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Re: random thoughts

>Also, you can have shaped pixmaps, so whatever a character is
>standing on will appear behind it.  For example, if there is a diamond on top
>of grass, you will see the diamond shape with grass all around it, as opposed
>to clear area all around it and then grass when you remove the diamond. 

You can do this with fonts...

Fonts can be drawn using either XDrawImageString or XDrawString.

XDrawImageString draws a string in both the foreground and background colors.
It draws the character in the foreground and fills in the bounding box with
the background.  

XDrawString draws using the foreground only.  The foreground is used to draw
set bits in the font.  It does not affect any other pixels in the bounding box
for each character.

I also believe that most servers are optimized to do fonts faster than

Richard Bingle                                      
Computer Science Department                                purdue!bingle
Purdue University                                         (317) 494-0893
West Lafayette, IN 47907