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Re: Character Classes...

> Has there been any thoughts about implementing stricter classes? As it is now
> there is no benefit for a player to choose a wizard, for example, it is much 
> easier for a player to choose a barbarian/warrior and still be able to use
> spells when he has advanced a few levels. Introducing classes would also add
> a few possibilities to the game, such as;

>	i)	Cleric spells (heal, turn undead etc...)
>	ii)	Wizard spells (fireball, delayed fireball etc...)
>	iii)	Class specific weapons (godly weapons; for clerics)
>	etc...

Yes, it could be, that you fumble the spell more easier if you
not are in the class.

//   Petri Heinila   //   email:                           //
//                   //   mail:  Ainonkatu 2A                         //
//                   //          53100 Lappeenranta                   //
//                   //          Finland, Europe                      //