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Re: Skills!

Peter Mardahl wrote:
> >If a character finds an Artifact of any kind, he simply places it on
> No one would ever want to train in any skill other than Sword, then,
> because all the coolest artifacts are swords.  Holy Avenger, Defender,
> Darkblade, Demonbane, Dragonslayer, Stormbringer, Mournblade....
> These are the best, and these are all swords.

What about Bonecrusher and Sting? And anyway, who says we can't change some of
the Sword artifacts into  other weapon types?

btw, have you ever tried fighting with the different types of sword? broad
vs. short vs. long vs. bastard vs epee vs sabre, etc? You cannot fence 
with a broadsword, or smash through plate mail with an epee!

Just another ha'penneth! Ben.
|    _|--|_    |   Disclaimer: I've got a degree and maybe 1/2 of a PhD.   |
|     (\/)     +--------------------------------+--------------------------+
|      vv      | However, I still know nothing! |            |