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font idea (servers)

 What might be a good idea is for each server admin (when setting up)
to name their font something unique (ie, crossfire.madhatter,
crossfire.corpse, etc.)

 This is for several reasons:  In this way, a user can have fonts for
all the different servers on his system without worry of conflicts
(ie, if I grab the scotch font file, it may not match with what font
corpse is using, or any other server), and also allows sites to change the
font file without any worry.

 The site local to the server could obviously installed the properly named
font for their system.

 The problem right now is that I could grab the font for one server, and
it would not match up on another server.  I could use bitmaps, but over
a 14.4 kbps term connection, I have a feeling it could be slow to download
the bitmaps.


   Mark Wedel