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Re: new version of crossedit?

>Hello, i went a grabbed version .05 of crossedit...along with the mods
>made to the source......I keep getting "Imake.tmp" not found...when i
>try to make World....????

I made some changes to imake system. And forgot the "make World" :).
The way it (should) goes is:
	make Makefiles
	make depend

>any do i specify the .tmpl file....there is one in config..

The included templatefile should be crossfire.tmpl ."Imake.tmp" - says
nothing to me at the moment, I check it more.

//   Petri Heinila   //   email:                  //
//                   //   mail:  Ainonkatu 2A                         //
//                   //          53100 Lappeenranta                   //
//                   //          Finland, Europe                      //