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Re: your mail

> quoted... Just for an example of what happens... Anyway, what do folks think
> of having encryption for the savefiles [for those of us who don't have enough
> space to store savefiles, even with 54Megs of space on our games locker, where
> the binaries and libfiles are]?)

Did you mean encryption or compression?
I've just added encryption to the passwords, would be easy enough to crypt
the rest of the save-file with the same key, but it would be rather pointless
since the player already knows the password/key.
Of course, a key can be put into config.h and kept secret...

There is also support for uncompressing the save-files, but not for
compressing them.  Since it's so easy to support that as well, I'll
add it.  But remember that half of the save-files usually are only one
block, so there isn't all that much to gain.

Maybe adding a client which only handshakes with crossfire and tells
both which user and what window wants to play, it would be possible
to limit the players, and thus the save-files to one pr. user.
(Much like in the game xpilot, for those who have tried it).
