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Re: Some ideas

> - let players choose a family before starting, assign a house to that family
> - class-exit (only one class allowed)
> - family-exit (only one family allowed)
> - a player-exit (only one player allowed)
I don't really like these unless there is a really good explanation.
I personally think I should be able to break into other peoples

> - library-exit
?? What would this do?

> - pen (let players write messages on walls/floors)
The marking rune will let you do this.

> - public office, has some brochers with holiday-ideas etc, also has
>   the adress of all major places in the town (family-houses, guilds)
Generally people put signs in the towns identifying what is open and
In general this seem to involve lots of bitmaps.  If you draw the
bitmaps, the code is more likely to follow.  Many of the people who
are working on the code can write code, but can't draw too well.
"It seemed like a good idea at the time"
           -The Mad Hatter
"Yes, you're very smart.  Shut up."
           -In "The Princess Bride"