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> Scott Iverson writes:
> >I want to suggest that make clean will remove:
> >.collect-stamp, archetypes, bmaps, bmaps.paths, crossfire.bdf,
> >crossfire.cfb, crossfire.pcf, and crossfire.pix.
> Mark Wedel writes:
> > I dislike the idea of clean removing all those lib files.  I really do not
> >want to make the arch directory a required part of the distribution - it
> >should only be needed by those adding new archetypes or doing more
> >esoteric functions (like making the spoiler file.  Which, btw, I will
> >pre-make one before I tar up each version.)
> Perhaps you might consider making a realclean or distclean target.
> MfG
> Klaus

I don't see the problem if you remove those files from the source's lib dir
and not the crossfire binary's lib dir.  I hope you see what I mean.  Now that
I have compiled the program, why would I want a copy in
/usr/local/src/crossfire-0.90.1/lib when I have a copy that is beeing used in
/usr/local/games/lib/crossfire?   I think that if you have a destination lib
dir, then having clean remove the files that 'make all' in the source lib dir
is a good idea.
