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Re: Crossfire comments

> Identify has made it very unfortunate to be a low level character.
> It has become very difficult to obtain enough money to improve
> your equipment or spell knowledge.  Too hard.
> Some provision should be made so that 
> a)  you can purchase identifications somehow, FOR A SET PRICE,
> instead of having to buy scrolls.
> b)  "prayers" by low level characters will cause identification sometimes,
> with the gods using an increasingly 'laissez faire' attitude as you advance
> or
> c)  players can sometimes, though very inefficiently, identify stuff for
> themselves.
Actually, this is one thing I want to do very soon on the chico server. 
Make some sort of temple that for a marginal fee, you can identify items...uses
your runes of identify :> of course can a rune be triggered more then once????
