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Re: CF:Bug in spell Polimorph

> >> This means that you can create any artifact you want just by
> >> do some changing on more available items.
> >
> >'s only that you need one artifact to create another...
> >
>   On the contrary.  I have had lots of fun recently polymorphing cloaks
> of leather and silk into cloaks of
> protection, warmpth,
> and even the Underworld.
> The artifact generation stuff is bad, polymorph should NOT
> do it.

That problem is ONLY valid with cloaks, and thus the problems lies
within them - not the spell. The problem is that the artifact-cloaks
are just random cloaks, with a chance of something like 250. Of course
you can polymorph an ordinary cloak into a special one, if you try
long enough (and not too long either, I agree).

But other stuff - swords, shields, helmets etc. etc., that is not
possible. The cloaks should be changed, not the spell.
