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No Subject
- To: (Douglas Melamed)
- From: <>
- Date: Tue, 27 Oct 92 15:45:56 EST
- Cc: , , , , , , , , , , crossfire (at)
- Posted-Date: Tue, 27 Oct 92 15:45:56 EST
Subject: Re: Sorry guys, I'm superstitious, anyways it's amusing. Page Down.
In-reply-to: Your message of Wed, 21 Oct 92 21:10:18 -0400.
Well, since I'm not a believer in chain letters, and ESPECIALLY ones that
promise hot greasy monkey sex, here's a bit of a counter-proposition
for such situations...
Use it in good health.
From: (sparky: longing for sahuarita)
Subject: valentine to beat all valentines
The gentleman from whom you received this valentine finds you
stunningly attractive. You occupy his thoughts during the idle
moments of his day. You are his Aphrodite of inspiration.
You are hereby requested to let him down in no uncertain
terms, as he, jaded by age, desperation and ill experiences, is in
severe need of a reality check. Please detach the bottom portion
of this form, mark the appropriate blank(s), and return it to him
at the address below.
Address: _____________________________
(detach here)
___ Get lost. ___ You'd do better
looking for a date
___ Go crawl back under in a retirement
the rock from whence home.
you came.
___ Meet me in the
___ You make me sick, you parking lot later
abhorrent cow-felching so that I can watch
geek. my boyfriend and his
buddies pummel your
___ Let's do lunch so that face.
I, for lack of words,
can demonstrate my ___ Other, (specify):
feelings by vomiting ________________________
on the table. ________________________