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Some ideas
- To: crossfire (at)
- Subject: Some ideas
- From:
- Date: Fri, 8 Apr 94 11:45:55 +0200
Hi guys, here's a little brainwave:
- let players choose a family before starting, assign a house to that family
- class-exit (only one class allowed)
- family-exit (only one family allowed)
- a player-exit (only one player allowed)
- saveable rooms (even there after crash, saved in special directory)
- a player-save-bed recieves the name of the first player that applies it
(and doesn't allow other players to apply it, until the original player is
- foutains
- canteens (fillable from rivers,fountains,sinks ect)
- more clothings like: leather shoes,cowboy-hat,shawl,gloves,jeans,etc
- library-exit
- pen (let players write messages on walls/floors)
- writing desk (let players write books, scrolls and letters)
- post office (finally a way to send messages to other players)
with a post-box, and stamp-and-paper shop.
- stamps (wow! deliver the letter to the room of the reciepient!)
- mailbox (need that too ofcourse!)
- public office, has some brochers with holiday-ideas etc, also has
the adress of all major places in the town (family-houses, guilds)
- roadnames (need that to specify adresses)
- some rooms are to be saved permanently (thus creating storage rooms)
- books can only be read when seated (finaly some use for those chairs)
mailbox:-contains all the letters (and packages) send to you.
postbox:-sends your letter (or package) to the mailbox of the reciepient.
postoff:-contains a shop, selling stamps, paper
guild: -only entered by ONE class
-special items for class collected in the 'holy-class room' (saveable)
-books (written by players) in a library, helping beginning players
home: -only entered by ONE family
-has sleeping-hall with player-save-beds
-has a family-share in some things (players must be fair, or they
will be abbandoned from the family (and thus their belonings))
-has private rooms for each player in the family
foutain:-will be endlessly drinkable
canteen:-can be filled with water from a foutain etc
exits: The special exits need something like:
If this field is empty, allow everything.
exit->allow_name = { CLASS,FAMILY,PLAYER }_name;
rooms: The saveable rooms must belong to a class, family or player.
It must be able to restore them to original (thus work with a copy).
Place them in a directory: maps/save_{classes,families,players}/*
canteen:Need a max-fill number
foutain:can't be picked up, can't be burned, can be drinked from, doesn't
disapear after drinking.
That's all,
Patrick van Logchem