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inventory lists - alternative display vs glyph

In color mode it would be easy to do:
	by playing with the fg/bg colors

In bitonal mode or grey scale it becomes more interesting.
	You could draw a box around the item,
	you can swap the fg & bg,
	you can tile the background with a pixmap
	you can stipple the text 

	The last two can be hard to read.

What ever mechanism we use, it needs to be able to display multiple
attributes in a compact representation.

	ie:	locked/unlocked
		unidentified/been worn (paratially identified)/identified
		not worn / worn - readied

It would be good if the same mechanism could be used in both
bitonal,greyscale and color.

I propose:
	box around item for locked items
	Use a bold font and a light grey pixmap (light through
	dithering) for normal items.
	change background to solid black for cursed items
	use reverse video for blessed

	have some glyphs that are 'ored' together to indicate
	worn/not worn & the identified state
	Not worn	blank
	Worn		body outline

	unknown		question mark
	been worn	1/2 a question mark
	identified	nothing

	This could be extended fo support other attributes
	blessed	halo around the body
	cursed - reverse video
	normal nothing

	locked - border around space