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Map editor

 also raises some interesting topics...

> I'd like to subscribe...
> I have a suggestion regarding the map editor : it doesn't seem to be
> possible to specify that a given item is to be magical (neither to fix
> the magical bonus...), I skipped through the source code and I didn't
> find anything either.
> Why not have all objects (and not only exits...) "editable", that is
> when placing an item you could :
> - specify the item's magical bonus
> - give the item a name
> - print a message when the item is examined 
> ...
> idem with the monsters, you could 
> - edit their characteristics to have weaker or tougher monsters,
>   leaders, heroes...
> - give them a name (for heroes or leaders)
> - print a message when the monster is looked at (some personalized
>   insults...)
> and so on. This would tremendously increase the "adventure" feel of
> the game.

There are definetely plans for allowing modification of most of an
objects attributes, but I'm sure Frank won't mind if someone does this
in his absence :) It's supposed to work like the way you can edit
exits, only with many more variables...

It would also be nice to be able to put several object on top of
eachother. Currently, it's impossible to put a generator on top of
grass or mountains or whatever, so when they are killed, white spots

A third thing would be to allow objects larger than one cell. The
large castle is special, since it's really four seperate exits looking
like one. The same trick can't be used for the dragon. However, fixing
this is couple to the internal representation of linked objects. Frank
wants arbitrarily linked objects, i.e. star-shaped objects or

Does anyone feel like doing some work on the map editor?

Kjetil T. (trying to spur people to do some programming :)