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Re: Skills!

Mark Wedel wrote:
> A few notes on the proposed system of micro skills:
> Having a multitude of weapon skills becomes fairly difficult to program.
> Either you need to have space for all the potential weapons in the player
> structure (which would be a lot), or some other method needs to be found
> to keep track of the skill levels.

Hasn't anybody thought of hanging a linked list off of a single pointer
in the player structure? That's the obvious way of keeping track of a
variable number of items in a list - the same could be done with spells.

Linked lists are probably the easiest complex structure to build in C -
I learnt C on a commercial course in a week, and by the end of the week
I had basically built a simple-minded single-user database using linked

Just my ha'penneth, Ben.
|    _|--|_    |   Disclaimer: I've got a degree and maybe 1/2 of a PhD.   |
|     (\/)     +--------------------------------+--------------------------+
|      vv      | However, I still know nothing! |            |