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Re: random thoughts

> [pixmaps]
> How fast are they in comparison to fonts?  I've heard that fonts are
> better because they optimized for this. 

Fonts are faster, but not by much.  You can identify a font character to the X
server using two bytes, but you need four for a pixmap, for example.  With
pixmaps, however, you can have as many colors as you want (given display
limitations) stored *in the pixmap* rather than applied to the font
characters.  Also, you can have shaped pixmaps, so whatever a character is
standing on will appear behind it.  For example, if there is a diamond on top
of grass, you will see the diamond shape with grass all around it, as opposed
to clear area all around it and then grass when you remove the diamond. 
Pixmaps can also have monochrome versions of the colors they use built in, so
the game will be as playable -- though less nice looking -- on monochrome or
greyscale displays, without much work on the part of crossfire.

> [client server model]
> I'd say the move should be made before 1.0.  I am not convinced it
> will happen unless the change is made before then.

I just said 1.0 since the TODO list I read seemed to just be composed of
mostly bugfixes to the current version.

> > This would make team play possible ...
> What?  How would saved map state make team play possible.

This was just a brain mumble.  I'd like to be able to set up the game with
some maps and premade characters so that me and my friends could play capture
the flag (or really, capture the Stormbringer).  Being able to save map state
seemed to be a step in this direction.

> > Anyway these are all just ramblings, and I hope they don't sound too 
> > negative or discouraging.  Crossfire remains a very good game.
> Agreed.  It's a really cool game.

Really *really* cool.



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