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Re: Skills!

On Wed, 1 Jun 1994  wrote:

> >   I happen to think that learning the spell of Small fireball should make
> > it easier to learn and be effective with Medium Fireball, and Large Fireball,
> > and might even help with Burning Hands, and other missile spells like
> > Comet, large bullet, magic bullet.  I think dividing magic skills by spell
> > is bad.  Dividing by path is better, but I think the whole field of channeling
> > mana to produce effects is so inter-related that learning in any one area
> > should enhance all the rest.
> > ...
> One solution to this is to group the spells into classes. In Crossfire
> and most muds, a spell is a spell and doesn't have anything to do with
> other spells. 

Well, I had thinked this like classing:

There are three type functioning spell:

1. Effect
2. Transfer
3. Trigger

The Effect spell is the damage, etc. that hit the target.
The effect has also a strengt (small,medium,large) as attribute.
Effects are like
	- Fire
	- Frost
	- Electricity
	- Cure

The transfer is how the spell is propagated among.
Transfers are:
	- Bolt
	- Line (this is Bolt in xfire)
	- Cone
	- Ball
	- Heat Seaker :) (speed ball,...)
	- Mine
	- Self

The Trigger determines how the spell is lauched.
Triggers are:
	- Immediate
	- Time
	- TouchToSquare
	- TouchTo3x3
	- TouchTo5x5
	- Selective

And the final object casting spell instance is combination
of all these (Effect,Transfer,Trigger). The player can for
example command:

	> cast Cone of Fire by Immediate              # that's burning hands
	> cast Line of Electricity by Immediate       # lightning
	> cast HeatSeaker of large Fire by TouchTo5x5 # that's smart nuke :)
	> cast Self of Cure poison by Immediate       # ...

The player have to learn all the components separetly. And there
are different fumbling rates also, the HeatSeaker may be hardest
(heading to self, instead :) for example. 

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