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Re: TCP vs UDP

Rupert G. Goldie <> writes:
> Absolutely not. As a player I have to be able to hit a movement key
> three times and _know_ that I will move three times. If I am doing
> soem fancy  maneuvering it is totally unacceptable for one move to be
> dropped so that I  end up bashing my head into a wall while the
> monster chasing me pounds me to  death. With the real time action of
> Crossfire that sort of behaviour will  piss players off no end.

In the proposed protocol, there is no 'MOVE n' command.  Instead there  
is a 'MOVE <player-tag> <x-loc> <y-loc>'.  A server which receives this  
command will try and move the player to the named location as fast as  
possible by the straightest route.  Losing a packet under these  
circumstances can still be annoying, but it isn't quite as bad.

> Also, aren't we going to lose the benefit of having an ASCII protocol
> if we use UDP ? No more telnetting for diagnosing problems. 

Yep, that is one benefit which we would lose.  But there are others.

But please don't misunderstand me -- I'm not arguing in favour of a UDP  
protocol, at least not know.  I'm just trying to point out that if done  
right and with enough work you can probably reach a point with UDP in  
which the advantages outweigh the disadvantages.

	Carl Edman