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Re: Skills!

> > 'cast line 10 death 10 time 5
> >
> > 'cast ball 3 poison 10 trigger
>   Uh, please imagine for a second what playing would be like.
> Imagine typing all this garbage in while some monster is pounding
> you.  JOY!

This is a problem, but I think that if you can solve it, it would add
another dimension to the game.

>   I like the idea a lot too, but crossfire is far too quick-paced
> for this.....  It'd be adding a complicated feature which is mostly
> unused.  Better to invest energy in a server-client split.

I agree. Client-server for v1.0 and other fancy things, like a better
spell system, for Crossfire 2000, or whatever :-)

> PeterM

|    | Everything's cool and froody.
| Johan Danielsson      |                          -ZB