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Re: Is there anybody there?

[A periscope pops up in the middle of the road, turning a full 360 degrees
 before popping back where it came from.  A nearby manhole is carefully
 pushed aside, emitting a lot of steam.  After a few seconds, an obviously
 terrible embarrassed person returns from the murky depths]
Raphael Quinet wrote:
> From my point of view, here is what should be done:
>  1) Get Frank's approval about this whole thing, or at least get some
>     comments form him.

A "Project team" or something similar sounds very nice to me.

>  2) Choose a new maintainer (if Frank is out of the race) then build a team
>     of a few programmers who will work on the core of the game until we have
>     something ready for the first new "official" distribution.

Volunteers?  I spotted a volunteer??  Please! 8)
And give the maintainer some freedom to distribute workload among the team
if he for some reason is busy?

>  2) Get the latest alpha or beta version from Frank.

I'll put it out permanently as
(will be there within an hour)

>  5) Debug, debug, debug...

My local version _still_ has that malloc bug...It's real nasty.  Instead
of making the game crash, it puts crossfire strings among the X-variables
occasionally.  Like changing the name of the window to "food", or something
