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Re: new stat spell system

On Mon, 28 Mar 1994, Peter Mardahl wrote:

> I tested trying to get my charisma from 21 to 30.
> It took 500sp nder the current system I've installed.
> Non-hacked characters aside, 500 spellpoints are very difficult
> to come by.

Mhh, the situation is a litte bit more complicated. If you have high
charisma, the spell gives you only little more. If you start with 21
Charisma, you may need a loot of Spellpoints to get to 30 Charisma ( I
never tested that), but if you start with say 13 Charisma, you can get
30 Charisma with about 60 spellpoints. That doesn't seem to be fair to 
characters with high natural charisma. :-( 
There is probably a bug, so that your real stat is used to compute the new 
value and not the actual one.
