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Re: Skills!

 recently wrote:

>> > 'cast line 10 death 10 time 5
>> >
>> > 'cast ball 3 poison 10 trigger
>>   Uh, please imagine for a second what playing would be like.
>> Imagine typing all this garbage in while some monster is pounding
>> you.  JOY!
>This is a problem, but I think that if you can solve it, it would add
>another dimension to the game.

There's a simple solution, really.  You use the game's macroing facilities to
do it, and/or just define individual spells as a certain collection of spell

'cast small ligntning 
    would be the same as
'case bolt 3 electricity 4 time 1

GAme server admins could administer spells as a fixed set of spell forumlae, 
or let players make up their own and cast those custom formulae via bound keys.

This is one example of getting a nice meta-system separated out from the rest
of the basic game mechanics code.

I really like this idea, btw.  Something like this has been on my 'ideas'  list
(and others' I'm sure) for some time now...

 Eric Mehlhaff,