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XPM Colors

 HEre is an xpm file that has the legal colors.  To use this file,
just save it someplace, and then when you run pixmap, load this file
first, and it will then allocate all these colors along the top to
choose from.

--cut here--
/* XPM */
static char *template[] = {
"24 24 29 1",
"       c None  s Transparent",
".      c Black",
"X      s Dark gray     c Grey25",
"o      s Gray  c Grey50",
"O      s Light gray    c Grey75",
"+      c White",
"@      s Dark red      c Firebrick",
"#      c Red",
"$      s Light red     c Salmon",
"%      s Dark green    c SeaGreen",
"a      c Green",
"b      s Light green   c PaleGreen",
"c      s Dark blue     c Navy",
"d      c Blue",
"e      s Light blue    c DodgerBlue",
"f      c Goldenrod     s Dark yellow",
"g      s Yellow        c Gold",
"h      s Light yellow  c Yellow",
"i      s Dark magenta  c Maroon",
"j      c Magenta",
"k      s Light magenta c Pink",
"l      s Dark cyan     c Cyan4",
"m      s Cyan  c Cyan2",
"n      s Light Cyan    c Cyan",
"o      s Dark orange   c Chocolate",
"p      c Orange",
"q      s Dark brown    c Sienna",
"r      s Brown         c Peru",
"s      s Light brown   c Khaki",
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"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
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"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
"                        ",
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"                        ",
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"                        "};
--cut here