Crossfire Mailing List Archive>Well, I had thinked this like classing: I love the idea. >There are three type functioning spell: > >1. Effect >2. Transfer >3. Trigger >The Effect spell is the damage, etc. that hit the target. >The effect has also a strengt (small,medium,large) as attribute. I'd rather think of it as a number, perhaps 1-10. More on this later. >The transfer is how the spell is propagated among. >Transfers are: > - Bolt > - [...] - Maelstroem A swastika with the lines curved instead of with sharp corners, rotating out of the point where it was created. Aroubah. My secret dream. >The Trigger determines how the spell is lauched. >And the final object casting spell instance is combination >of all these (Effect,Transfer,Trigger). The player can for >example command: > > > cast Cone of Fire by Immediate # that's burning hands > > cast Line of Electricity by Immediate # lightning > > cast HeatSeaker of large Fire by TouchTo5x5 # that's smart nuke :) > > cast Self of Cure poison by Immediate # ... >The player have to learn all the components separetly. I love this. If we do it like this, the effects/transfers/triggers may all be skills. This is a lot like Ars Magicia, a spellcaster roleplaying game. Any spellskill (effects/transfers/triggers) may be learned separately, and at different levels. The better you know the spellskill, the less sp do you use casting a spell with this component. Also, there is the possibility to find weird spellskills far down into a dungeon. Which could be great fun. I suggest making the syntax a bit different, though. By adding numbers instead of small/medium/large. My suggestion looks like this: 'cast cone 2 heal 5 immediate Which would cast a cone, not very big as one only puts "2" power in it, try to heal with this cone, and heal pretty good too, 5, and do it now. Heal the party. 'cast line 10 death 10 time 5 This creates a VERY long (10) line of potent (10) death in an interval of 5 time units. We'll have to decide on some appropriate time. 'cast ball 3 poison 10 trigger Creates a relatively small ball (3) of very potent and damaging poison (10) around the square that is stepped on. We'll have to add in an alias command for spells, so that one may define "lb5" as "line 5 electricity 5 immediate", and then type "'cast lb5". And, let's get a more prompt on those binds. Right away. I think this idea is ENORMOUSLY GOOD. What do you think? It WOULD require a complete rewrite of the magic system, but it would make people use spells MUCH more creativly. I most totally love it. - Bjorn