spelling of slaying field for payment altar. (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/undead_train 1.3 (+1 -1)
6/10/05 3:01 PMeracc
Fix problem with 2 of the payment altars. Cosmetic changes. (1 Files changed, 25 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/humanoid_train 1.5 (+25 -5)
6/1/05 9:27 PMeracc
Leaf pointed out that the firewalls were killing the CPU on metalforge.
Reduced the number of firewalls to 2.
Replaced 2nd altar with a timer altar that opens the gates for a few
seconds to destroy the generators then closes the gates.
Added spikes connected to the first timer altar to attempt to resolve a
random problem where the food would drop the wrong way if the moving
spikes happened to be down at the moment the first timer altar reset.
(4 Files changed, 49 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/ogre 1.5 (+12 -28)
dungeons/train/zombie 1.5 (+13 -29)
dungeons/train/skeleton 1.5 (+12 -28)
dungeons/train/goblin 1.5 (+12 -28)
6/1/05 4:06 PMeracc
Map fixes. (4 Files changed, 79 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/undead_train 1.2 (+31 -7)
dungeons/train/demon_train 1.2 (+17 -0)
dungeons/train/dragon_train 1.3 (+14 -0)
dungeons/train/humanoid_train 1.4 (+17 -0)
6/1/05 4:04 PMeracc
Fixed timer. (2 Files changed, 79 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/ogre 1.4 (+40 -117)
dungeons/train/skeleton 1.4 (+39 -116)
6/1/05 4:04 PMeracc
Map fixes. (1 Files changed, 56 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/ogre_skel_train 1.3 (+56 -52)
6/1/05 4:03 PMeracc
Fixed timer. (2 Files changed, 85 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/goblin 1.4 (+42 -118)
dungeons/train/zombie 1.4 (+43 -119)
6/1/05 4:02 PMeracc
Map fixes. (1 Files changed, 6 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/gobl_zomb_train 1.2 (+6 -1)
5/31/05 11:48 PMeracc
Oops. Used actual steaks for the altar examples and of course they were edible. Replaced with walls that have the face changed to look like a steak and renamed to the type of steak needed for each altar. Also renamed the altars. (1 Files changed, 313 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/dragon_train 1.2 (+313 -12)
5/31/05 9:59 PMeracc
Timer didn't work. Trying a new method with this commit. (4 Files changed, 52 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/skeleton 1.3 (+13 -63)
dungeons/train/ogre 1.3 (+13 -63)
dungeons/train/goblin 1.3 (+13 -63)
dungeons/train/zombie 1.3 (+13 -63)
5/30/05 11:35 PMeracc
Part of the Training Center move. (1 Files changed, 4169 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/demon_train 1.1 added 4169
5/30/05 10:58 PMeracc
Part of the Training Center move. (1 Files changed, 4126 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/dragon_train 1.1 added 4126
5/30/05 8:06 PMeracc
Fixed region and made map an outdoor map. (1 Files changed, 4 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/humanoid_train 1.3 (+4 -1)
5/30/05 8:05 PMeracc
Part of the Training Center move. (1 Files changed, 4067 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/undead_train 1.1 added 4067
5/30/05 6:23 PMeracc
Noticed an error with one of the payment altars. Fixed with this version. (1 Files changed, 1 Lines changed)
dungeons/train/humanoid_train 1.2 (+1 -1)