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Local variations to crossfire.

I was thinking the other day about some of the local changes we've made to
crossfire here, specifically with archetypes and bitmaps.  Basically, we have
several bitmaps/corresponding monsters for well-known personalities in the

The problem is, every time a new distribution comes out, these have to be
changed, as the font is generally larger, and so the bitmaps have to be
placed in a new part of the font, and then all references to them have to be

Approach 1:

Set aside a small chunk of the font to be used for local, site-specific
bitmaps.  This way, we won't have to continually change our files every
time the font gets bigger (every release, really).  I guess a chunk of about
100 elements would do fine, for the moment.

Approach 2:

Have a 'localbmaps' file in images as well as bmaps, and modify xbmtobdf to
put entries from there after the other elements in the font.  Then arrange
for archetype entries of the form L12 (possible syntax, seems as good as any)
to refer to the local bitmap 12, and have them resolved somehow.  This should
be easy enough to do by just adding the appropriate offset to them, but this
means that the font would have to be converted _before_ the crossfire server
was compiled, so that we can compile the offset in.  Not that this is a real
problem, but it's not a requirement yet.

So what do people think?  Surely we're not the only ones with this problem!


Geoff Bailey (Fred the Wonder Worm)   |   Programmer by trade --
                      |       Gameplayer by vocation.