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- To: crossfire (at)
- From:
- Date: Fri, 16 Oct 92 02:18:45 EDT
I can generate statistics on the levels and types of players playing here
at MIT, if you wish. I am currently logging instances of when a new
player is added/died/quit from the game -- and apparently I have about
1885 players added/died/quit in the past 5 days... (I know, it doesn't
say a whole lot, but then I have only been interested in seeing how heavy
usage is on the distributed system here [13,000 users, and about 350 public
workstations, many more private]. I also don't want to invade player's
Currently, I have the player's keep their own savefiles, otherwise I'd
have several megs of savefiles in my hands.
(P.S. I have a player here who apparently is a 13th level cleric with the
following items:
oneCrusher +3, 2 Excaliber +5 s, 1 Mournblade +4, Stinger +3. My damage
is 59 with a Bonecrusher and thaco 0.
quoted... Just for an example of what happens... Anyway, what do folks think
of having encryption for the savefiles [for those of us who don't have enough
space to store savefiles, even with 54Megs of space on our games locker, where
the binaries and libfiles are]?)